Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie per la Salute, la Produzione Animale e la Sicurezza Alimentare (attivo dal 27/04/2012 al 01/01/2022)
Severe asthma is associated with a remodeling of the pulmonary arteries in horses
2020 S. Ceriotti, M. Bullone, M. Leclere, F. Ferrucci, J.P. Lavoie
The ghrelin paradox in the control of equine chondrocyte function: The good and the bad
2018 S. Ceriotti, A.L. Consiglio, L. Casati, F. Cremonesi, V. Sibilia, F. Ferrucci
2018 S. Ceriotti
Equine dysphagia: a review of 17 cases
2017 B. Conturba, E. Salsecci, S. Ceriotti, L. Stucchi, G. Stancari, E. Zucca, F. Ferrucci
Pulmonary artery remodeling reversibility in an equine model of asthma
2017 S. Ceriotti, M. Bullone, F. Ferrucci, J.P. Lavoie
Assessment of pulmonary vascular smooth muscle remodeling in severe equine asthma
2017 S. Ceriotti, M. Bullone, F. Ferrucci, J. Lavoie
Efficacy of the Administration of a Natural Feed Supplement in the Management of Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome in 7 Sport Horses : A Field Trial
2017 L. Stucchi, E. Zucca, A. Serra, G. Stancari, S. Ceriotti, B. Conturba, E. Ferro, F. Ferrucci
Evaluation of the correlation between laryngohyoid conformation and electromyographic activity of thyrohyoideus muscle in horses with intermittent dorsal displacement of the soft palate (DDSPi)
2017 G. Stancari, E. Zucca, N. Ducharme, L. Stucchi, B. Conturba, S. Ceriotti, E. Ferro, F. Ferrucci
The effect of Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage on some performance indices in Standardbred racehorses: preliminary results
2017 L. Stucchi, E. Zucca, S. Ceriotti, G. Stancari, B. Conturba, F. Ferrucci
Pulmonary vascular remodeling occurs in severe equine asthma
2016 S. Ceriotti, M. Bullone, A. Vargas, M. Leclère, F. Ferrucci, J.P. Lavoie
Relationship between endoscopic findings and cellular populations of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) in 273 standardbred racehorses with inflammatory airway disease (IAD)
2016 L. Stucchi, E. Zucca, M. Toussaint, S. Ceriotti, G. Stancari, B. Conturba, F.M. Colombo, J.P. Lavoie, F. Ferrucci
Intravitam diagnosis of splenic lymphoma in three horses
2016 S. Ceriotti, C. Maggioni, B. Conturba, G. Stancari, L. Stucchi, E. Zucca, F. Ferrucci
Intossicazione da clostridium botulinum di tipo B nel cavallo adulto nel nord Italia: 1 caso clinico
2016 B. Conturba B, E. Zucca, S. Ferioli, S. Ceriotti, G. Stancari, L. Stucchi, F. Ferrucci
Pulmonary vascular remodeling occurs in severe equine asthma
2016 S. Ceriotti, M. Bullone, F. Ferrucci, J. Lavoie
Atypical erythema multiforme in a female Donkey
2016 S. Ceriotti, B. Conturba, L. Stucchi, G. Stancari, E. Zucca, B. Valentin, J. Peters, F. Ferrucci
Sensitivity and specificity of ultrasonographic evaluation of small intestine wall thickness in the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease in horses: a retrospective study
2016 S. Ceriotti, E. Zucca, G. Stancari, B. Conturba, L. Stucchi, E. Ferro, H.H. Arslan, F. Ferrucci
Effects of Ghrelin on metabolic activity of equine cartilage affected with inflammatory degeneration: preliminary isolation, characterization of equine cultured chondrocytes and assessment of LPS-induced inflammatory stress
2015 S. Ceriotti, A. Lange Consiglio, L. Casati, F. Cremonesi, E. Zucca, V. Sibilia, F. Ferrucci
Sensitivity and specificity of ultrasonography for the diagnosis of bowel infiltrative disorders (BID) in 35 horses: a retrospective study
2015 S. Ceriotti, E. Zucca, G. Stancari, B. Conturba, L. Stucchi, E. Ferro, F. Ferrucci
Equine multisystemic eosinophilic epitheliotropic disease (EMEED) : two case reports
2014 L. Stucchi, E. Zucca, G. Stancari, S. Ceriotti, B. Conturba, E. Ferro, F. Ferrucci
Sensitivity and specificity of ultrasonography for the diagnosis of malabsorption syndrome in the horse
2014 S. Ceriotti, E. Zucca, G. Stancari, B. Conturba, L. Stucchi, V. Bronzo, E. Ferro, F. Ferrucci