Dipartimento di Bioscienze  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Tipo File Abstract
A narrative review of astrocytes and suicide in psychiatric disorders 2024 Tambuzzi, StefanoCattaneo, CristinaAmadeo, Alida Article (author) -
Mood disorders and suicide: pilot study on postmortem toxicologic evidence and adherence to psychiatric therapy by determining blood levels of medications 2024 Tambuzzi, StefanoTravaini, GuidoGambini, OrsolaCollini, FedericaZucca, FedericaDi Candia, DomenicoAmadeo, AlidaBattistini, AlessioCattaneo, Cristina + Article (author) -
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and epilepsy 2023 Amadeo A. + Article (author) -
Astrocytes expressing Vitamin D-activating enzyme identify Parkinson’s disease 2022 Mazzetti S.Giampietro F.Giana A.Amadeo A.Palazzi N.Comincini A.Caronni S.Cappelletti G.Rolando C. + Article (author) -
The β2V287L nicotinic subunit linked to sleep-related epilepsy differently affects fast-spiking and regular spiking somatostatin-expressing neurons in murine prefrontal cortex 2022 Modena, DeboraMadaschi, LauraAmadeo, Alida + Article (author) -
The association between alpha-Synuclein and alpha-Tubulin in brain synapses 2021 Alida AmadeoSara PizziAlessandro CominciniDebora ModenaAlessandra Maria CalogeroLaura MadaschiChiara RolandoGraziella Cappelletti + Article (author) -
Nicotinic Receptors in Sleep-Related Hypermotor Epilepsy : Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 2020 Amadeo, Alida + Article (author) -
The imbalance between dynamic and stable microtubules underlies neurodegeneration induced by 2,5-hexanedione 2020 Amadeo A.Cartelli D.Calogero A. M.Modena D.Costa I.Cantele F.Onelli E.Moscatelli A.Ascagni M.Cappelletti G. + Article (author) -
Proliferative cells in the rat developing neocortical grey matter: new insights into gliogenesis 2018 L. MadaschiA. Amadeo + Article (author) -
Parkin absence accelerates microtubule aging in dopaminergic neurons 2018 Cartelli, DanieleAmadeo, AlidaCalogero, Alessandra MariaDe Gregorio, CarmelitaGioria, MariarosaCappelletti, Graziella + Article (author) -
Postnatal Changes in K+/Cl- Cotransporter-2 Expression in the Forebrain of Mice Bearing a Mutant Nicotinic Subunit Linked to Sleep-Related Epilepsy 2018 Alida AmadeoMiriam AscagniDebora ModenaMaria Enrica Pasini + Article (author) -
a4b2* Nicotinic Receptors Stimulate Gaba Release onto Fast-Spiking Cells in Layer V of Mouse Prefrontal (Fr2) Cortex 2017 A. Amadeo + Article (author) -
Morphological characterization of a murine model of autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (ADNFLE) 2017 D. ModenaM. AscagniA. Amadeo + Conference Object -
The role of neuronal nicotinic receptors (nAChRs) in the pathogenesis of autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (ADNFLE): a study on wild-type and conditional transgenic mice expressing the beta2-V287L subunit 2017 S. BruscoP. AracriMODENA, DEBORAL. CarraresiA. Amadeo + Conference Object -
Expression of the K+/CL- cotransporter KCC2 in a conditional murine model of autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy 2016 D. ModenaP. AracriM. AscagniBRUSCO, SANDROM. E. PasiniA. Amadeo + Conference Object -
Why we forget our dreams : acetylcholine and norepinephrine in wakefulness and REM sleep 2016 A. Amadeo + Article (author) -
The role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy 2015 P. AracriA. Amadeo + Article (author) -
Hypocretin (Orexin) Regulates Glutamate Input to Fast-Spiking Interneurons in Layer V of the Fr2 Region of the Murine Prefrontal Cortex 2015 P. AracriM.E. PasiniA. Amadeo + Article (author) -
The ESCRT-deubiquitinating enzyme USP8 in the cervical spinal cord of wild-type and Vps54-recessive (wobbler) mutant mice 2014 C. PaiardiM.E. PasiniA. AmadeoM. GioriaG. Berruti Article (author) -
Atypical “seizure-like” activity in cortical reverberating networks in vitro can be caused by LPS-induced inflammation : a multi-electrode array study from a hundred neurons 2014 F. GulloA. Amadeo + Article (author) -