Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Nutrient-based dietary patterns and BMI z-score changes in children and adolescents with obesity after Mediterranean diet intervention
2024 G. Fiore, S. Vizzuso, F. Eletti, M. Tosi, F. Bona, V. Perico, A. Bosetti, G. Zuccotti, E. Verduci
Effect of docosahexaenoic acid as an anti-inflammatory for Caco-2 cells and modulating agent for gut microbiota in children with obesity (the DAMOCLE study)
2024 C. Lammi, E. Ottaviano, G. Fiore, C. Bollati, L. D'Adduzio, M. Fanzaga, C. Ceccarani, S. Vizzuso, G. Zuccotti, E. Borghi, E. Verduci
Anthropometric parameters and body composition in children whith spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and cerebral palsy: an observational study
2023 G. Fiore, A. Mari, M. Tosi, S. Vizzuso, M.C. Pascuzzi, B. Borsani, A. Bosetti, S. Bertoli, R. De Amicis, G. Pelizzo, G.V. Zuccotti, E. Verduci
Dietary Inflammatory Potential in Pediatric Diseases: A Narrative Review
2023 M. Tosi, C. Montanari, F. Bona, C. Tricella, M. Agostinelli, J. Dolor, C. Chillemi, E. Di Profio, V.M. Tagi, S. Vizzuso, G. Fiore, G. Zuccotti, E. Verduci
A Multivariate Analysis of “Metabolic Phenotype” Patterns in Children and Adolescents with Obesity for the Early Stratification of Patients at Risk of Metabolic Syndrome
2022 V. Calcaterra, G. Biganzoli, S. Ferraro, E. Verduci, V. Rossi, S. Vizzuso, A. Bosetti, B. Borsani, E. Biganzoli, G.V. Zuccotti
Immunonutrition and SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Children with Obesity
2022 E.C. D'Auria, V. Calcaterra, E. Verduci, M. Ghezzi, R. Lamberti, S. Vizzuso, P. Baldassarre, E. Pendezza, V. Perico, A. Bosetti, G.V. Zuccotti
The triad mother-breast milk-infant as predictor of future health: A narrative review
2021 E. Verduci, M.L. Gianni', G. Vizzari, S. Vizzuso, J. Cerasani, F. Mosca, G. Zuccotti
Nutritional, gastrointestinal and endo-metabolic challenges in the management of children with spinal muscular atrophy type 1
2021 A. Corsello, L. Scatigno, M.C. Pascuzzi, V. Calcaterra, D. Dilillo, S. Vizzuso, G. Pelizzo, E. Zoia, A. Mandelli, A. Govoni, A. Bosetti, R. Francavilla, F. Indrio, V. Fabiano, G.V. Zuccotti, E. Verduci
Predictive ability of the estimate of fat mass to detect early-onset metabolic syndrome in prepubertal children with obesity
2021 V. Calcaterra, E. Verduci, A. De Silvestri, V. Magenes, F. Siccardo, L. Schneider, S. Vizzuso, A. Bosetti, G. Zuccotti
Effect of individual- versus collective-based nutritional-lifestyle intervention on the atherogenic index of plasma in children with obesity : a randomized trial
2021 E. Verduci, G. Banderali, E. Di Profio, S. Vizzuso, G. Zuccotti, G. Radaelli
Nutripedia : The fight against the fake news in nutrition during pregnancy and early life
2021 E. Verduci, S. Vizzuso, A. Frassinetti, L. Mariotti, A. Del Torto, G. Fiore, A. Marconi, G.V. Zuccotti
Blood fatty acids profile in mis-c children
2021 E. Verduci, P. Rise, E. Di Profio, L. Fiori, S. Vizzuso, D. Dilillo, S. Mannarino, E. Zoia, V. Calcaterra, C. Pinna, A. Sala, G. Zuccotti
Visceral Adiposity Index (VAI) in Children and Adolescents with Obesity : No Association with Daily Energy Intake but Promising Tool to Identify Metabolic Syndrome (MetS)
2021 S. Vizzuso, A. DEL TORTO, D. Dilillo, V. Calcaterra, E. DI PROFIO, A. Leone, L. Gilardini, S. Bertoli, A. Battezzati, G.V. Zuccotti, E. Verduci
Sex-Specific Differences in the Relationship between Insulin Resistance and Adiposity Indexes in Children and Adolescents with Obesity
2021 V. Calcaterra, E. Verduci, L. Schneider, H. Cena, A. De Silvestri, S. Vizzuso, F. Vinci, C. Mameli, G. Zuccotti
Immunomodulatory diet in pediatric age
2021 E. Verduci, E. D'Auria, A. Bosetti, E. Di Profio, S. Vizzuso, C. Milanta, E. Pendezza, B. Borsani, G.V. Zuccotti
Effect of Docosahexaenoic Acid Supplementation on Microbiota in Obese ChiLdrEn : A Pilot Study (The DAMOCLE Study)
2020 M. Amatruda, S. Vizzuso, V. Fabiano, E. Borghi, G.V. Zuccotti, E. Verduci
Evaluation of Different Adiposity Indices and Association with Metabolic Syndrome Risk in Obese Children: Is there a Winner?
2020 A. Leone, S. Vizzuso, P. Brambilla, C. Mameli, S. Ravella, R. De Amicis, A. Battezzati, G.V. Zuccotti, S. Bertoli, E. Verduci
Is Macronutrients Intake a Challenge for Cardiometabolic Risk in Obese Adolescents?
2020 S. Vizzuso, M. Amatruda, A. Del Torto, E. D'Auria, G. Ippolito, G.V. Zuccotti, E. Verduci
Early Nutrition and Risk of Type 1 Diabetes: The Role of Gut Microbiota
2020 E. Verduci, C. Mameli, M. Amatruda, A. Petitti, S. Vizzuso, F. El Assadi, G. Zuccotti, S. Alabduljabbar, A. Terranegra
Epigenetic effects of n-3 LCPUFAs : A role in pediatric metabolic syndrome
2019 M. Amatruda, G. Ippolito, S. Vizzuso, G. Vizzari, G. Banderali, E. Verduci