Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche
Editorial: Role of ion channels and metabotropic receptors in oligodendrogliogenesis: novel targets for demyelinating pathologies
2024 F. Cherchi, M. Swire, D. Lecca
HEBE project: Healthy aging versus inflamm-aging: The role of physical exercise in modulating the biomarkers of age-associated and environmentally determined chronic diseases, study protocol
2024 F. Bianchi, E. Biganzoli, V. Bollati, M. Clerici, D. Lucini, C. Mando, F. Rota, F. Ambrogi, B. Arosio, M. Aureli, G. Baron, M. Baruscotti, C. Battaglia, C. Bellocchi, S. Bellosta, C. Bernardelli, G. Bernardelli, M. Bonomi, F. Bravi, P. Brocca, A.L. Brucato, A. Bucchi, M. Camera, N. Caporale, G. Cappelletti, L. Casati, S. Castaldi, S. Castiglioni, M.G. Cattaneo, R. Cazzola, S. Centanni, I. Cetin, R. Chiaramonte, I. Chiodini, E. Chiricozzi, P. Ciana, V. Citro, C.B. Cogliati, S.L. Corbetta, F. D'Addio, A. D'Amato, C.M.L. Dallanoce, M.V. DEI CAS, E. DEL FAVERO, A. DELLE FAVE, G. DIAS RODRIGUES, V.C. Edefonti, C. Fenizia, L. Ferrari, M. Ferraroni, P. Fiorina, D.M.M. Fornasari, M. Fumagalli, N. Gagliano, E.R. Galliera, J.A.E. Geginat, D. Giannandrea, F.A. Ingegnoli, C.A.M. LA PORTA, C.V.B. LA VECCHIA, D. Lecca, E.A. Lesma, P. Limonta, C. Loretelli, V. Martini, C. Matera, N. Montano, L. Pantoni, N. Papini, R.C. Paroni, C. Perego, L. Persani, A.S. Pistocchi, N. Platonova, G. Podda, P.T. Rise', P.V. Riva, A.M. Rizzo, V.M. Rondelli, M. Rossi, M. Ruscica, V.M. Savasi, M. Scavone, L. Sfondrini, L. Sironi, M. Sommariva, G. Testa, E. Tobaldini, C.A. Tringali, E. Verduci, M. Vicenzi, C.A. Vigano', G. Vistoli, G. Vitale
Characterisation of GPR17-expressing oligodendrocyte precursors in human ischaemic lesions and correlation with reactive glial responses
2024 S. Raffaele, B.H. Clausen, F.C. Mannella, M. Wirenfeldt, D. Marangon, S.B. Tidgen, S. Corradini, K. Madsen, D. Lecca, M.P. Abbracchio, K.L. Lambertsen, M. Fumagalli
Editorial: Cellular and molecular factors that drive the behavior of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells in physiological conditions and disease
2023 D. Lecca, W. Baron, A.M. Butt
P2Y receptors in GtoPdb v.2023.1
2023 M.P. Abbracchio, J. Boeynaems, J.L. Boyer, G. Burnstock, S.M. Ceruti, M. Fumagalli, C. Gachet, R. Hills, R.G. Humphries, K. Inoue, K.A. Jacobson, C. Kennedy, B.F. King, D. Lecca, C.E. Müller, M. Teresa Miras-Portugal, V. Ralevic, G.A. Weisman
The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2023/24: G protein-coupled receptors
2023 S.P.H. Alexander, A. Christopoulos, A.P. Davenport, E. Kelly, A.A. Mathie, J.A. Peters, E.L. Veale, J.F. Armstrong, E. Faccenda, S.D. Harding, J.A. Davies, M.P. Abbracchio, G. Abraham, A. Agoulnik, W. Alexander, K. Al‐hosaini, M. Bäck, J.G. Baker, N.M. Barnes, R. Bathgate, J. Beaulieu, A.G. Beck‐sickinger, M. Behrens, K.E. Bernstein, B. Bettler, N.J.M. Birdsall, V. Blaho, F. Boulay, C. Bousquet, H. Bräuner‐osborne, G. Burnstock, G. Caló, J.P. Castaño, K.J. Catt, S. Ceruti, P. Chazot, N. Chiang, B. Chini, J. Chun, A. Cianciulli, O. Civelli, L.H. Clapp, R. Couture, H.M. Cox, Z. Csaba, C. Dahlgren, G. Dent, S.D. Douglas, P. Dournaud, S. Eguchi, E. Escher, E.J. Filardo, T. Fong, M. Fumagalli, R.R. Gainetdinov, M.L. Garelja, M. de Gasparo, C. Gerard, M. Gershengorn, F. Gobeil, T.L. Goodfriend, C. Goudet, L. Grätz, K.J. Gregory, A.L. Gundlach, J. Hamann, J. Hanson, R.L. Hauger, D.L. Hay, A. Heinemann, D. Herr, M.D. Hollenberg, N.D. Holliday, M. Horiuchi, D. Hoyer, L. Hunyady, A. Husain, A.P. Ijzerman, T. Inagami, K.A. Jacobson, R.T. Jensen, R. Jockers, D. Jonnalagadda, S. Karnik, K. Kaupmann, J. Kemp, C. Kennedy, Y. Kihara, T. Kitazawa, P. Kozielewicz, H. Kreienkamp, J.P. Kukkonen, T. Langenhan, D. Larhammar, K. Leach, D. Lecca, J.D. Lee, S.E. Leeman, J. Leprince, X.X. Li, S.J. Lolait, A. Lupp, R. Macrae, J. Maguire, D. Malfacini, J. Mazella, C.A. Mcardle, S. Melmed, M.C. Michel, L.J. Miller, V. Mitolo, B. Mouillac, C.E. Müller, P.M. Murphy, J. Nahon, T. Ngo, X. Norel, D. Nyimanu, A. O’Carroll, S. Offermanns, M.A. Panaro, M. Parmentier, R.G. Pertwee, J. Pin, E.R. Prossnitz, M. Quinn, R. Ramachandran, M. Ray, R.K. Reinscheid, P. Rondard, G.E. Rovati, C. Ruzza, G.J. Sanger, T. Schöneberg, G. Schulte, S. Schulz, D.L. Segaloff, C.N. Serhan, K.D. Singh, C.M. Smith, L.A. Stoddart, Y. Sugimoto, R. Summers, V.P. Tan, D. Thal, W.(.W. Thomas, P.B.M.W.M. Timmermans, K. Tirupula, L. Toll, G. Tulipano, H. Unal, T. Unger, C. Valant, P. Vanderheyden, D. Vaudry, H. Vaudry, J. Vilardaga, C.S. Walker, J.M. Wang, D.T. Ward, H. Wester, G.B. Willars, T.L. Williams, T.M. Woodruff, C. Yao, R.D. Ye
Neuronal and Glial Communication via Non-Coding RNAs: Messages in Extracellular Vesicles
2023 D. Marangon, J.H. Castro E Silva, D. Lecca
Exosomal non-coding RNAs in glioma progression: insights into tumor microenvironment dynamics and therapeutic implications
2023 D. Marangon, D. Lecca
G protein-coupled receptor 17 is regulated by WNT pathway during oligodendrocyte precursor cell differentiation
2023 M. Boccazzi, G. Macchiarulo, S. Lebon, J. Janowska, T. Le Charpentier, V. Faivre, J. Hua, D. Marangon, D. Lecca, M. Fumagalli, S. Mani, M.P. Abbracchio, P. Gressens, A. Schang, J. Van Steenwinckel
Identification of novel potential B4GALT6 inhibitors through a large scale virtual screening
2022 C. Papotto, E. Sabato, D. Lecca, C. Matera, M. DE AMICI, A. Pedretti, C.M.L. Dallanoce, G. Vistoli
Rewiring of Glucose and Lipid Metabolism Induced by G Protein-Coupled Receptor 17 Silencing Enables the Transition of Oligodendrocyte Progenitors to Myelinating Cells
2022 D. Marangon, M. Audano, S. Pedretti, M. Fumagalli, N. Mitro, D. Lecca, D. Caruso, M.P. Abbracchio
Prenatal Stress Impairs Spinal Cord Oligodendrocyte Maturation via BDNF Signaling in the Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Model of Multiple Sclerosis
2022 M.S. Paladini, D. Marangon, A.C. Rossetti, A. Guidi, G.T. Coppolino, C. Negri, V. Spero, M.P. Abbracchio, D. Lecca, R. Molteni
P2Y receptors in GtoPdb v.2021.3
2021 M.P. Abbracchio, J. Boeynaems, J.L. Boyer, G. Burnstock, S.M. Ceruti, M. Fumagalli, C. Gachet, R. Hills, R.G. Humphries, K. Inoue, K.A. Jacobson, C. Kennedy, B.F. King, D. Lecca, C.E. Müller, M. Teresa Miras-Portugal, V. Ralevic, G.A. Weisman
Functional genomic analyses highlight a shift in Gpr17-regulated cellular processes in oligodendrocyte progenitor cells and underlying myelin dysregulation in the aged mouse cerebrum
2021 A.D. Rivera, F. Pieropan, I. Chacon-De-La-Rocha, D. Lecca, M.P. Abbracchio, K. Azim, A.M. Butt
Identification of CRYAB+ KCNN3+ SOX9+ Astrocyte-Like and EGFR+ PDGFRA+ OLIG1+ Oligodendrocyte-Like Tumoral Cells in Diffuse IDH1-Mutant Gliomas and Implication of NOTCH1 Signalling in Their Genesis
2021 M. Augustus, D. Pineau, F. Aimond, S. Azar, D. Lecca, F. Scamps, S. Muxel, A. Darlix, W. Ritchie, C. Gozé, V. Rigau, H. Duffau, J. Hugnot
Purinergic receptors on oligodendrocyte progenitors : promising targets for myelin repair in multiple sclerosis?
2021 D. Lecca, M.P. Abbracchio, M. Fumagalli
Pathway-Focused Profiling of Oligodendrocytes Over-Expressing miR-125a-3p Reveals Alteration of Wnt and Cell-to-Cell Signaling
2021 D. Marangon, M.P. Abbracchio, D. Lecca
Novel in vitro experimental approaches to study myelination and remyelination in the central nervous system
2021 D. Marangon, N. Caporale, M. Boccazzi, M.P. Abbracchio, G. Testa, D. Lecca
The concise guide to pharmacology 2021/22 : G protein-coupled receptors
2021 S.P.H. Alexander, A. Christopoulos, A.P. Davenport, E. Kelly, A. Mathie, J.A. Peters, E.L. Veale, J.F. Armstrong, E. Faccenda, S.D. Harding, A.J. Pawson, C. Southan, J.A. Davies, M.P. Abbracchio, W. Alexander, K. Al-hosaini, M. Back, N.M. Barnes, R. Bathgate, J.-. Beaulieu, K.E. Bernstein, B. Bettler, N.J.M. Birdsall, V. Blaho, F. Boulay, C. Bousquet, H. Brauner-Osborne, G. Burnstock, G. Calo, J.P. Castano, K.J. Catt, S. Ceruti, P. Chazot, N. Chiang, B. Chini, J. Chun, A. Cianciulli, O. Civelli, L.H. Clapp, R. Couture, Z. Csaba, C. Dahlgren, G. Dent, K.D. Singh, S.D. Douglas, P. Dournaud, S. Eguchi, E. Escher, E.J. Filardo, T. Fong, M. Fumagalli, R.R. Gainetdinov, M.D. Gasparo, C. Gerard, M. Gershengorn, F. Gobeil, T.L. Goodfriend, C. Goudet, K.J. Gregory, A.L. Gundlach, J. Hamann, J. Hanson, R.L. Hauger, D.L. Hay, A. Heinemann, M.D. Hollenberg, N.D. Holliday, M. Horiuchi, D. Hoyer, L. Hunyady, A. Husain, A.P. Ijzerman, T. Inagami, K.A. Jacobson, R.T. Jensen, R. Jockers, D. Jonnalagadda, S. Karnik, K. Kaupmann, J. Kemp, C. Kennedy, Y. Kihara, T. Kitazawa, P. Kozielewicz, H.-. Kreienkamp, J.P. Kukkonen, T. Langenhan, K. Leach, D. Lecca, J.D. Lee, S.E. Leeman, J. Leprince, X.X. Li, T.L. Williams, S.J. Lolait, A. Lupp, R. Macrae, J. Maguire, J. Mazella, C.A. Mcardle, S. Melmed, M.C. Michel, L.J. Miller, V. Mitolo, B. Mouillac, C.E. Muller, P. Murphy, J.-. Nahon, T. Ngo, X. Norel, D. Nyimanu, A.-. O'Carroll, S. Offermanns, M.A. Panaro, M. Parmentier, R.G. Pertwee, J.-. Pin, E.R. Prossnitz, M. Quinn, R. Ramachandran, M. Ray, R.K. Reinscheid, P. Rondard, G.E. Rovati, C. Ruzza, G.J. Sanger, T. Schoneberg, G. Schulte, S. Schulz, D.L. Segaloff, C.N. Serhan, L.A. Stoddart, Y. Sugimoto, R. Summers, V.P. Tan, D. Thal, W. Thomas, P.B.M.W.M. Timmermans, K. Tirupula, G. Tulipano, H. Unal, T. Unger, C. Valant, P. Vanderheyden, D. Vaudry, H. Vaudry, J.-. Vilardaga, C.S. Walker, J.M. Wang, D.T. Ward, H.-. Wester, G.B. Willars, T.M. Woodruff, C. Yao, R.D. Ye
The Distribution of GPR17-Expressing Cells Correlates with White Matter Inflammation Status in Brain Tissues of Multiple Sclerosis Patients
2021 J. Angelini, D. Marangon, S. Raffaele, D. Lecca, M.P. Abbracchio