Urinary TMAO levels are associated with the taxonomic composition of the gut microbiota and with the choline TMA-lyase gene (cutC) harbored by enterobacteriaceae
2020 A. Dalla Via, G. Gargari, V. Taverniti, G. Rondini, I. Velardi, V. Gambaro, G.L. Visconti, V. De Vitis, C. Gardana, E. Ragg, A. Pinto, P. Riso, S. Guglielmetti
Constitution and stereochmistry of fagopyrins, the photodynamic pigments of buckwheat - Fagopyrum aesculentum - flowers
2019 A. Pinto, B. Lattuada, A. Barbiroli., G.L. Visconti, E.M. Ragg
Daptomycin excretion into human milk
2018 E. Cesari, G. Roda, G..L. Visconti, S. Ramondino, M..V. Dei Cas, G. Monina, V. Gambaro
Determination of Methyldibromoglutaronitrile (MDBGN) in Skin Care Products by Gaschromatography-Mass Spectrometry Employing an Enhanced Matrix Removal (EMR) Lipid Clean-Up
2018 F. Farè, M. Dei Cas, S. Arnoldi, E. Casagni, G.L. Visconti, G. Parnisari, C. Bolchi, M. Pallavicini, V. Gambaro, G. Roda
A Novel Approach by SPME-GC/MS for the Determination of gammahydroxybutyric acid (GHB) in Urine Samples after Conversion into gamma-butyrolactone (GBL)
2018 S. Arnoldi, G. Roda, A. Argo, E. Casagni, F. Farè, G. Visconti, M.A.G.V. Dei Cas
Characterization of the Volatile Components of Cannabis Preparations by Solid-Phase Microextraction Coupled to Headspace-Gas Chromatography with Mass Detector (SPME-HSGC/MS)
2017 S. Arnoldi, G. Roda, E. Casagni, L.D. Acqua, M.V. DEI CAS, F. Fare', C.M. Rusconi, G.L. Visconti, V. Gambaro
Criticità nell’allestimento di miscele di farmaci : il caso della miscelazione di omeprazolo e rociverina fiale
2016 A. Casiraghi, F. Pomarico, G.L. Visconti, G. Roda, V. Gambaro, G. Monina, P. Minghetti
Validation Study of Analysis of 1-Phenyl-2-Propanone in Illicit Methamphetamine Samples by Dynamic Headspace Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
2016 S. Arnoldi, G. Roda, E. Casagni, A. Coceanig, L. Dell’Acqua, F. Farè, C. Rusconi, L. Tamborini, G.L. Visconti, V. Gambaro
Realizzazione della versione italiana del Dichotic Digit Test
2016 F. Di BERARDINO, F. Filipponi, Eliana, D.M. Mauro, G. Visconti, S. Mastrillo, D. Ginocchio, D. Cortinovis, Ivan, D. Zanetti, A. Cesarani
Determination of 1-phenyl-2-propanone (P2P) by HS-GC/MS in a material sold as “wet amphetamine”
2016 S. Arnoldi, G. Roda, A. Coceanig, E. Casagni, L. Dell’Acqua, F. Farè, C. Rusconi, L. Tamborini, G.L. Visconti, V. Gambaro
DNA-based taxonomic identification of basidiospores in hallucinogenic mushrooms cultivated in "grow-kits" seized by the police: LC-UV quali-quantitative determination of psilocybin and psilocin
2016 V. Gambaro, G. Roda, G.L. Visconti, S. Arnoldi, E. Casagni, L. Dell’Acqua, F. Farè, E. Paladino, C. Rusconi, S. Arioli, D. Mora
Determination of 6-Monoacetyl-Morphine (6-MAM) in Brain Samples from Heroin Fatalities
2015 G. Roda, F. Farè, L. Dell’Acqua, S. Arnoldi, V. Gambaro, A. Argo, G.L. Visconti, E. Casagni, P. Procaccianti, M. Cippitelli, R. Froldi
Determination by UPLC/MS-MS of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) in Plasma of Healthy Volunteers before and after Oral Intake of Food Supplements Containing CoQ10
2015 G.L. Visconti, L. Mazzoleni, C. Rusconi, V. Grazioli, G. Roda, G. Manini, V. Gambaro
Quali-quantitative analysis by LC/DAD and GPC of the polyphenols of "Uva Di Troia Canosina" grape seeds for the development of an industrial nutraceutical product
2015 M. Bava, S. Arnoldi, L. Dell’Acqua, S. Fontana, F.L. Forgia, G. Mustich, G. Roda, C. Rusconi, G. Sorrenti, G.L. Visconti, V. Gambaro
Study of the ratio between morphine-3-β-D-glucuronide and morphine-6-β-Dglucuronide in blood samples from heroin fatalities
2015 R. Froldi, K. Guerrini, A. Argo, M. Cippitelli, L. Dell'Acqua, F. Farè, P. Procaccianti, G. Roda, C. Rusconi, G.L. Visconti, L. Ferrante, V. Gambaro
Comparison between Lc/Uv and Gc/Fid techniques in determining N,NDimethylacetamide(Dma) in diacerein
2015 G. Roda, E. Casagni, S. Arnoldi, M. Cippitelli, L. Dell' Acqua, F. Fare, G.L. Visconti, V. Gambaro
Taxonomic Identification of Hallucinogenic Mushrooms Seized on the Illegal Market Using a DNA-Based Approach and LC/MS-MS Determination of Psilocybin and Psilocin
2015 V. Gambaro, G. Roda, G.L. Visconti, S. Arnoldi, E. Casagni, C. Ceravolo, L. Dell’Acqua, F. Farè, C. Rusconi, L. Tamborini, S. Arioli, D. Mora
Identification and characterization of a new designer drug thiothinone in seized products
2015 V. Gambaro, E. Casagni, L. Dell’Acqua, G. Roda, L. Tamborini, G.L. Visconti, F. Demartin
Cannabinoid-free Cannabis sativa L. grown in the Po valley : evaluation of fatty acid profile, antioxidant capacity and metabolic content
2014 G. Lesma, R. Consonni, V. Gambaro, C. Remuzzi, G. Roda, A. Silvani, V. Vece, G.L. Visconti
Methods for the Evaluation of Polyphenolic Content in ‘‘Uva Di Troia Canosina’’ Grape and Seeds at the Different Maceration Stages
2013 D. Catalano, S. Fontana, G. Roda, L. Dell’Acqua, F. La Forgia, G. Mustich, G. Sorrenti, S. Suriano, G.L. Visconti, V. Gambaro