Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Mediche e Medicina Traslazionale
ADA2 regulates inflammation and hematopoietic stem cells emergence via the A2bR pathway in zebrafish
2024 A. Brix, L. Belleri, E. Pettinato, M. Mazzola, M. Zoccolillo, A. Marozzi, R. Monteiro, F. Del Bene, A. Mortellaro, A. Pistocchi
ADA2 regulates inflammation and hematopoietic stem cell emergence via the A2bR pathway in zebrafish
2024 A. Brix, L. Belleri, A. Pezzotta, E. Pettinato, M. Mazzola, M. Zoccolillo, A. Marozzi, R. Monteiro, F. Del Bene, A. Mortellaro, A. Pistocchi
A new in-vivo zebrafish model with cecr1b deficiency fully recapitulates the pathological features of human adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency
2023 A. Brix, E. Pettinato, L. Belleri, M. Zoccolillo, M. Mazzola, F. Del Bene, R. Monteiro, A. Mortellaro, A. Pistocchi
An in-vivo zebrafish model with cecr1b deficiency recapitulates human DADA2 phenotype
2022 A. Brix, M. Zoccolillo, M. Mazzola, E. Pettinato, A. Mortellaro, A. Pistocchi
A promising ada2 loss-of-function zebrafish model to study the pathogenesis and efficiently correct the Deficiency of Adenosine Deaminase 2 (DADA2) phenotype
2022 A. Brix, E. Pettinato, L. Belleri, M. Zoccolillo, M. Mazzola, F. Del Bene, A. Mortellaro, A. Pistocchi
Extracellular vesicles mediate the communication between multiple myeloma and bone marrow microenvironment in a NOTCH dependent way
2022 D. Giannandrea, N. Platonova, M. Colombo, M. Mazzola, V. Citro, R. Adami, F. Maltoni, S. Ancona, V. Dolo, I. Giusti, A. Basile, A. Pistocchi, L. Cantone, V. Bollati, L. Casati, E. Calzavara, M. Turrini, E. Lesma, R. Chiaramonte
An in-vivo zebrafish model with cecr1b deficiency recapitulates human DADA2 phenotype
2021 A. Brix, M. Zoccolillo, M. Mazzola, E. Pettinato, A. Mortellaro, A. Pistocchi
The role of Notch pathway in the pro-tumorigenic activity of extracellular vesicles in multiple myeloma
2021 D. Giannandrea, M. Colombo, N. Platonova, V. Citro, M. Mazzola, A. Pistocchi, R. Adami, V. Dolo, I. Giusti, L. Cantone, V. Bollati, M. Turrini, R. Chiaramonte
The role of NOTCH2 in the extracellular vesicles-mediated angiogenesis and osteoclastogenesis in multiple myeloma
2021 D. Giannandrea, N. Platonova, V. Citro, M. Colombo, M. Mazzola, R. Adami, F. Maltoni, L. Cantone, A. Pistocchi, V. Bollati, S. Ancona, E. Lesma, M. Turrini, R. Chiaramonte
HDAC8 promotes hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells proliferation with implications in acute myeloid leukemia
2021 M. Spreafico, A. Gruszka, D. Valli, M. Mazzola, G. Deflorian, A. Quintè, M. Totaro, C. Battaglia, M. Alcalay, A. Marozzi, A. Pistocchi
HDAC8 : A Promising Therapeutic Target for Acute Myeloid Leukemia
2020 M. Spreafico, A.M. Gruszka, D. Valli, M. Mazzola, G. Deflorian, A. Quinte, M.G. Totaro, C. Battaglia, M. Alcalay, A. Marozzi, A. Pistocchi
Dysregulation of NIPBL leads to impaired RUNX1 expression and hematopoietic defects
2020 M. Mazzola, A. Pezzotta, E. Bresciani, L. Ferrari, A. Rigamonti, M. Pelleri, C. Saitta, G. Gaudenzi, G. Fazio, M. Parma, M. Fumagalli, A. Biondi, G. Cazzaniga, A. Marozzi, A. PIstocchi
The Genome-Wide Impact of Nipblb Loss-of-Function on Zebrafish Gene Expression
2020 M. Spreafico, E. Mangano, M. Mazzola, C. Consolandi, R. Bordoni, C. Battaglia, S. Bicciato, A. Marozzi, A.S. Pistocchi
Multiple myeloma exploits Jagged1 and Jagged2 to promote intrinsic and bone marrow-dependent drug resistance
2020 M. Colombo, S. Garavelli, M. Mazzola, N. Platonova, D. Giannandrea, R. Colella, L. Apicella, M. Lancellotti, E. Lesma, S. Ancona, M.T. Palano, M. Barbieri, E. Taiana, E. Lazzari, A. Basile, M. Turrini, A. Pistocchi, A. Neri, R. Chiaramonte
Targeting extracellular vesicles in multiple myeloma: a new role for the Notch pathway
2019 D. Giannandrea, M. Colombo, N. Platonova, M. Mazzola, F. Baccianti, R. Adami, L. Cantone, E. Milano, A. Pistocchi, V. Bollati, S. Ancona, E. Lesma, M. Turrini, R. Chiaramonte
NIPBL: a new player in myeloid cells differentiation
2019 M. Mazzola, G. Deflorian, A. Pezzotta, L. Ferrari, G. Fazio, E. Bresciani, C. Saitta, L. Ferrari, M. Fumagalli, M. Parma, F. Marasca, B. Bodega, P. Riva, F. Cotelli, A. Biondi, A. Marozzi, G. Cazzaniga, A. Pistocchi
Jagged blockade promotes tumor cells response to Bortezomib in a zebrafish model of multiple myeloma
2019 M. Colombo, M. Mazzola, R. Colella, M.T. Palano, D. Giannandrea, M. Barbieri, N. Platonova, A. Neri, A.S. Pistocchi, R. Chiaramonte
Enigmatic ladies of the rings : how cohesin dysfunction affects myeloid neoplasms insurgence
2019 A. Pezzotta, M. Mazzola, M. Spreafico, A. Marozzi, A. Pistocchi
NIPBL a new player with NPMc+ in the onset of acute myeloid leukemia
2018 M. Mazzola, G. Fazio, G. De florian, L. Ferrari, M. Spreafico, C. Saitta, L. Ferrari, E. Bresciani, A. Biondi, F. Cotelli, M. Fumagalli, M. Parma, P. Riva, A. Marozzi, G. Cazzaniga, A. Pistocchi
Jagged1/2 inhibition promotes tumor cells response to Bortezomib in a zebrafish model of multiple myeloma
2018 M. Colombo, M. Mazzola, C. Raffaella, S. Garavelli, M.T. Palano, G. Domenica, N. Platonova, A. Neri, A.S. Pistocchi, R. Chiaramonte