Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Tipo File Abstract
Evolution of Biogenic Nitrogen from Digestates for Lettuce Fertilization and the Effect on the Bacterial Community 2024 Caterino, DomenicoFollador, AlessiaGuffanti, DavideCocetta, GiacomoGeuna, FilippoDell'Orto, MartaScaglia, BarbaraPassera, AlessandroRiva, ElisabettaCasati, PaolaFerrante, AntonioTambone, Fulvia + Article (author) -
Impact of photobioreactor design on microalgae-bacteria communities grown on wastewater: Differences between thin-layer cascade and thin-layer raceway ponds 2023 Elisa ClagnanMarta Dell'OrtoGiuliana D'ImporzanoFabrizio Adani + Article (author) -
Effects of the application of microbiologically activated bio-based fertilizers derived from manures on tomato plants and their rhizospheric communities 2023 Clagnan, ElisaDe Nisi, PatriziaDell’Orto, MartaAdani, Fabrizio + Article (author) -
Profiling microalgal cultures growing on municipal wastewater and fertilizer media in raceway photobioreactors 2022 Clagnan, ElisaD'Imporzano, GiulianaDell'Orto, MartaAdani, Fabrizio + Article (author) -
Centrate as a sustainable growth medium : impact on microalgal inocula and bacterial communities in tubular photobioreactor cultivation systems 2022 Clagnan, ElisaD'Imporzano, GiulianaDell'Orto, MartaBani, AlessiaAdani, Fabrizio + Article (author) -
The structure and diversity of microalgae-microbial consortia isolated from various local organic wastes 2022 Su M.Dell'Orto M.D'Imporzano G.Bani A.Adani F. + Article (author) -
Growth Performance and Biochemical Composition of Waste-Isolated Microalgae Consortia Grown on Nano-Filtered Pig Slurry and Cheese Whey under Mixotrophic Conditions 2022 Min SuMarta Dell’OrtoBarbara ScagliaGiuliana D’ImporzanoFabrizio Adani Article (author) -
Development of a tomato pomace biorefinery based on a CO2-supercritical extraction process for the production of a high value lycopene product, bioenergy and digestate 2020 Scaglia, BarbaraD’Incecco, PaoloSquillace, PietroDell’Orto, MartaDe Nisi, PatriziaPellegrino, LuisaAdani, Fabrizio + Article (author) -
Root bacterial endophytes confer drought resistance and enhance expression and activity of a vacuolar H+-pumping pyrophosphatase in pepper plants 2019 Vigani G.Rolli E.Marasco R.Dell'Orto M.Raddadi N.Borin S.Sorlini C.Zocchi G.Daffonchio D. + Article (author) -
Neurice Project-Identification of genes involved in salt tolerance in rice: GWAS approach 2018 A. AbruzzeseE. BaldoniP. De NisiM. Dell’OrtoG. LucchiniM. MaghrebiS. MorguttiM. HazarikaN. NegriniF. F. NocitoG. OrasenM. PesentiG. A. Sacchi + Conference Object -
GWAS and linkage mapping for the identification of loci involved in salt tolerance in rice 2018 M. PesentiG. OrasenM. MaghrebiM. HazarikaG. ViganiA. AbruzzeseP. De NisiM. Dell'OrtoS. MorguttiN. NegriniF. F. NocitoM. CocucciG. A. Sacchi + Conference Object -
Studio delle risposte precoci allo stress salino in varietà di riso mendiate analisi di infrared thermography 2017 G. ViganiM. Dell’OrtoM. PesentiG. LucchiniF.F. NocitoG.A. Sacchi + Conference Object -
Genome-wide association study for mild-salt tolerance in rice 2017 M. PesentiG. OrasenA. AbruzzeseM. MaghrebiM. Dell’OrtoP. De NisiE. BaldoniN. NegriniS. MorguttiG. ViganiF.F. NocitoG.A. Sacchi + Conference Object -
Variazioni di parametri legati a germinazione, crescita e metabolismo dei carboidrati in genotipi di riso ssp. japonica in risposta alla salinità 2017 N. NegriniS. MorguttiM. Dell’OrtoP. De NisiG. A. Sacchi Conference Object -
Genome-Wide Association Study for Mid-Salt Tolerance in Rice 2017 G. OrasenE. BaldoniA. AbruzzeseM. PesentiMAGHREBI, MOEZF.F. NocitoM. Dell’OrtoP. De NisiG.A. Sacchi + Conference Object -
Effect of different oxygen and Na+ levels on root radial anatomy in two Italian rice genotypes 2016 M. Dell'OrtoE. BaldoniM. CocucciG.A. Sacchi Conference Object -
Trans-root electric potential and current in rice 2016 F.F. NocitoG.A. SacchiM. CocucciDELL'ORTO, MARTA + Conference Object -
Salt stress response and effect of hypoxia on sodium uptake in two Italian rice cultivars 2015 E. BaldoniM. Dell'OrtoM. CocucciG.A. Sacchi + Conference Object -
QUADERNO - GESTIONE DELLA RISORSA IRRIGUA 2014 A. AbruzzeseG.B. BischettiS. BorinS. Cesari de MariaE. ChiaradiaL. ColomboL. ContiD. DaffonchioM. Dell’OrtoL. DreniA. FacchiD. FerrariM. GalbiatiC. GandolfiO. GharsallahN. González-SchainM. KaterG. LucchiniD. MasseroniF. MonacoF.F. NocitoM. PorriniM. RiboniM. RienznerRIGHETTINI, FEDERICOE. RolliR. MarascoF. RusconiG.A. SacchiG. SaliC. SorliniC. TonelliD. Villa + Book (author) -
Root antioxidant responses of two Pisum sativum cultivars to direct and induced Fe deficiency 2014 S. DonniniM. Dell'OrtoG. Zocchi + Article (author) -