Dipartimento di Scienze per gli Alimenti, la Nutrizione e l'Ambiente
Contribution of Tamarix aphylla to soil organic matter evolution in a natural semi-desert area in Tunisia
2022 F. Tambone, L. Trombino, A. Masseroli, M. Zilio, T. Pepe Sciarria, D. Daffonchio, S. Borin, R. Marasco, A. Cherif, F. Adani
Rootstock–scion combination contributes to shape diversity and composition of microbial communities associated with grapevine root system
2022 R. Marasco, H. Alturkey, M. Fusi, M. Brandi, I. Ghiglieno, L. Valenti, D. Daffonchio
Rhizosheath-root system changes exopolysaccharide content but stabilizes bacterial community across contrasting seasons in a desert environment
2022 R. Marasco, M. Fusi, M. Mosqueira, J.M. Booth, F. Rossi, M. Cardinale, G. Michoud, E. Rolli, G. Mugnai, L. Vergani, S. Borin, R. De Philippis, A. Cherif, D. Daffonchio
Chimeric symbionts expressing a Wolbachia protein stimulate mosquito immunity and inhibit filarial parasite development
2020 S. Epis, I. Varotto-Boccazzi, E. Crotti, C. Damiani, L. Giovati, M. Mandrioli, M. Biggiogera, P. Gabrieli, M. Genchi, L. Polonelli, D. Daffonchio, G. Favia, C. Bandi
Root bacterial endophytes confer drought resistance and enhance expression and activity of a vacuolar H+-pumping pyrophosphatase in pepper plants
2019 G. Vigani, E. Rolli, R. Marasco, M. Dell'Orto, G. Michoud, A. Soussi, N. Raddadi, S. Borin, C. Sorlini, G. Zocchi, D. Daffonchio
Cultivable hydrocarbon degrading bacteria have low phylogenetic diversity but highly versatile functional potential
2019 M. Barbato, F. Mapelli, E. Crotti, D. Daffonchio, S. Borin
Bacterial endophytes of mangrove propagules elicit early establishment of the natural host and promote growth of cereal crops under salt stress
2019 R. Soldan, F. Mapelli, E. Crotti, S. Schnell, D. Daffonchio, R. Marasco, M. Fusi, S. Borin, M. Cardinale
Developmental stages and gut microenvironments influence gut microbiota dynamics in the invasive beetle Popillia japonica Newman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
2019 B. Chouaia, N.F.M.S. Goda, G. Mazza, S. Alali, F. Florian, F. Gionechetti, M. Callegari, E. Gonella, G. Magoga, M. Fusi, E.S. Crotti, D.G. Daffonchio, A. Alma, F. Paoli, P. Federico Roversi, L. Marianelli, M. Montagna
The stage of soil development modulates rhizosphere effect along a High Arctic desert chronosequence
2018 F. Mapelli, R. Marasco, M. Fusi, B. Scaglia, G. Tsiamis, E. Rolli, S. Fodelianakis, K. Bourtzis, S. Ventura, F. Tambone, F. Adani, S. Borin, D. Daffonchio
Root-associated bacteria promote grapevine growth: from the laboratory to the field
2017 E. Rolli, R. Marasco, S. Saderi, E. Corretto, F. Mapelli, A. Cherif, S. Borin, L. Valenti, C. Sorlini, D. Daffonchio
An updated view of the microbial diversity in deep hypersaline anoxic basins
2017 F. Mapelli, A. Barozzi, G. Michoud, G. Merlino, E. Crotti, S. Borin, D. Daffonchio
Rhizophere microbiota harborng PCB degrading potential is associated to spontaneous plants in a polluted site
2017 L. Vergani, F. Mapelli, M. R., F. M., E.S. Crotti, D.G. Daffonchio, S. Borin
Bacteria associated to spontaneous plants in a historical PCB polluted soil show potential to sustain natural attenuation
2017 L. Vergani, F. Mapelli, R. Marasco, E.S. Crotti, M. Fusi, D.G. Daffonchio, S. Borin
The rhizosphere of naturally selected plants shows the potential to sustain natural attenuation processes in an historical PCB polluted soil
2017 L. Vergani, F. Mapelli, M. R., D.G. Daffonchio, S. Borin
Bacterial diversity shift determined by different diets in the gut of the spotted wing fly Drosophila suzukii is primarily reflected on acetic acid bacteria
2017 V. Vacchini, E. Gonella, E. Crotti, E.M. Prosdocimi, F. Mazzetto, B. Chouaia, M. Callegari, F. Mapelli, M. Mandrioli, A. Alma, D. Daffonchio
Stone-dwelling actinobacteria Blastococcus saxobsidens, Modestobacter marinus and Geodermatophilus obscurus proteogenomes
2016 H. Sghaier, K. Hezbri, F. Ghodhbane-Gtari, P. Pujic, A. Sen, D. Daffonchio, A. Boudabous, L.S. Tisa, H. Klenk, J. Armengaud, P. Normand, M. Gtari
Extreme Marine Environments (Brines, Seeps, and Smokers)
2016 F. Mapelli, E. Crotti, F. Molinari, D. Daffonchio, S. Borin
Olfactory attraction of Drosophila suzukii by symbiotic acetic acid bacteria
2016 F. Mazzetto, E. Gonella, E. Crotti, V. Vacchini, M. Syrpas, M. Pontini, S. Mangelinckx, D. Daffonchio, A. Alma
Microbial oil-degradation under mild hydrostatic pressure (10 MPa) : Which pathways are impacted in piezosensitive hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria?
2016 A. Scoma, M. Barbato, E. Hernandez Sanabria, F. Mapelli, D. Daffonchio, S. Borin, N. Boon
An impaired metabolic response to hydrostatic pressure explains Alcanivorax borkumensis recorded distribution in the deep marine water column
2016 A. Scoma, M. Barbato, S. Borin, D. Daffonchio, N. Boon