Dipartimento di Bioscienze
Sterols and sphingolipids as new players in cell wall building and apical growth of Nicotiana tabacum L. pollen tubes
2023 N. Stroppa, E. Onelli, P. Moreau, L. Maneta-Peyret, V. Berno, E. Cammarota, R. Ambrosini, M.S. Caccianiga, M. Scali, A. Moscatelli
Seed-Specific Expression of Apolipoprotein A-IMilano Dimer in Rice Engineered Lines
2023 S. Reggi, E. Onelli, A. Moscatelli, N. Stroppa, M. Dell'Anno, K. Perfanov, L. Rossi
Seed-Specific Expression of Apolipoprotein A-I Milano Dimer in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Transgenic Lines
2021 S. Reggi, E. Onelli, A. Moscatelli, N. Stroppa, M. Dell’Anno, K. Perfanov, L. Rossi
Protein Analysis of Pollen Tubes after the Treatments of Membrane Trafficking Inhibitors Gains Insights on Molecular Mechanism Underlying Pollen Tube Polar Growth
2021 M. Scali, A. Moscatelli, L. Bini, E. Onelli, R. Vignani, W. Wang
The aquatic carnivorous plant Aldrovanda vesiculosa (Droseraceae) exhibits altered developmental stages in male gametophyte
2021 E. Onelli, M. Beretta, A. Moscatelli, M. Caccianiga, M. Pozzi, N. Stroppa, L. Adamec
Heavy-Metal Phytoremediation from Livestock Wastewater and Exploitation of Exhausted Biomass
2021 M. Hejna, E. Onelli, A. Moscatelli, M. Bellotto, C. Cristiani, N. Stroppa, L. Rossi
Evaluation of Adhesive Characteristics of L. plantarum and L. reuteri Isolated from Weaned Piglets
2021 M. Dell’Anno, C. Giromini, S. Reggi, M. Cavalleri, A. Moscatelli, E. Onelli, R. Rebucci, T.S. Sundaram, S. Coranelli, A. Spalletta, A. Baldi, L. Rossi
The imbalance between dynamic and stable microtubules underlies neurodegeneration induced by 2,5-hexanedione
2020 F.V.M. Casagrande, A. Amadeo, D. Cartelli, A.M. Calogero, D. Modena, I. Costa, F. Cantele, E. Onelli, A. Moscatelli, M. Ascagni, G. Pezzoli, G. Cappelletti
Typha latifolia and Thelypteris palustris behavior in a pilot system for the refinement of livestock wastewaters : A case of study
2020 N. Stroppa, E. Onelli, M. Hejna, L. Rossi, A. Gagliardi, L. Bini, A. Baldi, A. Moscatelli
Role of zinc and copper in the intensive swine production systems
2019 M. Hejna, A. Moscatelli, E. Onelli, D. DE NISI, S.R. Pilu, A. Baldi, L. Rossi
Bioaccumulation of heavy metals from wastewater through a Typha latifolia and Thelypteris palustris phytoremediation system
2019 M. Hejna, A. Moscatelli, N. Stroppa, E. Onelli, S. Pilu, A. Baldi, L. Rossi
Evaluation of concentration of heavy metals in animal rearing system
2019 M. Hejna, A. Moscatelli, E. Onelli, A. Baldi, S.R. Pilu, L. Rossi
Microtubules play a role in trafficking prevacuolar compartments to vacuoles in tobacco pollen tubes
2018 E. Onelli, M. Scali, M. Caccianiga, N. Stroppa, P. Morandini, G. Pavesi, A. Moscatelli
Phytoremediation as an innovative approach to control heavy metals output from livestock
2017 M. Hejna, N. Stroppa, A. Moscatelli, D. DE NISI, V. Dell’Orto, S.R. Pilu, A. Baldi, L. Rossi
Retarded germination of Nicotiana tabacum seeds following insertion of exogenous DNA mimics the seed persistent behavior
2017 E. Onelli, A. Moscatelli, G. Assunta, M. Zaninelli, B. Luca, A. Baldi, M. Caccianiga, R. Serena, L. Rossi
Morphological evaluation of nicotiana tabacum plants transformed for the expression of verocytotoxic Escherichia coli antigens
2015 L. Rossi, E. Onelli, A. Moscatelli, A. Lombardi, A. Baldi
Evaluation of Nicotiana tabacum plants transformed for the expression of verocytotoxic Escherichia coli antigens
2015 A. Lombardi, L. Rossi, E. Onelli, A. Moscatelli, A. Baldi
Emerging roles for microtubules in angiosperm pollen tube growth highlight new research cues
2015 E. Onelli, A.I. Idilli, A. Moscatelli
Characterisation of detergent-insoluble membranes in pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum (L.)
2015 A. Moscatelli, A. Gagliardi, L. Maneta Peyret, L. Bini, N. Stroppa, E. Onelli, C. Landi, M. Scali, A.I. Idilli, P. Moreau
Endocytic Pathways and Recycling in Growing Pollen Tubes.
2013 E. Onelli, A. Moscatelli