Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia
Glycemic Index and Amylose Content of 25 Japonica Rice Italian Cultivar
2023 M. Rondanelli, F. Haxhari, C. Gasparri, G.C. Barrile, A. Cavioni, D. Guido, F. Mansueto, M. Zese, G. Mazzola, A. Moroni, Z. Patelli, G. Peroni, M. Pirola, A. Tartara, E. Cantaluppi, L. Campanini, E. Magnani, S. Feccia, S. Perna
Influence of clonal variation on the efficiency of Arundo donax propagation methods
2019 T. Danelli, E. Cantaluppi, A. Tosca, E. Cassani, M. Landoni, S. Bosio, F. Adani, R. Pilu
2017 E. Cantaluppi
Genetic studies regarding the control of seed pigmentation of an ancient European pointed maize (Zea mays L.) rich in phlobaphenes: the “Nero Spinoso” from the Camonica valley
2017 E. Cassani, D. Puglisi, E. Cantaluppi, M. Landoni, L. Giupponi, A. Giorgi, R. Pilu
Nutritional and phenotypical characterization of two South African maize (Zea mays L) varieties sampled in the Qwa-Qwa region
2017 E. Cantaluppi, M. Steven, E. Abdulkadir A., D. Puglisi, C. Elena, I. Toschi, V.T. Cesari, M. Landoni, S. Andrea, S. Pilu
Giant cane (Arundo donax L.) for biogas production : the effect of two ensilage methods on biomass characteristics and biogas potential
2016 L. Corno, R. Pilu, E. Cantaluppi, F. Adani
An ancient pointed maize rich in phlobaphenes: the "Nero Spinoso" from Valcamonica (Brescia, Italy)
2016 D. Puglisi, E. Cantaluppi, L. Landoni, L. Giupponi, A. Giorgi, R. Pilu
Study on the inflorescences of Arundo donax L. clones sampled in Italy
2016 E. Cantaluppi, E. Cassani, D. Puglisi, L. Corno, M. Munaro, M. Landoni, F. Adani, R. Pilu
Study of an ancient maize from Valcamonica (northern Italy) rich in carotenoids and phlobaphenes
2015 E. Cantaluppi, M. Landoni, E. Cassani, L. Giupponi, A. Giorgi, R. Pilu
Study and characterization of an ancient European flint white maize rich in anthocyanins : Millo Corvo from Galicia
2015 C. Lago, M. Landoni, E. Cassani, E. Cantaluppi, E. Doria, E. Nielsen, A. Giorgi, R. Pilu
Development and characterization of a coloured sweet corn line as a new functional food
2014 C. Lago, M. Landoni, E. Cassani, S. Atanassiu, E. Cantaluppi, R. Pilu
Arundo ottima specie da biogas grazie alle altissime rese
2014 L. Corno, S. Lonati, E. Cantaluppi, R. Pilu, E.A.B. Tosca, F. Adani
Genetic characterization of an Italian Giant Reed (Arundo donax L.) clones collection: exploiting clonal selection
2014 R. Pilu, E. Cassani, M. Landoni, F.C. Badone, A. Passera, E. Cantaluppi, L. Corno, F. Adani
Any chance to evaluate in vivo field methods using standard protocols?
2014 R. Confalonieri, C. Francone, M.E. Chiodini, E. Cantaluppi, L. Caravati, V. Colombi, D. Fantini, I. Ghiglieno, C. Gilardelli, E. Guffanti, M. Inversini, L. Paleari, G.G. Pochettino, S. Bocchi, S. Bregaglio, G. Cappelli, P. Dominoni, N. Frasso, T. Stella, M. Acutis
La canna comune e il mais : simulazione di un impianto reale di digestione anaerobica
2013 L. Corno, S.R. Pilu, E. Cantaluppi, F. Adani
Analysis of chromosome number and speculations on the origin of Arundo donax L. (Giant Reed)
2013 A. Bucci, E. Cassani, M. Landoni, E. Cantaluppi, R. Pilu