Near and Mid Infrared Spectroscopy to detect malolactic biotransformation of Oenococcus oeni in wine-model
2014 I. Vigentini, S. Grassi, N. Sinelli, V. Di Egidio, C. Picozzi, R. Foschino, E. Casiraghi
NIR spectroscopy for the optimization of postharvest apple management
2014 G. Giovanelli, N. Sinelli, R. Beghi, R. Guidetti, E. Casiraghi
Detection of minced beef adulteration with turkey meat by UV-vis, NIR and MIR spectroscopy
2013 C. Alamprese, M. Casale, N. Sinelli, S. Lanteri, E. Casiraghi
Effects of osmo-air dehydration treatments on chemical, antioxidant and morphological characteristics of blueberries
2013 G. Giovanelli, A. Brambilla, N. Sinelli
Application of NIR and MIR spectroscopy to assess freshness in sea bream (Sparus auratus) and salmon (Salmo salar) during ice storage
2012 C. Alamprese, N. Sinelli, F. Rauzzino, E. Casiraghi, C. Pompei
Combined effects of osmo-and air-dehydration treatments on chemical, antioxidant and morphological characteristics of blueberries
2012 G. Giovanelli, A. Brambilla, A. Rizzolo, N. Sinelli
Applicazione della spettroscopia NIR all’identificazione di carne decongelata
2012 C. Alamprese, N. Sinelli, E. Casiraghi
Near infrared and mid infrared spectroscopy in oenology : determination of main components involved in malolactic transformation
2012 S. Grassi, I. Vigentini, N. Sinelli, R. Foschino, E. Casiraghi
Detection of bovine meat adulteration by UV-VIS, NIR and MIR spectroscopy
2012 E. Casiraghi, N. Sinelli, M. Casale, C. Alamprese
Effects of blanching pre-treatmnet and sugar composition of the osmotic solution on physico-chemical, morphological and antioxidant characteristics of osmodehydrated blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.)
2012 G. Giovanelli, A. Brambilla, A. Rizzolo, N. Sinelli
VIS-NIR, FT-NIR and FT-IR spectroscopy for quick selection and exploitation of grapes entering the winery
2011 E. Casiraghi, N. Sinelli, R. Guidetti, R. Beghi
Valorizzazione e ottimizzazione delle filiere viticola e frutticola valtellinesi attraverso sistemi innovativi in postraccolta e trasformazioni ad alta qualità (VALORVì)
2011 L. Bodria, R. Guidetti, R. Beghi, V. Giovenzana, I. Mignani, A. Spinardi, G. Cocetta, E. Casiraghi, G. Giovanelli, N. Sinelli, S. Buratti, S. Benedetti, L. Fongaro, A. Moles, A. Giugni
Minimisation of instrumental noise in the acquisition of FT-NIR spectra of bread wheat using experimental design and signal processing techniques
2011 G. Foca, C. Ferrari, N. Sinelli, M. Mariotti, M. Lucisano, R. Caramanico, A. Ulrici
Prediction of semolina technological quality by FT-NIR spectroscopy
2011 N. Sinelli, M.A. Pagani, M. Lucisano, M.G. D'Egidio, M. Mariotti
Varietal discrimination of coffee by NIR spectroscopy and electronic tongue
2011 E. Casiraghi, N. Sinelli, E. Bertone, A. Venturello, S. Buratti, F. Geobaldo
Monitoring the shelf life of minced beef meat using NIR and MIR spectroscopy
2011 N. Sinelli, E. Casiraghi
Spectroscopic techniques coupled with chemometric tools for the evaluation of light induced oxidation in cheese
2011 N. Sinelli, S. Limbo, E. Casiraghi
Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy as a tool for monitoring blueberry osmo-air dehydration process
2011 N. Sinelli, E. Casiraghi, S. Barzaghi, A. Brambilla, G. Giovanelli
Structural and nutritional quality of blueberries as affected by controlled atmosphere storage
2010 G. Giovanelli, N. Sinelli, S. Buratti, S. Benedetti, A. Spinardi, E. Casiraghi
Applicazione della spettroscopia FT-NIR per la classificazione tecnologica del frumento tenero: Parte II.
2010 A. Ulrici, G. Foca, C. Ferrari, N. Sinelli, M. Mariotti, R. Caramanico