Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie per la Salute, la Produzione Animale e la Sicurezza Alimentare (attivo dal 27/04/2012 al 01/01/2022)
Prospective pilot study on the predictive significance of plasma miR-30b-5p through the study of echocardiographic modifications in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels affected by different stages of myxomatous mitral valve disease: The PRIME study
2022 S. Ghilardi, C. Lecchi, M. Bagardi, G. Romito, F.M. Colombo, M. Polli, C. Franco, P.G. Brambilla
Database development and survival analysis in a clinical and historical cohort of dogs affected by myxomatous mitral valve disease treated or not with pimobendan using causal inference techniques.
2022 M. Bagardi, V. Palermo, C. Locatelli, F.M. Colombo, L. Pazzagli, P.G. Brambilla
Influence of morphometry on echocardiographic measurements in cavalier king charles spaniels : an inverse probability weighting analysis
2021 M. Bagardi, S. Ghilardi, C. Locatelli, A. Bionda, M. Polli, C.M. Bussadori, F.M. Colombo, L. Pazzagli, P.G. Brambilla
β-hydroxyacyl-CoA-dehydrogenase activity differentiates unfrozen from frozen-thawed Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares)
2019 C. Bernardi, E. Tirloni, S. Stella, A. Anastasio, P. Cattaneo, F. Colombo
Selected results of DNA-based species identification on animal foods
2018 F.M. Colombo, P. Cattaneo, C. Bernardi
Histamine food poisoning : a systematic review and meta anlysis
2018 F.M. Colombo, P. Cattaneo, E. Confalonieri, C.E.M. Bernardi
Microbiological evaluation of carcasses of wild boar hunted in a hill area of northern Italy
2018 S. Stella, E. Tirloni, E. Castelli, F. Colombo, C. Bernardi
Prevalence and Mean Intensity of Anisakidae Parasite in Seafood Caught in Mediterranean Sea Focusing on Fish Species at Risk of Being Raw-consumed. A Meta Analysis and Systematic Review
2016 F. Colombo, P. Cattaneo, M. Castelletti, C. Bernardi
Evaluation of the in vitro antimicrobial activity of mixtures of Lactobacillus sakei and Lactobacillus curvatus isolated from argentine meat and their effect on vacuum-packaged beef
2016 S. Stella, C. Bernardi, P. Cattaneo, F.M. Colombo, E. Tirloni
Relationship between endoscopic findings and cellular populations of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) in 273 standardbred racehorses with inflammatory airway disease (IAD)
2016 L. Stucchi, E. Zucca, M. Toussaint, S. Ceriotti, G. Stancari, B. Conturba, F.M. Colombo, J.P. Lavoie, F. Ferrucci
Hemolymph parameters as physiological biomarkers in American lobster (Homarus americanus) for monitoring the effects of two commercial maintenance methods
2015 C. Bernardi, L. Baggiani, E. Tirloni, S. Stella, F. Colombo, V.M. Moretti, P. Cattaneo
Microbiological shelf life at different temperatures and fate of Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli inoculated in unflavored and strawberry yogurts
2015 E. Tirloni, C. Bernardi, F. Colombo, S. Stella
DNA barcoding : uno strumento utile all'ispezione degli alimenti
2011 C. Bernardi, F. Colombo, C. Balzaretti, C. Gagliardi, P. Cattaneo
Polymerase chain reaction products (PCR) on DNA barcode zone resolved by temporal temperature gradient electophoresis: a tool for species identification of mixed meat specimens : a technical note on preliminary results
2011 F. Colombo, S. Chessa, P. Cattaneo, C.E.M. Bernardi
Valutazione della conservabilità di polpo (Octopus vulgaris) decongelato mediante analisi sensoriali e batteriologiche
2009 C. Bernardi, R. Malandra, B. Ripamonti, F. Colombo, M. Grazioli, F. Mosca, P. Cattaneo
Considerazioni sui batteri alteranti i prosciutti crudi
2008 C. Cantoni, S. Milesi, S. Pirani, F. Colombo, L. Chiesa
Comportamento di pesce azzurro mantenuto in miscele di ghiaccio-acqua con e senza sale
2008 P. Cattaneo, C. Bernardi, M.A. Marzano, F. Colombo, A. Greco, G. Gandini, R. Malandra
Isolation and identification of thermophilic Campylobacter cattle carcasses from a northern Italian slaughterhouse
2008 L. Valnegri, M. Franzoni, F. Colombo, G. Soncini
Enterobacteriaceae e rigonfiamento di confezioni di carne refrigerate sottovuoto
2008 S. Milesi, C. Cantoni, S. Panseri, F. Colombo, L.M. Chiesa
Ceppi alteranti isolati da orate (Sparus aurata) d'allevamento
2007 P. Cattaneo, F. Colombo, C. Bernardi, C. Cantoni, G. Ziino, C. Scarano, A. Ianieri