Dipartimento di Scienze per gli Alimenti, la Nutrizione e l'Ambiente
Gill-associated bacteria are homogeneously selected in amphibious mangrove crabs to sustain host intertidal adaptation
2023 M. Fusi, D.K. Ngugi, R. Marasco, J.M. Booth, M. Cardinale, L. Sacchi, E. Clementi, X. Yang, E. Garuglieri, S. Fodelianakis, G. Michoud, D. Daffonchio
Pollution and edaphic factors shape bacterial community structure and functionality in historically contaminated soils
2022 F. Mapelli, L. Vergani, E. Terzaghi, S. Zecchin, G. Raspa, R. Marasco, E. Rolli, E. Zanardini, C. Morosini, S. Anelli, P. Nastasio, V.M. Sale, S. Armiraglio, A. Di Guardo, S. Borin
Rhizosheath-root system changes exopolysaccharide content but stabilizes bacterial community across contrasting seasons in a desert environment
2022 R. Marasco, M. Fusi, M. Mosqueira, J.M. Booth, F. Rossi, M. Cardinale, G. Michoud, E. Rolli, G. Mugnai, L. Vergani, S. Borin, R. De Philippis, A. Cherif, D. Daffonchio
Contribution of Tamarix aphylla to soil organic matter evolution in a natural semi-desert area in Tunisia
2022 F. Tambone, L. Trombino, A. Masseroli, M. Zilio, T. Pepe Sciarria, D. Daffonchio, S. Borin, R. Marasco, A. Cherif, F. Adani
Bacterial endophytes of mangrove propagules elicit early establishment of the natural host and promote growth of cereal crops under salt stress
2019 R. Soldan, F. Mapelli, E. Crotti, S. Schnell, D. Daffonchio, R. Marasco, M. Fusi, S. Borin, M. Cardinale
Root bacterial endophytes confer drought resistance and enhance expression and activity of a vacuolar H+-pumping pyrophosphatase in pepper plants
2019 G. Vigani, E. Rolli, R. Marasco, M. Dell'Orto, G. Michoud, A. Soussi, N. Raddadi, S. Borin, C. Sorlini, G. Zocchi, D. Daffonchio
Phytoremediation of a multi contaminated soil: mercury and arsenic phytoextraction assisted by mobilizing agent and plant growth promoting bacteria
2017 E. Franchi, E. Rolli, R. Marasco, G. Agazzi, S. Borin, P. Cosmina, F. Pedron, I. Rosellini, M. Barbafieri, G. Petruzzelli
Exploiting Hydrocarbon-Degrading Indigenous Bacteria for Bioremediation and Phytoremediation of a Multicontaminated Soil
2016 E. Franchi, G. Agazzi, E. Rolli, S. Borin, R. Marasco, S. Chiaberge, A. Conte, P. Filtri, F. Pedron, I. Rosellini, M. Barbafieri, G. Petruzzelli
Gill-bacteria association in dual-breathing animals living in mangrove ecosystem
2015 M. Fusi, R. Marasco, J..M. Booth, F. Mapelli, M. Cardinale, S. Borin, E. Crotti, D. Daffonchio
Allochthonous bioaugmentation in ex situ treatment of crude oil-polluted sediments in the presence of an effective degrading indigenous microbiome
2015 S. Fodelianakis, E. Antoniou, F. Mapelli, M. Magagnini, M. Nikolopoulou, R. Marasco, M. Barbato, A. Tsiola, I. Tsikopoulou, L. Giaccaglia, M. Mahjoubi, A. Jaouani, R. Amer, E. Hussein, F.A. Al Horani, F. Benzha, M. Blaghen, H.I. Malkawi, Y. Abdel Fattah, A. Cherif, D. Daffonchio, N. Kalogerakis
Microbial life in volcanic lakes
2015 F. Mapelli, R. Marasco, E. Rolli, D. Daffonchio, S. Donachie, S. Borin
Improved plant resistance to drought is promoted by the root-associated microbiome as a water stress-dependent trait
2015 E. Rolli, R. Marasco, G. Vigani, B. Ettoumi, F. Mapelli, M.L. Deangelis, C. Gandolfi, E. Casati, F. Previtali, R. Gerbino, F. Pierotti Cei, S. Borin, C. Sorlini, G. Zocchi, D. Daffonchio
The date palm tree rhizosphere is a niche for plant growth promoting bacteria in the oasis ecosystem
2015 R. Ferjani, R. Marasco, E. Rolli, H. Cherif, A. Cherif, M. Gtari, A. Boudabous, D. Daffonchio, H.-. Ouzari
2014 A. Abruzzese, E. Albertario, G. Beltarre, G.B. Bischetti, S. Borin, M. Canella, D. Cavalluzzo, S. Cesari de Maria, E. Chiaradia, L. Colombo, L. Conti, D. Daffonchio, M. Dell’Orto, L. Dreni, A. Facchi, D. Ferrari, M. Galbiati, C. Gandolfi, O. Gharsallah, N. González-Schain, M. Kater, G. Lucchini, D. Masseroni, E. Miniotti, F. Monaco, F.F. Nocito, M. Porrini, M. Riboni, M. Rienzner, M. Romani, F. Righettini, E. Rolli, R. Marasco, F. Rusconi, G.A. Sacchi, G. Sali, M. Scrosati, C. Sorlini, C. Tonelli, G. Valè, D. Villa
Unravelling geosphere-biosphere interactions in volcanic lakes
2014 F. Mapelli, J. Cabassi, F. Tassi, R. Marasco, B. Chouaia, S. Borin
Geosphere-biosphere interactions in bio-activity volcanic lakes: Evidences from Hule and Rìo Cuarto (Costa Rica)
2014 J. Cabassi, F. Tassi, F. Mapelli, S. Borin, S. Calabrese, D. Rouwet, G. Chiodini, R. Marasco, B. Chouaia, R. Avino, O. Vaselli, G. Pecoraino, F. Capecchiacci, G. Bicocchi, S. Caliro, C. Ramirez, R. Mora Amador
Potential for plant growth promotion of rhizobacteria associated with Salicornia growing in Tunisian hypersaline soils
2013 F. Mapelli, R. Marasco, E. Rolli, M. Barbato, H. Cherif, A. Guesmi, I. Ouzari, D. Daffonchio, S. Borin
Desert rhizosphere microbiota and plant resistance to water stress
2013 S. Borin, R. Marasco, F. Mapelli, E. Rolli, D. Daffonchio
Unraveling the role of ecosystem development in the shaping of soil bacterial communities
2013 S. Borin, F. Mapelli, E. Rolli, R. Marasco, S. Ciccazzo, B. Scaglia, L. Brusetti, F. Adani, D. Daffonchio
A Laboratory of Extremophiles: Iceland Coordination Action for Research Activities on Life in Extreme Environments (CAREX) Field Campaign
2013 V. Marteinsson, P. Vaishampayan, J. Kviderova, F. Mapelli, M. Medori, C. Calfapietra, A. Aguilera, D. Hamisch, E. Reynisson, S. Magnússon, R. Marasco, S. Borin, A. Calzada, V. Souza Egipsy, E. González Toril, R. Amils, J. Elster, R. Hänsch