DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE CLINICHE VETERINARIE (attivo dal 01/01/2003 al 27/04/2012)
Identification of immunoreactive proteins for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis detection
2011 C. Piras, A. Soggiu, L. Bonizzi, G. Greppi, N. Arrigoni, P. Roncada
Proteomics for improved meat quality and traceability
2010 P. Roncada, A. Gaviraghi, E. Lasagna, F. Filippini, H. Ahmed Hussein Ahmed, C. Piras, A. Soggiu, G. Greppi, L. Bonizzi
Mycobacterium avium sub. paratuberculosis proteins as potential targets for developing a specific nanobiosensors
2010 C. Piras, A. Soggiu, G. Greppi, L. Bonizzi, P. Roncada
Evaluation of post-mortem change in bovine feeded with different diet supplementation
2009 A. Gaviraghi, F. Deriu, A. Soggiu, G. Greppi, L. Bonizzi, P. Roncada
Build up a synthetic reference map of bovine muscle proteins
2009 P. Roncada, A. Gaviraghi, F. Deriu, G. Greppi, L. Bonizzi
Canine testicular tumours : a study on 232 dogs
2008 V. Grieco, E. Riccardi, G.F. Greppi, F. Teruzzi, V. Iermanò, M. Finazzi
Film bionanotecnologici innovativi
2008 S. Mura, G.F. Greppi
proteomic analysis of ham and fat of pigs feeded with ochratoxin a
2007 P. Roncada, R. Fortin, V. Orlandi, F. Deriu, M. Zannotti, L. Malagutti, G.F. Greppi, F. Sciaraffia
Ripercussione delle zoppie sulle performances riproduttive nella bovina da latte
2007 A. Casellato, P. Braga, A. Pecile, G.F. Greppi
Blood serum proteome for welfare evaluation in pigs
2007 P. Roncada, B. Begni, M. Amadori, S. Cristoni, I.L. Archetti, C. Boldetti, R. Fortin, F. Deriu, G.F. Greppi
Il proteoma del liquido sinoviale equino come metodo per individuare biomarkers nelle degenerazioni articolari
2006 G.F. Greppi, M. Scandella, R. Fortin, D. Zani, A. DE GRESTI DI SAN LEONARDO, M. Di Giancamillo, F. Deriu, P. Riccaboni, L. Bonizzi, P. Roncada
Caprine alpha s1-casei polymorphism : characterization of A, B, E and F variants by means of various biochemical and molecular techniques
2005 M. Feligini, S. Frati, V. Cubric Curik, A. Brambilla, P. Parma, I. Curik, G. Greppi, G. Enne
Bovine mammary gland gene expression profiling by microarray analysis
2005 L. Fusetti, V. Maran, P. Parma, S. Cenadelli, P. Scarpa, G.F. Greppi
Sull’efficacia di enrofloxacin (Baytril) da solo o in associazione con flunixin meglumine (Flunamine) nella terapia delle sindromi respiratorie dei vitelli
2005 D. Pravettoni, M. Re, L. Nisoli, G.F. Greppi, M. Tranquillo, P. Roncada, A. Belloli
A single nucleotide polymorphism in the sheep k-casein coding region.
2005 M. Feligini, V. Slavica, V. Cubric Curik, P. Parma, G. Greppi, G. Enne G.
Melanoma irideo diffuso felino (FDIM): significato delle caratteristiche istologiche ed immunoistochimiche quali indicatori prognostici
2005 C. Giudice, M. Rondena, V. Grieco, G. Greppi, R.R. Dubielzig
Detection of adulteration in italian mozzarella cheese using mitochondrial DNA templates as biomarkers
2005 M. Feligini, I. Bonizzi, V. Curik, P. Parma, G.F. Greppi, G. Enne
A proteomic approach to investigate immunity against R. equi in foals
2005 L. Bonizzi, P. Roncada, R. Fortin, M.L. Menandro, G.F. Greppi
Proteomic evaluation of milk from different mammalian species as a substitute for breast milk
2005 E.C. D’Auria, C.V. Agostoni, M. Giovannini, E. Riva, R. Zetterstrom, R. Fortin, G. Greppi, L. Bonizzi, P. Roncada
Proteomic analysis of goats milk experimental feeded with aflatoxin B1
2004 P. Roncada, M.A. Cuccurru, L. Malagutti, M. Zannotti, S. Lauzi, G.F. Greppi