Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria e Scienze Animali
Carne a base cellulare: una nuova frontiera della ricerca
2024 F. Cheli, G. Tedeschi, D. Lanzoni, T.S. Sundaram, A. Baldi, C. Giromini
Cultured meat in the European Union: Legislative context and food safety issues
2024 D. Lanzoni, R. Rebucci, G. Formici, F. Cheli, G. Ragone, A. Baldi, L. Violini, T.S. Sundaram, C. Giromini
Agricoltura cellulare: la carne coltivata tra presente e futuro, dubbi e prospettive
2023 F. Cheli, T. Sundaram, D. Lanzoni, C. Giromini
Comprehensive proteomic analysis reveals omega-3 fatty acids to counteract endotoxin-stimulated metabolic dysregulation in porcine enterocytes
2023 T.S. Sundaram, M.F. Addis, C. Giromini, R. Rebucci, S. Pisanu, D. Pagnozzi &, A. Baldi
Role of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, citrus pectin, and milk-derived exosomes on intestinal barrier integrity and immunity in animals
2022 T.S. Sundaram, C. Giromini, R. Rebucci, J. Pistl, M. Bhide, A. Baldi
2022 T.S. Sundaram
Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of omega-3 fatty acids in the porcine enterocytes
2022 T.S. Sundaram, C. Giromini, R. Rebucci, P. Salvatore, P. Daniela, M.F. Addis, B. Mangesh, P. Juraj, A. Baldi
Role of Short Chain Fatty Acids to Counteract Inflammatory Stress and Mucus Production in Human Intestinal HT29-MTX-E12 Cells
2022 C. Giromini, A. Baldi, R. Rebucci, D. Lanzoni, M. Policardi, T.S. Sundaram, S. Purup
Transcriptomic profiling and functional assessment of omega-3 fatty acids in porcine enterocytes
2021 T.S. Sundaram, C. Giromini, R. Rebucci, A. Baldi, M. Bhide, J. Pistl
Role of short chain fatty acids to counteract inflammatory stress in mucus secreting HT29-MTX cells
2021 C. Giromini, A. Baldi, R. Rebucci, T.S. Sundaram, S. Purup
Evaluation of Adhesive Characteristics of L. plantarum and L. reuteri Isolated from Weaned Piglets
2021 M. Dell’Anno, C. Giromini, S. Reggi, M. Cavalleri, A. Moscatelli, E. Onelli, R. Rebucci, T.S. Sundaram, S. Coranelli, A. Spalletta, A. Baldi, L. Rossi
Effect of omega-3 fatty acids on porcine intestinal ex vivo model exposed to stress conditions
2020 R. Rebucci, C. Giromini, T.S. Sundaram, M. Comi, A. Baldi, L. Pinotti, F. Cheli
Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Counteract Inflammatory and Oxidative Damage of Non-Transformed Porcine Enterocytes
2020 T.S. Sundaram, C. Giromini, R. Rebucci, A. Baldi
In vitro digested milk proteins: Evaluation of angiotensin-1-converting enzyme inhibitory and antioxidant activities, peptidomic profile, and mucin gene expression in HT29-MTX cells
2019 C. Giromini, J.A. Lovegrove, D.I. Givens, R. Rebucci, L. Pinotti, E. Maffioli, G. Tedeschi, T.S. Sundaram, A. Baldi
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-1 inhibitory activity of milk proteins evaluated after in vitro digestion and peptidomic analysis
2019 C. Giromini, R. Rebucci, G. Tedeschi, T.S. Sundaram, F. Cheli, A. Baldi
Establishment of inflammatory in vitro intestinal epithelial models for translational animal nutrition
2019 T.S. Sundaram, C. Giromini, R. Rebucci, A. Baldi