Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia
Text mining approach in chicken meat welfare
2024 V. Cesari, G. Gislon, L. Bava, I. Toschi
Effect of seasonality and pretreatment of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste for black soldier fly larvae production
2024 C. Jucker, S. Savoldelli, S. Colombini, S. Malabusini, V. Cesari, I. Toschi, M. Pavesi, B. Scaglia, G. Papa, G. D’Imporzano, F. Adani
Chestnut cultivation development in Lombardy: leveraging native genetic resources in two pilot areas
2023 E. Cominelli, I. Beritognolo, S. Cardoni, C. Forti, M. Cherubini, L. Leonardi, P. Leone, F. Sparvoli, S. Biffani, A. Stella, I. Toschi, V. Cesari, R. Chiozzotto, M. Cirilli, C.M. Pozzi, C. Mattioni
Benessere degli animali in produzione zootecnica
2022 M. Battini, V. Cesari, G. Cozzi, L. Gallo, S. Mattiello, A. Sandrucci, I. Toschi, E. Trevisi
Produzioni avicole
2022 I. Toschi, V. Cesari
Probiotics Modulate Mouse Gut Microbiota and Influence Intestinal Immune and Serotonergic Gene Expression in a Site-Specific Fashion
2021 V. Taverniti, V.T. Cesari, G. Gargari, U. Rossi, C. Biddau, C. Lecchi, W. Fiore, S. Arioli, I. Toschi, S.D. Guglielmetti
Amniotic MSCs reduce pulmonary fibrosis by hampering lung B‐cell recruitment, retention, and maturation
2020 A. Cargnoni, P. Romele, P. Bonassi Signoroni, S. Farigu, M. Magatti, E. Vertua, I. Toschi, V. Cesari, A.R. Silini, F.R. Stefani, O. Parolini
Environmental sustainability of poultry meat production
2019 G.M. Crovetto, V. Cesari, I. Toschi
Rilascio di macro e micro nutrienti nelle filiere produttive
2018 G.M. Crovetto, V. Cesari, S. Colombini, G. Galassi, P. Aldo, L. Rapetti, S. Stefano, S. Samantha, I. Toschi
Taurine administration recovers motor and learning deficits in an angelman syndrome mouse model
2018 S. Guzzetti, L. Calzari, L. Buccarello, V. Cesari, I. Toschi, S. Cattaldo, A. Mauro, F. Pregnolato, S.M. Mazzola, S. Russo
Effect of human amniotic epithelial cells on pro-fibrogenic resident hepatic cells in a rat model of liver fibrosis
2018 C. Anna, F. Serafina, C.P. Ester, B.S. Patrizia, R. Pietro, G. Vanosi, I. Toschi, V. Cesari, B.S. Luciana, M. Magatti, S. Antonietta R., O. Parolini
Environmental impact of rabbit meat: The effect of production efficiency
2018 V. Cesari, M. Zucali, L. Bava, G. Gislon, A. Tamburini, I. Toschi
Traditional farmers’ varieties: a valuable source of genetic variability for biofortification programs
2018 D. Puglisi, M. Landoni, E. Cassani, I. Toschi, G. Lucchini, V. Cesari, G. Borlini, A. Scapin, R. Pilu
Nutritional and phenotypical characterization of two South African maize (Zea mays L) varieties sampled in the Qwa-Qwa region
2017 E. Cantaluppi, M. Steven, E. Abdulkadir A., D. Puglisi, C. Elena, I. Toschi, V.T. Cesari, M. Landoni, S. Andrea, S. Pilu
Environmental impact assessment of an Italian vertically integrated broiler system through a Life Cycle approach
2017 V. Cesari, M. Zucali, A. Sandrucci, A. Tamburini, L. Bava, I. Toschi
Mouse aldehyde-oxidase-4 controls diurnal rhythms, fat deposition and locomotor activity
2016 T. Mineko, B. Maria Monica, K. Mami, F. Maddalena, B. Marco, B. Andrea, B. Paolo, M. Edoardo, C. Mirjana, I. Roberto William, B. Renzo, P. Alice, R. Pastorelli, B. Laura, I. Toschi, V. Cesari, S. Seigo, G. Enrico
Global warming potential of broiler chicken production system using a life cycle assessment
2015 V. Cesari, M. Zucali, L. Bava, I. Toschi
Conditioned medium from amniotic membrane-derived cells prevents lung fibrosis and preserves blood gas exchanges in bleomycin-injured mice-specificity of the effects and insights into possible mechanisms
2014 A. Cargnoni, E.C. Piccinelli, L. Ressel, D. Rossi, M. Magatti, I. Toschi, V. Cesari, M. Albertini, S. Mazzola, O. Parolini
Egg quality and productive performance of laying hens fed different levels of skimmed milk powder added to a diet containing Lactobacillus acidophilus
2014 V. Cesari, M.G. Mangiagalli, A. Giardini, P. Galimberti, S. Carteri, D. Gallazzi, I. Toschi
Traditional cages for layers vs. enriched cages or slat floor
2013 D. Gallazzi, V.T. Cesari, P. Guarneri, G. Grilli, I. Toschi