Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute
Effect of docosahexaenoic acid as an anti-inflammatory for Caco-2 cells and modulating agent for gut microbiota in children with obesity (the DAMOCLE study)
2024 C. Lammi, E. Ottaviano, G. Fiore, C. Bollati, L. D'Adduzio, M. Fanzaga, C. Ceccarani, S. Vizzuso, G. Zuccotti, E. Borghi, E. Verduci
Association between SARS-CoV-2 RNAemia, skewed T cell responses, inflammation, and severity in hospitalized COVID-19 people living with HIV
2024 M. Augello, V. Bono, R. Rovito, C. Tincati, S. Bianchi, L. Taramasso, A. Di Biagio, A. Callegaro, F. Maggiolo, E. Borghi, A.D. Monforte, G. Marchetti
Long-Term Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Hospitalized Children: Findings from an Italian Single-Center Study
2024 V. Calcaterra, V.M. Tagi, E. D'Auria, A. Lai, S. Zanelli, C. Montanari, E. Maria Biganzoli, G. Marano, E. Borghi, V. Massa, A. Riva, G. Zuccotti
Gut microbiota profile in CDKL5 deficiency disorder patients
2024 E. Borghi, O. Xynomilakis, E. Ottaviano, C. Ceccarani, I. Viganò, P. Tognini, A. Vignoli
Synthesis of amphiphilic hydantoin-based universal peptidomimetics as antibiotic agents
2023 A.M. Caramiello, M.C. Bellucci, E. Ottaviano, S. Ancona, E. Borghi, A. Volonterio
To update or not to update the ESCMID guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of biofilm infections - That is the question! The opinion of the ESGB board
2023 N. Høiby, C. Moser, A. Oliver, C. Williams, G. Ramage, E. Borghi, J. Azeredo, M.D. Macia
Reduction of Staphylococcus epidermidis in the mammary tumor microbiota induces antitumor immunity and decreases breast cancer aggressiveness
2023 G. Bernardo, V. Le Noci, E. Ottaviano, L. De Cecco, C. Camisaschi, S. Guglielmetti, M. Di Modica, G. Gargari, F. Bianchi, S. Indino, P. Sartori, E. Borghi, M. Sommariva, E. Tagliabue, T. Triulzi, L. Sfondrini
Preschool-located influenza vaccination and influenza-like illness surveillance: an Italian pilot experience
2023 A. Amendola, E. Borghi, S. Bianchi, M. Gori, C. Fappani, L. Barcellini, F. Forlanini, N. Garancini, C. Nava, A. Mari, A. Sala, C. Gasparini, E. Ottaviano, D. Colzani, E.M. Biganzoli, E. Tanzi, G.V. Zuccotti
Possible role of tryptophan metabolism along the microbiota-gut-brain axis on cognitive & behavioral aspects in Phenylketonuria
2023 S. Parolisi, C. Montanari, E. Borghi, C. Cazzorla, J. Zuvadelli, M. Tosi, R. Barone, G. Bensi, C. Bonfanti, C. Dionisi Vici, G. Biasucci, A. Burlina, M.T. Carbone, E. Verduci
Aspetti cognitivi e comportamentali negli errori congeniti del metabolismo: possibile influenza del microbiota-gut-brain axis e ruolo del triptofano
2023 C. Montanari, S. Parolisi, E. Borghi, C. Cazzorla, J. Zuvadelli, M. Tosi, R. Barone, G. Bensi, C. Bonfanti, C. Dionisi Vici, G. Biasucci, A. Burlina, M.T. Carbone, E. Verduci
Our current clinical understanding of Candida biofilms: where are we two decades on?
2023 G. Ramage, E. Borghi, C.F. Rodrigues, R. Kean, C. Williams, J. Lopez-Ribot
Long-term analysis of the effects of COVID-19 in people with epilepsy: Results from a multicenter on-line survey across the pandemic waves
2022 C. Parodi, I. Viganò, E. Ottaviano, V. Massa, E. Borghi, S. Beretta, J.C. Di Francesco, V. Badioni, A. Vignoli
Association between SARS-CoV-2 RNAemia and dysregulated immune response in acutely ill hospitalized COVID-19 patients
2022 R. Rovito, V. Bono, M. Augello, C. Tincati, F. Mainoldi, G. Beaudoin-Bussières, A. Tauzin, S. Bianchi, M. Hadla, V. Yellenki, A. d'Arminio Monforte, S. Casola, E. Borghi, A. Finzi, G. Marchetti
Feasibility and acceptability of saliva-based testing for the screening of SARS-CoV-2 infection in prison
2022 C. Parodi, E. Ottaviano, N. Cocco, S. Ancona, S. Bianchi, V. Massa, R. Bartolotti, B. Pezzoni, R. Giuliani, E. Borghi, R. Ranieri
Waiting for the truth: is reluctance in accepting an early origin hypothesis for SARS-CoV-2 delaying our understanding of viral emergence?
2022 M. Canuti, S. Bianchi, O. Kolbl, S.L. Kosakovsky Pond, S. Kumar, M. Gori, C. Fappani, D. Colzani, E. Borghi, G. Zuccotti, M.C. Raviglione, E. Tanzi, A. Amendola
Curcumin Supplementation (Meriva®) Modulates Inflammation, Lipid Peroxidation and Gut Microbiota Composition in Chronic Kidney Disease
2022 F. Pivari, A. Mingione, G. Piazzini, C. Ceccarani, E. Ottaviano, C. Brasacchio, M. Dei Cas, M. Vischi, M.G. Cozzolino, P. Fogagnolo, A. Riva, G. Petrangolini, L. Barrea, L. Di Renzo, E. Borghi, P. Signorelli, R. Paroni, L. Soldati
Special Diets in Infants and Children and Impact on Gut Microbioma
2022 E. Di Profio, V.C. Magenes, G. Fiore, M. Agostinelli, A. La Mendola, M. Acunzo, R. Francavilla, F. Indrio, A. Bosetti, E. D’Auria, E. Borghi, G. Zuccotti, E. Verduci
KMT2A : umbrella gene for multiple diseases
2022 S. Castiglioni, E. Di Fede, C. Bernardelli, A. Lettieri, C. Parodi, P. Grazioli, E.A. Colombo, S. Ancona, D. Milani, E. Ottaviano, E. Borghi, V. Massa, F. Ghelma, A. Vignoli, E. Lesma, C. Gervasini
Dysbiosis in Children With Neurological Impairment and Long-Term Enteral Nutrition
2022 S. Panelli, V. Calcaterra, E. Verduci, F. Comandatore, G. Pelizzo, E. Borghi, C. Bandi, G.V. Zuccotti
Farnesol Boosts the Antifungal Effect of Fluconazole and Modulates Resistance in Candida auris through Regulation of the CDR1 and ERG11 Genes
2022 J. Dekkerová, L. Černáková, S. Kendra, E. Borghi, E. Ottaviano, B. Willinger, H. Bujdáková