Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Tipo File Abstract
Phytochemical profiling of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) honey and investigation on compounds related to its pollen occurrence 2024 Leoni, ValeriaSara, PanseriGiupponi, LucaPavlovic, RadmilaCoatti, GloriaBeretta, GiangiacomoGiorgi, Annamaria + Article (author) -
Landraces can be agri-food resources for the sustainable development of mountain areas: the case of Copafam bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) 2023 Pedrali D.Giupponi L.Zuccolo M.Leoni V.Bernardi A. M.Cocchi F.Giorgi A Conference Object -
Saffron growing in Italy: a sustainable secondary activity for farms in hilly and sub-mountain areas 2023 Giupponi, LucaLeoni, ValeriaSala, StefanoGiorgi, AnnamariaBertoni, Danilo Article (author) -
Restoration of Vegetation Greenness and Possible Changes in Mature Forest Communities in Two Forests Damaged by the Vaia Storm in Northern Italy 2023 Giupponi, LucaLeoni, ValeriaPedrali, DavideGiorgi, Annamaria Article (author) -
How Different Analytical and Stylistics Investigations Can Help in Describing Artefacts Made of Non-coeval Parts: the Imago Pietatis in Breno 2023 Zuccolo M.Leoni V.Borgonovo G.Mazzini S.Bassoli A.Giorgi A. + Article (author) -
Characterization of an Italian landrace of Cyclanthera pedata (L.) Schrad. of herbal and horticultural interest 2023 Zuccolo, MarcoPedrali, DavideLeoni, ValeriaBorgonovo, GigliolaBassoli, AngelaGiorgi, AnnamariaGiupponi, Luca Article (author) -
Formal analyses are fundamental for the definition of honey, a product representing specific territories and their changes: the case of North Tyrrhenian dunes (Italy) 2023 Leoni, ValeriaPanseri, SaraGiupponi, LucaPavlovic, RadmilaSala, StefanoGiorgi, Annamaria + Article (author) -
Segale cornuta nei cereali alpini: un tuffo nella storia, un rischio alimentare attuale 2022 V. LeoniM. SaracchiM. ZuccoloL. GiupponiG. CecilianiS. SalaA. Giorgi + Book Part (author) -
Valorisation of mountain plant agrobiodiversity: “Copafam” bean flour as a promising new ingredient for baked food product 2022 D. PedraliL. GiupponiM. ZuccoloV. LeoniA. GiorgiE. Pagliarini + Conference Object -
Il punto di vista di allevatori e apicoltori sui grandi predatori in Valle Camonica 2022 S. MattielloV. Leoni + Book Part (author) -
Endemic Plants Can Be Resources for Mountain Agro-Ecosystems: The Case of Sanguisorba dodecandra Moretti 2022 Giupponi, LucaLeoni, ValeriaTamburini, AlbertoGiorgi, Annamaria + Article (author) -
The environmental dimension of ecotourism in Italian protected areas : a comparison of two bio-geographical regions based on the assessment of accredited hiking guides 2022 Giorgi, ALeoni, V + Article (author) -
Nutritional characterization and novel use of “Copafam” bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) for the sustainable development of mountains areas 2022 Pedrali D.Proserpio CBorgonovi S. M.Zuccolo M.Leoni V.Borgonovo G.Bernardi A. M.Scarafoni A.Pagliarini E.Giorgi A.Giupponi L. Article (author) -
How harvest, cleaning and conservation good practices affect the quality of saffron: results of a research conducted in Italy 2022 Leoni, ValeriaGiupponi, LucaPedrali, DavideZuccolo, MarcoBorgonovo, GigliolaBassoli, AngelaGiorgi, Annamaria Article (author) -
Plant cover is related to vegetation and soil features in limestone screes colonization : A case study in the Italian Alps 2022 Giupponi, LucaLeoni, ValeriaPedrali, DavideZuccolo, MarcoCislaghi, Alessio Article (author) -
Vegetation and water of lowland spring-wells in Po Plain (Northern Italy): ecological features and management proposals 2022 Giupponi, LucaBorgonovo, GigliolaLeoni, ValeriaZuccolo, MarcoBischetti, Gian Battista Article (author) -
Multidisciplinary analysis of Italian Alpine wildflower honey reveals criticalities, diversity and value 2021 Leoni, ValeriaGiupponi, LucaPavlovic, RadmilaPedrali, DavideGiorgi, AnnamariaPanseri, Sara + Article (author) -
Hilly and sub-mountain areas are rich in plant agrobiodiversity: the case of Italy 2021 Luca GiupponiDavide PedraliValeria LeoniAlessia RodariAnnamaria Giorgi Book Part (author) -
Comparing wild and cultivated Arnica montana L. from the Italian Alps to explore the possibility of a sustainable production using local seeds 2021 Valeria LeoniGigliola BorgonovoLuca GiupponiAngela BassoliDavide PedraliMarco ZuccoloAlessia RodariAnnamaria Giorgi Book Part (author) -
The Importance of Technical Support in the Return of Traditional Crops in the Alps: The Case of Rye in Camonica Valley 2021 Leoni, ValeriaPedrali, DavideZuccolo, MarcoRodari, AlessiaGiupponi, LucaGiorgi, Annamaria Article (author) -