Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia
The role of husk traits in maize susceptibility to Fusarium verticillioides: A multi-location study in northern Italy
2024 A. Magarini, F. Colombo, E. Cassani, M. Ghidoli, M. Landoni, S. Sangiorgio, R. Pilu
Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis of Maize Husk Characteristics Associated with Gibberella Ear Rot Resistance
2024 A. Magarini, A. Pirovano, M. Ghidoli, E. Cassani, P. Casati, R. Pilu
PGRFA management of outcrossing plants propagated by seed: from on-farm to ex situ conservation and some Italian maize case studies
2024 M. Landoni, A. Bertoncini, M. Ghidoli, G. Rossi, E. Cassani, S. Locatelli, C. Balconi, R. Pilu
Agriculture in Marginal Areas: Reintroduction of Rye and Wheat Varieties for Breadmaking in the Antrona Valley
2022 F. Colombo, N. Franguelli, G. Licheri, M. Ghidoli, E. Cassani, L. Castelli, M. Pasquali, A. Bresciani, A. Marti, M. Dell'Anno, L. Rossi, I. De Negri, M.V. Landoni, S.R. Pilu
Brachytic2 mutation is able to counteract the main pleiotropic effects of brown midrib3 mutant in maize
2022 M. Landoni, E. Cassani, M. Ghidoli, F. Colombo, S. Sangiorgio, G. Papa, F. Adani, R. Pilu
Biorefinery Approach Applied to the Valorization of Purple Corn Cobs
2021 P. De Nisi, G. Borlini, P. Abbasi Parizad, A. Scarafoni, P. Sandroni, E. Cassani, F. Adani, S.R. Pilu
Characterization of “Mais delle Fiorine” (Zea mays L.) and nutritional, morphometric and genetic comparison with other maize landraces of Lombardy region (Northern Italy)
2021 L. Giupponi, V. Leoni, F. Colombo, E. Cassani, M. Hejna, L. Rossi, R. Pilu
The sociaaalp project : Reintroduction of rye and wheat in Antrona Valley by varietal comparison
2021 G. Licheri, N. Franguelli, F. Colombo, M. Ghidoli, M. Dell'Anno, S. Sangiorgio, E. Cassani, L. Rossi, S.R. Pilu
Arundo donax l. Biomass production in a polluted area: Effects of two harvest timings on heavy metals uptake
2021 T. Danelli, A. Sepulcri, G. Masetti, F. Colombo, S. Sangiorgio, E. Cassani, S. Anelli, F. Adani, R. Pilu
Comparison among four maize varieties in conventional and low input cultivation
2020 M.V. Landoni, A. Scapin, E. Cassani, G. Borlini, A.R.V. Follador, L. Giupponi, M. Ghidoli, M. Hejna, L. Rossi, S.R. Pilu
Phlobaphenes modify pericarp thickness in maize and accumulation of the fumonisin mycotoxins
2020 M. Landoni, D. Puglisi, E. Cassani, G. Borlini, G. Brunoldi, C. Comaschi, R. Pilu
Lpa1-5525 : a new lpa1 mutant isolated in a mutagenized population by a novel non-disrupting screening method
2019 G. Borlini, C. Rovera, M. Landoni, E. Cassani, R. Pilu
Influence of clonal variation on the efficiency of Arundo donax propagation methods
2019 T. Danelli, E. Cantaluppi, A. Tosca, E. Cassani, M. Landoni, S. Bosio, F. Adani, R. Pilu
Genetic and chemical comparison among Camelina sativa varieties
2019 M. Ghidoli, G. Borlini, G. Brunoldi, E. Cassani, M. Landoni, A. Riva, M. Carpino, H. Cassol, G. Cocetta, A. Ferrante, F.F. Nocito, D. Reginelli, R. Pilu
Traditional farmers’ varieties: a valuable source of genetic variability for biofortification programs
2018 D. Puglisi, M. Landoni, E. Cassani, I. Toschi, G. Lucchini, V. Cesari, G. Borlini, A. Scapin, R. Pilu
Genetic studies regarding the control of seed pigmentation of an ancient European pointed maize (Zea mays L.) rich in phlobaphenes: the “Nero Spinoso” from the Camonica valley
2017 E. Cassani, D. Puglisi, E. Cantaluppi, M. Landoni, L. Giupponi, A. Giorgi, R. Pilu
Study on the inflorescences of Arundo donax L. clones sampled in Italy
2016 E. Cantaluppi, E. Cassani, D. Puglisi, L. Corno, M. Munaro, M. Landoni, F. Adani, R. Pilu
Study and characterization of an ancient European flint white maize rich in anthocyanins : Millo Corvo from Galicia
2015 C. Lago, M. Landoni, E. Cassani, E. Cantaluppi, E. Doria, E. Nielsen, A. Giorgi, R. Pilu
Study of an ancient maize from Valcamonica (northern Italy) rich in carotenoids and phlobaphenes
2015 E. Cantaluppi, M. Landoni, E. Cassani, L. Giupponi, A. Giorgi, R. Pilu
Development and characterization of a coloured sweet corn line as a new functional food
2014 C. Lago, M. Landoni, E. Cassani, S. Atanassiu, E. Cantaluppi, R. Pilu