Dipartimento di Scienze per gli Alimenti, la Nutrizione e l'Ambiente
Molecular insights into the role of amylose/amylopectin ratio on gluten protein organization
2023 D. Emide, C. Magni, F. Saitta, G. Cardone, E. Botticella, D. Fessas, S. Iametti, D. Lafiandra, F. Sestili, A. Marti, A. Barbiroli
Sprouting under the spotlight
2022 A. Marti, G. Cardone, D. Suarez
Sfarinati di grillo (Acheta domesticus L.) per la produzione di pasta fresca
2022 A. Bresciani, G. Cardone, C. Jucker, S. Savoldelli, A. Marti
Influence of amylose/amylopectin ratio on wheat dough properties
2022 F. Saitta, D. Emide, C. Magni, G. Cardone, E. Botticella, D. Lafiandra, F. Sestili, A. Marti, S. Iametti, D. Fessas, A. Barbiroli
Technological Performance of Cricket Powder (Acheta domesticus L.) in Wheat-Based Formulations
2022 A. Bresciani, G. Cardone, C. Jucker, S. Savoldelli, A. Marti
Macinazione a pietra e macinazione a cilindri a confronto: focus sulle caratteristiche delle farine integrali e del pane
2021 G. Cardone, M.A. Pagani, D. Giordano, A. Pasqualone, M.C. Casiraghi, D. Erba, S. Tomatis, M. Blandino, A. Marti
In situ dextran synthesis by Weissella confusa Ck15 and Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides DSM 20193 and their effect on chickpea sourdough bread
2021 V. Galli, M. Venturi, G. Cardone, N. Pini, A. Marti, L. Granchi
2021 G. Cardone
Sprouting Time Affects Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench) Functionality and Bread-Baking Performance
2021 G. Cardone, R. Rumler, S. Speranza, A. Marti, R. Schoenlechner
Technological properties, shelf life and consumer preference of spelt-based sourdough bread using novel, selected starter cultures
2021 D. Korcari, R. Secchiero, M. Laureati, A. Marti, G. Cardone, N.S. Rabitti, G. Ricci, M.G. Fortina
Nutritional Features and Bread-Making Performance of Wholewheat: Does the Milling System Matter?
2020 M.A. Pagani, D. Giordano, G. Cardone, A. Pasqualone, M.C. Casiraghi, D. Erba, M. Blandino, A. Marti
Sprouting improves the bread-making performance of whole wheat flour (Triticum aestivum L.)
2020 G. Cardone, P. D'Incecco, M.A. Pagani, A. Marti
Sprouted Cereal Grains and Products
2020 A. Marti, G. Cardone, M.A. Pagani
Exploiting Milling By-Products in Bread-Making : The Case of Sprouted Wheat
2020 G. Cardone, P. D'Incecco, M.C. Casiraghi, A. Marti
Sprouting as a pre-processing for producing quinoa-enriched bread
2020 D. Suárez-Estrella, G. Cardone, S. Buratti, M.A. Pagani, A. Marti
Bread-making performance of durum wheat as affected by sprouting
2020 G. Cardone, S. Grassi, A. Scipioni, A. Marti
Comparison of stone-milled and recombined whole-grain flours for their rheological properties and bioactive compound content
2019 D. Giordano, G. Cardone, S. Tomatis, M.A. Pagani, M. Blandino
Insights on wheat quality evaluation along the value chain
2019 G. Cardone, A. Marti
Effects of sprouting process on the bread-making performance of durum wheat
2019 G. Cardone, A. Scipioni, S. Grassi, A. Marti
Effects of sprouting under controlled conditions on gluten properties
2019 G. Cardone, M.A. Pagani, A. Marti