Dipartimento di Scienze per gli Alimenti, la Nutrizione e l'Ambiente
Bio-Functional and Structural Properties of Pasta Enriched with a Debranning Fraction from Purple Wheat
2020 P. ABBASI PARIZAD, M. Marengo, F. Bonomi, A. Scarafoni, C. Cecchini, M. Ambrogina Pagani, A. Marti, S. Iametti
Effect of Sprouting on Proteins and Starch in Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)
2020 D. Suárez-Estrella, A. Bresciani, S. Iametti, M. Marengo, M.A. Pagani, A. Marti
Inhibition of Pancreatic α-amylase by Resveratrol Derivatives : Biological Activity and Molecular Modelling Evidence for Cooperativity between Viniferin Enantiomers
2019 L.M. Mattio, M. Marengo, C. Parravicini, I. Eberini, S.M.D. Dallavalle, F. Bonomi, S. Iametti, A. Pinto
The bio-functional properties of pigmented cereals may involve synergies among different bioactive species
2019 P. Abbasi Parizad, J. Capraro, A. Scarafoni, F. Bonomi, M. Blandino, M. Marengo, D. Giordano, A. Carpen, S. Iametti
Topological features of the intermolecular contacts in gluten-forming proteins: Exploring a novel methodological approach based on gold nanoparticles
2019 M. Marengo, G. Mamone, P. Ferranti, L. Polito, S. Iametti, F. Bonomi
Pigmented Grains as a Source of Bioactives
2019 S. Iametti, P. Abbasi Parizad, F. Bonomi, M. Marengo
Surface Layer of Lactobacillus helveticus MIMLh5 Promotes Endocytosis by Dendritic Cells
2019 V. Taverniti, M. Marengo, E. Fuglsang, H.M. Skovsted, S. Arioli, G. Mantegazza, G. Gargari, S. Iametti, F. Bonomi, S. Guglielmetti, H. Frøkiær
Effects of starch addition on the activity and specificity of food-grade lipases
2019 A. Carpen, F. Bonomi, S. Iametti, M. Marengo
Inhibition of pancreatic α-amylase by resveratrol-derived viniferins relates to their geometrical features and implies co-operative binding
2019 L.M. Mattio, M. Marengo, C. Parravicini, I. Eberini, S.M.D. Dallavalle, F. Bonomi, S. Iametti, A. Pinto
Greetings from foodland: Teaching biochemistry to BS students in food-related courses in Italy
2019 S. Iametti, A. Barbiroli, M. Marengo, F. Bonomi
Characterization of two new rice varieties, Amankwatia and AGRA, grown in Ghana
2019 I. Amoah, H.E. Lutterodt, J. Adubofuor, M. Marengo, S. Adonu, P.T. Johnson, J. Manful, S. Iametti
Hydrophobic nanoparticles as bio-mimetic chaperones
2018 S. Iametti, M. Marengo, A. Barbiroli, F. Bonomi
Enriching gluten-free rice pasta with soybean and sweet potato flours
2018 M. Marengo, I. Amoah, A. Carpen, S. Benedetti, M. Zanoletti, S. Buratti, H.E. Lutterodt, P.N.T. Johnson, J. Manful, A. Marti, F. Bonomi, S. Iametti
Pasta integrale: messa a punto di un metodo per l'identificazione della presenza di germe di grano
2018 S. Iametti, A. Carpen, M. Marengo, F. Bonomi
Beyond gluten proteomics: accessibility of sidechains in the gluten network
2018 M. Marengo, G. Mamone, P. Ferranti, F. Bonomi, S. Iametti
Structural consequences of the interaction of puroindolines with gluten proteins
2018 E.T. Quayson, A. Marti, C.F. Morris, M. Marengo, F. Bonomi, K. Seetharaman, S. Iametti
Structure-dependent biological activities of food-related stilbene derivatives isomers
2018 S. Iametti, A. Pinto, M. Marengo, B. Francesca, A. Scarafoni, L.M. Mattio
Reologia da farinha de pescado (Rachycentron canadum)
2018 G. Arcanjo Fagundes, M.A. Pagani, M. Marengo, M. Zanoletti, M. Salas-Mellado
Using gold nanoparticles to assess protein accessibility and protein-protein interactions in complex networks
2018 M. Marengo, F. Bonomi, G. Mamone, P. Ferranti, L. Polito, S. Iametti
Managing allergenic risks at the industrial level: Egg proteins residues in pasta
2018 M. Marengo, F. Bonomi, S. Iametti