Dipartimento di Bioscienze
A narrative review of astrocytes and suicide in psychiatric disorders
2024 S. Tambuzzi, C. Cattaneo, A. Amadeo
Mood disorders and suicide: pilot study on postmortem toxicologic evidence and adherence to psychiatric therapy by determining blood levels of medications
2024 S. Tambuzzi, G. Travaini, O. Gambini, F. Collini, L. Ginepro, F. Attanasio, L. Fregna, F. Zucca, D. Di Candia, A. Amadeo, C. Colombo, A. Battistini, C. Cattaneo
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and epilepsy
2023 A. Becchetti, L.C. Grandi, M. Cerina, A. Amadeo
Astrocytes expressing Vitamin D-activating enzyme identify Parkinson’s disease
2022 S. Mazzetti, M. Barichella, F. Giampietro, A. Giana, A.M. Calogero, A. Amadeo, N. Palazzi, A. Comincini, G. Giaccone, M. Bramerio, S. Caronni, V. Cereda, E. Cereda, G. Cappelletti, C. Rolando, G. Pezzoli
The β2V287L nicotinic subunit linked to sleep-related epilepsy differently affects fast-spiking and regular spiking somatostatin-expressing neurons in murine prefrontal cortex
2022 S. Meneghini, D. Modena, G. Colombo, A. Coatti, N. Milani, L. Madaschi, A. Amadeo, A. Becchetti
The association between alpha-Synuclein and alpha-Tubulin in brain synapses
2021 A. Amadeo, S. Pizzi, A. Comincini, D. Modena, A.M.E. Calogero, L. Madaschi, G. Faustini, C. Rolando, A. Bellucci, G. Pezzoli, S. Mazzetti, G. Cappelletti
Nicotinic Receptors in Sleep-Related Hypermotor Epilepsy : Pathophysiology and Pharmacology
2020 A. Becchetti, L.C. Grandi, G. Colombo, S. Meneghini, A. Amadeo
The imbalance between dynamic and stable microtubules underlies neurodegeneration induced by 2,5-hexanedione
2020 F.V.M. Casagrande, A. Amadeo, D. Cartelli, A.M. Calogero, D. Modena, I. Costa, F. Cantele, E. Onelli, A. Moscatelli, M. Ascagni, G. Pezzoli, G. Cappelletti
Proliferative cells in the rat developing neocortical grey matter: new insights into gliogenesis
2018 R.F. Moroni, F. Deleo, M.C. Regondi, L. Madaschi, A. Amadeo, C. Frassoni
Parkin absence accelerates microtubule aging in dopaminergic neurons
2018 D. Cartelli, A. Amadeo, A.M. Calogero, F.V.M. Casagrande, C. De Gregorio, M. Gioria, N. Kuzumaki, I. Costa, J. Sassone, A. Ciammola, N. Hattori, H. Okano, S. Goldwurm, L. Roybon, G. Pezzoli, G. Cappelletti
Postnatal Changes in K+/Cl- Cotransporter-2 Expression in the Forebrain of Mice Bearing a Mutant Nicotinic Subunit Linked to Sleep-Related Epilepsy
2018 A. Amadeo, A. Coatti, P. Aracri, M. Ascagni, D. Iannantuoni, D. Modena, L. Carraresi, S. Brusco, S. Meneghini, A. Arcangeli, M.E. Pasini, A. Becchetti
a4b2* Nicotinic Receptors Stimulate Gaba Release onto Fast-Spiking Cells in Layer V of Mouse Prefrontal (Fr2) Cortex
2017 P. Aracri, S. Meneghini, A. Coatti, A. Amadeo, A. Becchetti
Morphological characterization of a murine model of autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (ADNFLE)
2017 D. Modena, M. Ascagni, D. Iannantuoni, C.E. Donati, E. Franquesa Puig, A. Becchetti, A. Amadeo
The role of neuronal nicotinic receptors (nAChRs) in the pathogenesis of autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (ADNFLE): a study on wild-type and conditional transgenic mice expressing the beta2-V287L subunit
2017 S. Meneghini, S. Brusco, A. Coatti, P. Aracri, D. Modena, L. Carraresi, A. Arcangeli, A. Amadeo, A. Becchetti
Expression of the K+/CL- cotransporter KCC2 in a conditional murine model of autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy
2016 D. Modena, P. Aracri, M. Ascagni, D. Iannantuoni, C.E. Donati, S. Brusco, S. Meneghini, A. Coatti, M.E. Pasini, A. Becchetti, A. Amadeo
Why we forget our dreams : acetylcholine and norepinephrine in wakefulness and REM sleep
2016 A. Becchetti, A. Amadeo
The role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy
2015 A. Becchetti, P. Aracri, S. Meneghini, S. Brusco, A. Amadeo
Hypocretin (Orexin) Regulates Glutamate Input to Fast-Spiking Interneurons in Layer V of the Fr2 Region of the Murine Prefrontal Cortex
2015 P. Aracri, D. Banfi, M.E. Pasini, A. Amadeo, A. Becchetti
The ESCRT-deubiquitinating enzyme USP8 in the cervical spinal cord of wild-type and Vps54-recessive (wobbler) mutant mice
2014 C. Paiardi, M.E. Pasini, A. Amadeo, M. Gioria, G. Berruti
Atypical “seizure-like” activity in cortical reverberating networks in vitro can be caused by LPS-induced inflammation : a multi-electrode array study from a hundred neurons
2014 F. Gullo, A. Amadeo, G. Donvito, M. Lecchi, B. Costa, A. Constanti, E. Wanke