Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Mediche e Medicina Traslazionale
Sex Steroid Regulation of Oxidative Stress in Bone Cells: An In Vitro Study
2021 V. Sibilia, D. Bottai, R. Maggi, F. Pagani, R. Chiaramonte, D. Giannandrea, V. Citro, N. Platonova, L. Casati
Reply “comment on: Food for bone: Evidence for a role for delta-tocotrienol in the physiological control of osteoblast migration. int. j. mol. sci. 2020, 21, 4661”
2020 L. Casati, F. Pagani, R. Maggi, F. Ferrucci, V. Sibilia
New morphological evidence of the ‘fate’ of growth plate hypertrophic chondrocytes in the general context of endochondral ossification
2020 U.E. Pazzaglia, M. Reguzzoni, L. Casati, V. Sibilia, G. Zarattini, M. Raspanti
Food for bone : Evidence for a role for delta-tocotrienol in the physiological control of osteoblast migration
2020 L. Casati, F. Pagani, R. Maggi, F. Ferrucci, V. Sibilia
Beneficial effects of δ-tocotrienol against oxidative stress in osteoblastic cells: studies on the mechanisms of action
2019 L. Casati, F. Pagani, P. Limonta, C. Vanetti, G. Stancari, V. Sibilia
Long bone human anlage longitudinal and circumferential growth in the fetal period and comparison with the growth plate cartilage of the postnatal age
2018 U.E. Pazzaglia, M. Reguzzoni, L. Casati, A. Minini, A.G. Salvi, V. Sibilia
The missing segment of the autopod 1st ray: new insights from a morphometric study of the human hand
2018 U.E. Pazzaglia, V. Sibilia, L. Casati, A.G. Salvi, A. Minini, M. Reguzzoni
Potential of delphinidin-3-rutinoside extracted from Solanum melongena L. as promoter of osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 function and antagonist of oxidative damage
2018 L. Casati, F. Pagani, M. Fibiani, R. Lo Scalzo, V. Sibilia
The ghrelin paradox in the control of equine chondrocyte function: The good and the bad
2018 S. Ceriotti, A.L. Consiglio, L. Casati, F. Cremonesi, V. Sibilia, F. Ferrucci
Study of Endochondral Ossification in Human Fetalcartilage Anlagen of Metacarpals: Comparative Morphology of Mineral Deposition in Cartilage and in the Periosteal Bone Matrix
2018 U.E. Pazzaglia, M. Reguzzoni, F. Pagani, V. Sibilia, T. Congiu, A.G. Salvi, A. Benetti
Growth and shaping of metacarpal and carpal cartilage anlagen: Application of morphometry to the development of short and long bone. A study of human hand anlagen in the fetal period
2017 U.E. Pazzaglia, T. Congiu, V. Sibilia, L. Casati, A. Minini, A. Benetti
Targeting Epigenome As An Innovative Pharmacological Strategy For Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer
2016 L. Casati, F. Celotti, V. Sibilia
Relationship between the chondrocyte maturation cycle and the endochondral ossification in the diaphyseal and epiphyseal ossification centers
2016 U.E. Pazzaglia, T. Congiu, V. Sibilia, F. Pagani, A. Benetti, G. Zarattini
Nasunin, a new player in the field of osteoblast protection against oxidative stress
2016 L. Casati, F. Pagani, P.C. Braga, R. Lo Scalzo, V. Sibilia
Effects of Ghrelin on metabolic activity of equine cartilage affected with inflammatory degeneration: preliminary isolation, characterization of equine cultured chondrocytes and assessment of LPS-induced inflammatory stress
2015 S. Ceriotti, A. Lange Consiglio, L. Casati, F. Cremonesi, E. Zucca, V. Sibilia, F. Ferrucci
Diclofenac-choline antioxidant activity investigated by means of luminol amplified chemiluminescence of human neutrophil bursts and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
2015 P.C. Braga, N. Lattuada, V. Greco, V. Sibilia, M. Falchi, T. Bianchi, M. Dal Sasso
Ghrelin increases beta-catenin level through protein kinase A activation and regulates OPG expression in rat primary osteoblasts
2015 E. Mrak, L. Casati, F. Pagani, A. Rubinacci, G. Zarattini, V. Sibilia
Endocrine disrupters: the new players able to affect the epigenome
2015 L. Casati, R. Sendra, V. Sibilia, F. Celotti
Setup of a bone aging experimental model in the rabbit comparing changes in cortical and trabecular bone : morphological and morphometric study in the femur
2015 U.E. Pazzaglia, V. Sibilia, T. Congiu, F. Pagani, M. Ravanelli, G. Zarattini
Antioxidant activity of hyaluronic acid investigated by means of chemiluminescence of equine neutrophil bursts and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
2015 P.C. Braga, M. Dal Sasso, N. Lattuada, V. Greco, V. Sibilia, E. Zucca, L. Stucchi, E. Ferro, F. Ferrucci