Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria e Scienze Animali
The bovine milk microbiota: insights and perspectives from -omics studies
2016 M.F. Addis, A. Tanca, S. Uzzau, G. Oikonomou, R.C. Bicalho, P. Moroni
Evaluation of milk cathelicidin for detection of bovine mastitis
2016 M.F. Addis, V. Tedde, G.M.G. Puggioni, S. Pisanu, A. Casula, C. Locatelli, N. Rota, V. Bronzo, P. Moroni, S. Uzzau
Diversity and functions of the sheep faecal microbiota : A multi-omic characterization
2017 A. Tanca, C. Fraumene, V. Manghina, A. Palomba, M. Abbondio, M. Deligios, D. Pagnozzi, M.F. Addis, S. Uzzau
A first immunohistochemistry study of transketolase and transketolase-like 1 expression in canine hyperplastic and neoplastic mammary lesions
2017 G.P. Burrai, A. Tanca, T. Cubeddu, M. Abbondio, M. Polinas, M.F. Addis, E. Antuofermo
Proteomic changes in the ileum of sheep infected with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis
2017 S. Pisanu, T. Cubeddu, S. Uzzau, S. Rocca, M.F. Addis
The impact of sequence database choice on metaproteomic results in gut microbiota studies
2016 A. Tanca, A. Palomba, C. Fraumene, D. Pagnozzi, V. Manghina, M. Deligios, T. Muth, E. Rapp, L. Martens, M.F. Addis, S. Uzzau
Proteomic dataset of Paracentrotus lividus gonads of different sexes and at different maturation stages
2016 S. Ghisaura, B. Loi, G. Biosa, M. Baroli, D. Pagnozzi, T. Roggio, S. Uzzau, R. Anedda, M.F. Addis
Proteomic changes occurring along gonad maturation in the edible sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus
2016 S. Ghisaura, B. Loi, G. Biosa, M. Baroli, D. Pagnozzi, T. Roggio, S. Uzzau, R. Anedda, M.F. Addis
Evaluation of milk cathelicidin for detection of dairy sheep mastitis
2016 M.F. Addis, V. Tedde, S. Dore, S. Pisanu, G.M.G. Puggioni, A.M. Roggio, D. Pagnozzi, S. Lollai, E.A. Cannas, S. Uzzau
Mycoplasma lipoproteins are major determinants of neutrophil extracellular trap formation
2016 C. Cacciotto, T. Cubeddu, M.F. Addis, A.G. Anfossi, V. Tedde, G. Tore, T. Carta, S. Rocca, B. Chessa, M. Pittau, A. Alberti
Atypical carcinoid and large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung : A proteomic dataset from formalin-fixed archival samples
2016 A. Tanca, M.F. Addis, S. Pisanu, M. Abbondio, D. Pagnozzi, A. Eccher, G. Rindi, P. Cossu Rocca, S. Uzzau, G. Fanciulli
Diagnostic Accuracy of Antigen 5-Based ELISAs for Human Cystic Echinococcosis
2016 D. Pagnozzi, M.F. Addis, G. Biosa, A.M. Roggio, V. Tedde, M. Mariconti, F. Tamarozzi, V. Meroni, G. Masu, G. Masala, E. Brunetti, S. Uzzau
Proteomic analysis of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa : dealing with the issues of a non-conventional yeast
2016 M.F. Addis, A. Tanca, S. Landolfo, M. Abbondio, R. Cutzu, G. Biosa, D. Pagnozzi, S. Uzzau, I. Mannazzu
Influence of seasonal and environmental patterns on the lipid content and fatty acid profiles in gonads of the edible sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus from Sardinia
2016 S. Siliani, R. Melis, B. Loi, I. Guala, M. Baroli, R. Sanna, S. Uzzau, T. Roggio, M.F. Addis, R. Anedda
Neutrophil extracellular traps in sheep mastitis
2015 S. Pisanu, T. Cubeddu, D. Pagnozzi, S. Rocca, C. Cacciotto, A. Alberti, G. Marogna, S. Uzzau, M.F. Addis
Investigation of HER2 expression in canine mammary tumors by antibody-based, transcriptomic and mass spectrometry analysis : is the dog a suitable animal model for human breast cancer?
2015 G.P. Burrai, A. Tanca, M.R. De Miglio, M. Abbondio, S. Pisanu, M. Polinas, S. Pirino, S.I. Mohammed, S. Uzzau, M.F. Addis, E. Antuofermo
Draft genome sequence of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, an emergent opportunistic pathogen
2016 M. Deligios, C. Fraumene, M. Abbondio, I. Mannazzu, A. Tanca, M.F. Addis, S. Uzzau
Full-length protein extraction protocols and gel-based downstream applications in formalin-fixed tissue proteomics
2015 A. Tanca, S. Uzzau, M.F. Addis
Enrichment or depletion? The impact of stool pretreatment on metaproteomic characterization of the human gut microbiota
2015 A. Tanca, A. Palomba, S. Pisanu, M.F. Addis, S. Uzzau
A straightforward and efficient analytical pipeline for metaproteome characterization
2014 A. Tanca, A. Palomba, S. Pisanu, M. Deligios, C. Fraumene, V. Manghina, D. Pagnozzi, M.F. Addis, S. Uzzau