Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute
Interleukin-8 is a potential senescence inducer in lung fibroblasts
2024 C. Bernardelli, P. Selvaggio, S. Rosa, M. Lazzari, L. Casati, R. Chiaramonte, E. Lesma
Investigating the Impact of Epstein-Barr Virus on Sphingolipid Composition in Extracellular Vesicles of Multiple Sclerosis Patients
2024 L. Centofanti, A. Zollo, M. Dei Cas, V. Citro, D. Giannandrea, E. Soleymaninejadian, A. Mingione, A. Corona, A. Priori, M. Miozzo, F. Folli, R. Paroni, R. Chiaramonte, F. Martinelli Boneschi
Unveiling the Dynamic Interplay between Cancer Stem Cells and the Tumor Microenvironment in Melanoma: Implications for Novel Therapeutic Strategies
2024 P. Limonta, R. Chiaramonte, L. Casati
HEBE project: Healthy aging versus inflamm-aging: The role of physical exercise in modulating the biomarkers of age-associated and environmentally determined chronic diseases, study protocol
2024 F. Bianchi, E. Biganzoli, V. Bollati, M. Clerici, D. Lucini, C. Mando, F. Rota, F. Ambrogi, B. Arosio, M. Aureli, G. Baron, M. Baruscotti, C. Battaglia, C. Bellocchi, S. Bellosta, C. Bernardelli, G. Bernardelli, M. Bonomi, F. Bravi, P. Brocca, A.L. Brucato, A. Bucchi, M. Camera, N. Caporale, G. Cappelletti, L. Casati, S. Castaldi, S. Castiglioni, M.G. Cattaneo, R. Cazzola, S. Centanni, I. Cetin, R. Chiaramonte, I. Chiodini, E. Chiricozzi, P. Ciana, V. Citro, C.B. Cogliati, S.L. Corbetta, F. D'Addio, A. D'Amato, C.M.L. Dallanoce, M.V. DEI CAS, E. DEL FAVERO, A. DELLE FAVE, G. DIAS RODRIGUES, V.C. Edefonti, C. Fenizia, L. Ferrari, M. Ferraroni, P. Fiorina, D.M.M. Fornasari, M. Fumagalli, N. Gagliano, E.R. Galliera, J.A.E. Geginat, D. Giannandrea, F.A. Ingegnoli, C.A.M. LA PORTA, C.V.B. LA VECCHIA, D. Lecca, E.A. Lesma, P. Limonta, C. Loretelli, V. Martini, C. Matera, N. Montano, L. Pantoni, N. Papini, R.C. Paroni, C. Perego, L. Persani, A.S. Pistocchi, N. Platonova, G. Podda, P.T. Rise', P.V. Riva, A.M. Rizzo, V.M. Rondelli, M. Rossi, M. Ruscica, V.M. Savasi, M. Scavone, L. Sfondrini, L. Sironi, M. Sommariva, G. Testa, E. Tobaldini, C.A. Tringali, E. Verduci, M. Vicenzi, C.A. Vigano', G. Vistoli, G. Vitale
RNA medicine: a novel approach to block the pathological communication between tumor and microenvironment
2023 N. Abazari, D. Giannandrea, L. Casati, A. Villa, E. Crippa, N. Platonova, V. Citro, G. Sauro, P. Ciana, R. Chiaramonte
The Potential of JAG Ligands as Therapeutic Targets and Predictive Biomarkers in Multiple Myeloma
2023 N. Platonova, E. Lazzari, M. Colombo, M. Falleni, D. Tosi, D. Giannandrea, V. Citro, L. Casati, D. Ronchetti, N. Bolli, A. Neri, F. Torricelli, L.A. Crews, C.H.M. Jamieson, R. Chiaramonte
Extracellular Vesicles as an Innovative Tool for siRNA Delivery to Block the Pathological Communication between Tumor and Microenvironment.
2023 N. Abazari, D. Giannandrea, L. Casati, A. Villa, E. Crippa, N. Platonova, V. Citro, G. Sauro, P. Ciana, R. Chiaramonte
Activation of long non-coding RNA NEAT1 leads to survival advantage of multiple myeloma cells by supporting a positive regulatory loop with DNA repair proteins
2023 E. Taiana, C. Bandini, V.K. Favasuli, D. Ronchetti, I. Silvestris, N. Puccio, K. Todoerti, S. Erratico, D. Giannandrea, N. Bolli, N. Amodio, A. Ciarrocchi, R. Chiaramonte, Y. Torrente, R. Piva, A. Neri
DIS3 depletion in multiple myeloma causes extensive perturbation in cell cycle progression and centrosome amplification
2023 V.K. Favasuli, D. Ronchetti, I. Silvestris, N. Puccio, G. Fabbiano, V. Traini, K. Todoerti, S. Erratico, A. Ciarrocchi, V. Fragliasso, D. Giannandrea, F. Tumiatti, R. Chiaramonte, Y. Torrente, P. Finelli, E. Morelli, N.C. Munshi, N. Bolli, A. Neri, E. Taìana
Nanoplastic impact on bone microenvironment: A snapshot from murine bone cells
2023 D. Giannandrea, M. Parolini, V. Citro, B. De Felice, A. Pezzotta, N. Abazari, N. Platonova, M. Sugni, M. Chiu, A. Villa, E. Lesma, R. Chiaramonte, L. Casati
LAM cells as potential drivers of senescence in lymphangioleiomyomatosis microenvironment
2022 C. Bernardelli, S. Ancona, M. Lazzari, A. Lettieri, P. Selvaggio, V. Massa, C.C.G. Gervasini, F. DI MARCO, R. Chiaramonte, E.A. Lesma
Extracellular vesicles mediate the communication between multiple myeloma and bone marrow microenvironment in a NOTCH dependent way
2022 D. Giannandrea, N. Platonova, M. Colombo, M. Mazzola, V. Citro, R. Adami, F. Maltoni, S. Ancona, V. Dolo, I. Giusti, A. Basile, A. Pistocchi, L. Cantone, V. Bollati, L. Casati, E. Calzavara, M. Turrini, E. Lesma, R. Chiaramonte
Restoring Tissue Homeostasis at Metastatic Sites: A Focus on Extracellular Vesicles in Bone Metastasis
2021 D. Giannandrea, V. Citro, E. Lesma, M. Bignotto, N. Platonova, R. Chiaramonte
The role of NOTCH2 in the Extracellular vesicles mediated communication in Multiple Myeloma: a focus on angiogenesis and osteoclastogenesis
2021 D. Giannandrea, N. Platonova, M. Colombo, V. Citro, R. Adami, F. Maltoni, S. Ancona, A. Basile, L. Cantone, V. Bollati, L. Casati, M. Turrini, E. Lesma, R. Chiaramonte
Nanoplastics & health: taking a picture of bone cells
2021 L. Casati, D. Giannandrea, V. Citro, N. Platonova, M. Sugni Daniele Bottai, M. Parolini, R. Chiaramonte
The role of Notch pathway in the pro-tumorigenic activity of extracellular vesicles in multiple myeloma
2021 D. Giannandrea, M. Colombo, N. Platonova, V. Citro, M. Mazzola, A. Pistocchi, R. Adami, V. Dolo, I. Giusti, L. Cantone, V. Bollati, M. Turrini, R. Chiaramonte
The role of NOTCH2 in the extracellular vesicles-mediated angiogenesis and osteoclastogenesis in multiple myeloma
2021 D. Giannandrea, N. Platonova, V. Citro, M. Colombo, M. Mazzola, R. Adami, F. Maltoni, L. Cantone, A. Pistocchi, V. Bollati, S. Ancona, E. Lesma, M. Turrini, R. Chiaramonte
Differential modulation of matrix metalloproteinases-2 and-7 in LAM/TSC cells
2021 S. Ancona, E. Orpianesi, C. Bernardelli, E. Chiaramonte, R. Chiaramonte, S. Terraneo, F. Di Marco, E. Lesma
Sex Steroid Regulation of Oxidative Stress in Bone Cells: An In Vitro Study
2021 V. Sibilia, D. Bottai, R. Maggi, F. Pagani, R. Chiaramonte, D. Giannandrea, V. Citro, N. Platonova, L. Casati
Jagged ligands as new targets in multiple myeloma associated angiogenesis
2020 D. Giannandrea, M.T. Palano, N. Platonova, G. Gaudenzi, M. Falleni, D. Tosi, E. Lesma, V. Citro, M. Colombo, I. Saltarella, R. Ria, N. Amodio, E. Taiana, A. Neri, G. Vitale, R. Chiaramonte