Dipartimento di Scienze per gli Alimenti, la Nutrizione e l'Ambiente
Structural and functional insights into the basic globulin 7S of soybean seeds by using trypsin as a molecular probe
2018 C. Magni, F. Sessa, J. Capraro, M. Duranti, E. Maffioli, A. Scarafoni
New molecular features of cowpea bean (Vigna unguiculata, l. Walp) β-vignin
2018 F. Ederlan de Souza, J. Capraro, F. Sessa, C. Magni, D. Aureluce, A. Consonni, N. Valdir Augusto, M. Cilli Eduardo, M. Duranti, A. Scarafoni
Lupin storage proteins: targeted proteolysis and unforeseen functionalities
2015 J. Capraro, F. Sessa, C. Magni, A. Scarafoni, E. Maffioli, G. Tedeschi, M. Duranti
Identification in lupin seed of a serine-endopeptidase activity cleaving between twin arginine pairs and causing limited proteolysis of seed storage proteins
2012 C. Magni, F. Sessa, G. Tedeschi, A. Negri, A. Scarafoni, A. Consonni, M. Duranti
Purified sakacin A shows a dual mechanism of action against Listeria spp: proton motive force dissipation and cell wall breakdown
2012 V. Trinetta, A. Morleo, F. Sessa, S. Iametti, F. Bonomi, P. Ferranti
Identification of a novel endopeptidase activity from lupin seeds cleaving between arginine pairs of seed storage proteins
2011 C. Magni, F. Sessa, G. Tedeschi, A. Negri, A. Scarafoni, M. Duranti
The major proteins of lupin seed : characterisation and molecular properties for use as functional and nutraceutical ingredients
2008 M. Duranti, A. Consonni, C. Magni, F. Sessa, A. Scarafoni
Combined 2-D electrophoretic approaches for the study of white lupin mature seed storage proteome
2007 C. Magni, A. Scarafoni, A. Herndl, F.A. Sessa, B. Prinsi, L. Espen, M.M. Duranti
Lupin seed proteomics : combined approaches for basic and applied investigations
2006 C. Magni, A. Scarafoni, F. Sessa, B. Prinsi, L. Espen, M. Duranti
Inhibitory properties and solution structure of a potent Bowman-Birk protease inhibitor from lentil (Lens culinaris, L.) seeds
2006 E.M. Ragg, V. Galbusera, A. Scarafoni, A. Negri, G. Tedeschi, A. Consonni, F.A. Sessa, M.M. Duranti
Solution Structure Elucidation of a Bowman-Birk inhibitor from Lens culinaris by 1H-NMR and molecular dynamics calculations
2005 E. Ragg, V. Galbusera, A. Scarafoni, A. Negri, A. Consonni, F. Sessa, M. Duranti
Improved lupin proteins isolation and molecular characterisation in view of their exploitation as food ingredients
2005 M. Duranti, C. Magni, E. Sironi, F. Sessa, A. Scarafoni
Biological activity, traceability and potential allergenicity of selected lupin proteins
2005 M. Duranti, E. Sironi, C. Magni, F. Sessa, A. Scarafoni
A simple procedure of lupin seed protein fractionation for selective food applications
2005 E.S. Sironi, F.A. Sessa, M.M. Duranti
2D electrophoretic mapping as a tool for the analysis of seed proteins in legume-based raw materials and novel foods
2004 E. Sironi, A. Scarafoni, F. Sessa, C. Magni, V. Dani, M. Duranti
Conglutin gamma, a lupin seed protein, binds insulin in vitro and reduces plasma glucose levels of hyperglycemic rats
2004 C. Magni, F.A. Sessa, E. Accardo, M. Vanoni, P. Morazzoni, A. Scarafoni, M.M. Duranti
Metal ions restore the proteolytic resistance of denatured conglutin gamma, a lupin seed glycoprotein, by promoting its refolding
2002 M. Duranti, A. Di Cataldo, F. Sessa, A. Scarafoni, F. Ceciliani
Interaction of metal ions with lupin seed conglutin gamma
2001 M. Duranti, A. Scarafoni, A. Di Cataldo, F. Sessa
Frequency of αS1-casein variants in the Italian goat breeds Sarda and Verzaschese
1999 S. Iametti, F. Sessa, M. Feligini, G.F. Greppi, G. Enne, S. Pagani