Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie per la Salute, la Produzione Animale e la Sicurezza Alimentare (attivo dal 27/04/2012 al 01/01/2022)
Review: Nutritional ecology of heavy metals
2018 M. Hejna, D. Gottardo, A. Baldi, V. Dell'Orto, F. Cheli, M. Zaninelli, L. Rossi
2018 D. Gottardo
Evaluation of a synthetic emulsifier product supplementation on broiler chicks
2018 V. Bontempo, M. Comi, X.R. Jiang, R. Rebucci, V. Caprarulo, C. Giromini, D. Gottardo, E. Fusi, S. Stella, E. Tirloni, D. Cattaneo, A. Baldi
Evaluation of polyphenolic content and antioxidant activity in agri-food wastes and by-products using chemical and physiological extraction
2017 M. Castrica, C. Giromini, R. Rebucci, D. Gottardo, V. Bontempo, A. Baldi
Evaluation of heavy metals in intensive animal production systems
2017 M. Hejna, A. Baldi, E. Onelli, D. Gottardo, S.R. Pilu, V. Dell’Orto, M. Zaninelli, L. Rossi
Nutrients content and in vitro digestibility of ex-food as feed ingredient for pig diets
2017 M. Ottoboni, C. Giromini, M. Tretola, D. Gottardo, D. Marchis, V. Caprarulo, F. Cheli, A. Baldi, L. Pinotti
Influence of a synthetic emulsifier supplementation on lipid metabolism and apolipoprotein gene expression in liver of female and male chicks
2017 R. Rebucci, C. Giromini, D. Gottardo, M. Comi, X.R. Jiang, F. Cheli, A. Baldi, V. Bontempo
La sicurezza nutrizionale
2017 V. Dell'Orto, D. Gottardo, F. Cheli
Nutritional evaluation of former food products (ex-food) intended for pig nutrition
2017 C. Giromini, M. Ottoboni, M. Tretola, D. Marchis, D. Gottardo, V. Caprarulo, A. Baldi, L. Pinotti
L'alimentazione animale oggi : animal & human prospective = Past and present insights into animal nutrition : animal & human prospective
2016 M. Tretola, D. Gottardo, M. Ottoboni, V. Caprarulo, C. Giromini, F. Cheli, A. Baldi, V. Dell’Orto, L. Pinotti
Technical note : Validation of a commercial system for the continuous and automated monitoring of dairy cow activity
2016 E. Tullo, I. Fontana, D. Gottardo, K.H. Sloth, M. Guarino
Microscopy in combination with image analysis for characterization of fishmeal material in aquafeed
2016 L. Pinotti, M. Ottoboni, V. Caprarulo, C. Giromini, D. Gottardo, F. Cheli, T. Fearn, A. Baldi
Image analysis for characterization of fishmeal material in aquafeed
2015 M. Ottoboni, V. Caprarulo, C. Giromini, D. Gottardo, F. Cheli, V. Dell'Orto, L. Pinotti
Validation of a commercial system for the continuous and automated monitoring of dairy cows activity
2015 I. Fontana, E. Tullo, D. Gottardo, C. Bahr, S. Viazzi, K.H. Sloth, M. Guarino