Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche
Characterization of chemotype-dependent terpenoids profile in cannabis by headspace gas-chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry
2021 M. Dei Cas, S. Arnoldi, L. Monguzzi, E. Casagni, C. Morano, E. Vieira de Manincor, C. Bolchi, M. Pallavicini, V. Gambaro, G. Roda
Development and Early Identification of Cannabis Chemotypes during the Plant Growth: Current Analytical and Chemometric Approaches
2021 C. Bolchi, M. Pallavicini, E. Casagni, E. Vieira de Manincor, V. Gambaro, M. Dei Cas, G. Roda
Comparison of Different Analytical Methods for the Determination of Carbon Monoxide in Postmortem Blood
2020 M. Zanaboni, G. Roda, S. Arnoldi, E. Casagni, V. Gambaro, M. Dei Cas
The Italian panorama of cannabis light preparation : determination of cannabinoids by LC-UV
2020 M. Dei Cas, E. Casagni, A. Saccardo, S. Arnoldi, C. Young, S. Scotti, E. Vieira de Manicor, V. Gambaro, G. Roda
A straightforward LC-MS/MS analysis to study serum profile of short and medium chain fatty acids
2020 M. Dei Cas, R. Paroni, A. Saccardo, E. Casagni, S. Arnoldi, V. Gambaro, M. Saresella, M. Clerici, F. La Rosa, I. Marventano, F. Piancone, G. Roda
Urinary TMAO levels are associated with the taxonomic composition of the gut microbiota and with the choline TMA-lyase gene (cutC) harbored by enterobacteriaceae
2020 A. Dalla Via, G. Gargari, V. Taverniti, G. Rondini, I. Velardi, V. Gambaro, G.L. Visconti, V. De Vitis, C. Gardana, E. Ragg, A. Pinto, P. Riso, S. Guglielmetti
Phytocannabinoids profile in medicinal cannabis oils: the impact of plant varieties and preparation methods
2020 M.V. DEI CAS, E. Casagni, A. Casiraghi, P. Minghetti, D.M.M. Fornasari, F. Ferri, S. Arnoldi, V. Gambaro, G. Roda
Screening of new psychoactive substances (NPS)by gas-chromatography/time of flight mass spectrometry (GC/MS-TOF)and application to 63 cases of judicial seizure
2019 M. Dei Cas, E. Casagni, S. Arnoldi, V. Gambaro, G. Roda
Determination of daptomycin in human plasma and breast milk by UPLC/MS-MS
2019 M. Dei Cas, E. Casagni, V. Gambaro, E. Cesari, G. Roda
Daptomycin excretion into human milk
2018 E. Cesari, G. Roda, G..L. Visconti, S. Ramondino, M..V. Dei Cas, G. Monina, V. Gambaro
Determination of Methyldibromoglutaronitrile (MDBGN) in Skin Care Products by Gaschromatography-Mass Spectrometry Employing an Enhanced Matrix Removal (EMR) Lipid Clean-Up
2018 F. Farè, M. Dei Cas, S. Arnoldi, E. Casagni, G.L. Visconti, G. Parnisari, C. Bolchi, M. Pallavicini, V. Gambaro, G. Roda
Extraction Method and Analysis of Cannabinoids in Cannabis Olive Oil Preparations
2018 A. Casiraghi, G. Roda, E. Casagni, C. Cristina, U.M. Musazzi, S. Franzè, P. Rocco, C. Giuliani, G. Fico, P. Minghetti, V. Gambaro
Determination of cyanide by microdiffusion technique coupled to spectrophotometry and GC/NPD and propofol by fast GC/MS-TOF in a case of poisoning
2018 G. Roda, S. Arnoldi, M.D. Cas, V. Ottaviano, E. Casagni, F. Tregambe, G.L. Visconti, F. Farè, R. Froldi, V. Gambaro
Characterization of the Volatile Components of Cannabis Preparations by Solid-Phase Microextraction Coupled to Headspace-Gas Chromatography with Mass Detector (SPME-HSGC/MS)
2017 S. Arnoldi, G. Roda, E. Casagni, L.D. Acqua, M.V. DEI CAS, F. Fare', C.M. Rusconi, G.L. Visconti, V. Gambaro
Determination of propofol by GC/MS and fast GC/MS-TOF in two cases of poisoning
2017 P. Procaccianti, F. Farè, A. Argo, E. Casagni, S. Arnoldi, S. Facheris, G.L. Visconti, G. Roda, V. Gambaro
A possible biomarker for methadone related deaths
2017 A. Argo, G.F. Spatola, S. Zerbo, C. Sortino, A. Lanzarone, M.L. Uzzo, A. Pitruzzella, F. Farè, G. Roda, V. Gambaro, P. Procaccianti, S.B. Karch
Criticità nell’allestimento di miscele di farmaci : il caso della miscelazione di omeprazolo e rociverina fiale
2016 A. Casiraghi, F. Pomarico, G.L. Visconti, G. Roda, V. Gambaro, G. Monina, P. Minghetti
Validation Study of Analysis of 1-Phenyl-2-Propanone in Illicit Methamphetamine Samples by Dynamic Headspace Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
2016 S. Arnoldi, G. Roda, E. Casagni, A. Coceanig, L. Dell’Acqua, F. Farè, C. Rusconi, L. Tamborini, G.L. Visconti, V. Gambaro
Behavioural and pharmacological characterization of a novel cannabinomimetic adamantane-derived indole, APICA, and considerations on the possible misuse as a psychotropic spice abuse, in C57bl/6J mice
2016 C. Cannizzaro, G. Malta, A. Argo, A. Brancato, G. Roda, E. Casagni, L. Fumagalli, E. Valoti, R. Froldi, P. Procaccianti, V. Gambaro
Determination of 1-phenyl-2-propanone (P2P) by HS-GC/MS in a material sold as “wet amphetamine”
2016 S. Arnoldi, G. Roda, A. Coceanig, E. Casagni, L. Dell’Acqua, F. Farè, C. Rusconi, L. Tamborini, G.L. Visconti, V. Gambaro