E-consensus on telemedicine in proctology: A RAND/UCLA-modified study
2021 G. Gallo, U. Grossi, A. Sturiale, G.L. Di Tanna, A. Picciariello, S. Pillon, D. Mascagni, D.F. Altomare, G. Naldini, R. Perinotti, C. Bottini, S. Bracchitta, L. Brusciano, F. Caminati, F. Cantarella, V. Celentano, G.C. Paola De Nardi, F. Ferrara, C. Folliero, P. Giamundo, I. Giani, I. Giannini, M.C. Giuffrida, A. Infantino, M. La Torre, A. Lauretta, G. Lisi, L. Losacco, A. Maffioli, S. Mancini, F. Marino, J. Martellucci, P. Meinero, G. Milito, M. Mistrangelo, L. Mori, S. Orlandi, F. Pata, B. Pessia, R. Pietroletti, M. Pozzo, F. Pucciani, C. Ratto, L. Romano, M. Roveroni, G. Santoro, A. Serventi, D. Telesco, A. Testa, P. Tonello, N. Tricomi, M. Trompetto, R. Tutino, G. Zaffaroni, J. Mayol
Authentication of production method of fish by fatty acid and stable isotope profiling
2008 M.L. Busetto, I. Giani, V.M. Moretti, J.M. Moreno Rojas, F. Caprino, F. Serra, A. Brunello, F. Bellagamba, C. Guillou
Riconoscimento di rombi (Psetta maxima) pescati e allevati mediante analisi degli acidi grassi e degli isotopi stabili
2008 M.L. Busetto, V.M. Moretti, F. Caprino, I. Giani, F. Bellagamba, J.M. Moreno Rojas, C. Guillou
Authentication of farmed and wild turbot (Psetta maxima) by fatty acid and isotopic analyses combined with chemometrics
2008 M.L. Busetto, V.M. Moretti, J.M. Moreno Rojas, F. Caprino, I. Giani, R. Malandra, F. Bellagamba, C. Guillou
Fatty acid composition and volatile compounds of caviar from farmed white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus)
2008 F. Caprino, V.M. Moretti, F. Bellagamba, G.M. Turchini, M.L. Busetto, I. Giani, M.A. Paleari, M. Pazzaglia
Determination of flavour compounds in a mountain cheese by headspace sorptive extraction-thermal desorption-capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
2008 S. Panseri, I. Giani, T. Mentasti, F. Bellagamba, F. Caprino, V.M. Moretti
Fatty acid composition and volatile compounds of caviar from farmed white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus)
2007 F. Caprino, F. Bellagamba, M.L. Busetto, I. Giani, V.M. Moretti
Fatty acid composition and volatile compounds of caviar from farmed white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus)
2007 F. Caprino, F. Bellagamba, M.L. Busetto, I. Giani, M. Pazzaglia, V.M. Moretti
The use of stable isotope ratio analyses to discriminate wild and farmed gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)
2007 J.M. Moreno Rojas, F. Serra, I. Giani, V.M. Moretti, F. Reniero, C. Guillou
Classification of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) from 1H-NMR lipid profiling combined with Principal Component and Linear Discriminant Analysis
2007 S. Rezzi, I. Giani, K. Heberger, D.E. Axelson, V.M. Moretti, F. Reniero, C. Guillou
Chemical characterization of mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis reared in Italy: a preliminary study
2006 V.M. Moretti, I. Giani, T. Mentasti, M.L. Busetto, S. Panseri, F. Bellagamba, R. Malandra, F. Valfrè
Determination of astaxanthin stereoisomers and colour attributes in flesh of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) as a tool to distinguish dietary pigmentation source
2006 V.M. Moretti, T. Mentasti, F. Bellagamba, U. Luzzana, F. Caprino, G.M. Turchini, I. Giani, F. Valfrè
Riconoscimento dell'origine del metodo di produzione delle orate selvagge e di allevamento
2005 I. Giani, F. Caprino, S. Panseri, T. Mentasti, F. Bellagamba, V.M. Moretti, F. Valfrè, R. Malandra
The relative absorption of fatty acids in brown trout (Salmo trutta) fed a commercial extruded pellet coated with different lipid sources
2005 G.M. Turchini, T. Mentasti, F. Caprino, I. Giani, S. Panseri, F. Bellagamba, V.M. Moretti, F. Valfré
Astaxanthin stereoisomers in different dietary ingredients for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
2005 V.M. Moretti, T. Mentasti, F. Bellagamba, U. Luzzana, M. Scolari, I. Giani, G.M. Turchini, F. Valfrè
Fatty acids profiles of food of animal origin as affected by current changes
2005 V.M. Moretti, S. Panseri, T. Mentasti, I. Giani, G.M. Turchini, F. Bellagamba, F. Caprino, M.A. Paleari, S. Cerolini, L. Zaniboni, M.L. Busetto, F. Valfrè
Use of compositional analysis to distinguish farmed and wild gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata)
2005 I. Giani, V.M. Moretti, F. Caprino, F. Bellagamba, T. Mentasti, S. Panseri, R. Malandra, F. Valfrè
Determination of aroma compounds in Bitto cheese by stir bar sorptive extraction-thermal-desorption capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
2004 I. Giani, S. Panseri, T. Mentasti, F. Valfrè, V.M. Moretti
Isolation of terpenes and aroma compounds in mountain herbs and typical Italian goat cheese by SBSE and TD-GC-MSD
2004 S. Panseri, I. Giani, T. Mentasti, F. Valfrè, V.M. Moretti
Discrimination of origin of farmed trout by means of biometrical parameters, fillet composition and flavour volatile compounds
2004 G.M. Turchini, I. Giani, F. Caprino, V.M. Moretti, F. Valfrè