Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute
Ceramide levels are inversely associated with malignant progression of human glial tumors
2002 L. Riboni, R. Campanella, R. Bassi, R.M. Villani, S.M. Gaini, F. Martinelli-Boneschi, P. Viani, G. Tettamanti
Untangling Extracellular Proteasome-Osteopontin Circuit Dynamics in Multiple Sclerosis
2019 C. Dianzani, D. Vecchio, N. Clemente, A. Chiocchetti, F. Martinelli Boneschi, D. Galimberti, U. Dianzani, C. Comi, M. Mishto, J. Liepe
Response to the commentary “The effect of C9orf72 intermediate repeat expansions in neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases” by Biasiotto G and Zanella I.
2019 C. Tiloca, M. Sorosina, F. Esposito, S. Peroni, C. Colombrita, N. Ticozzi, A. Ratti, F.M. Boneschi, V. Silani
A pharmacogenetic study implicates NINJ2 in the response to Interferon-ß in multiple sclerosis
2019 S. Peroni, M. Sorosina, S. Malhotra, F. Clarelli, A.M. Osiceanu, L. Ferre, T. Roostaei, J. Rio, L. Midaglia, L.M. Villar, J.C. Alvarez-Cermeno, C. Guaschino, M. Radaelli, L. Citterio, J. Lechner-Scott, N. Spataro, A. Navarro, V. Martinelli, X. Montalban, H.L. Weiner, P. de Jager, G. Comi, F. Esposito, M. Comabella, F. Martinelli-Boneschi
Exome sequencing in multiple sclerosis families identifies 12 candidate genes and nominates biological pathways for the genesis of disease
2019 C. Vilarino-Guell, A. Zimprich, F. Martinelli-Boneschi, B. Herculano, Z. Wang, F. Matesanz, E. Urcelay, K. Vandenbroeck, L. Leyva, D. Gris, C. Massaad, J.A. Quandt, A.L. Traboulsee, M. Encarnacion, C.Q. Bernales, J. Follett, I.M. Yee, M.G. Criscuoli, A. Deutschlander, E.M. Reinthaler, T. Zrzavy, E. Mascia, A. Zauli, F. Esposito, A. Alcina, G. Izquierdo, L. Espino-Paisan, J. Mena, A. Antiguedad, P. Urbaneja-Romero, J. Ortega-Pinazo, W. Song, A.D. Sadovnick
The WNT receptor ROR2 drives the interaction of multiple myeloma cells with the microenvironment through AKT activation
2019 M. Frenquelli, N. Caridi, E. Antonini, F. Storti, V. Vigano, M. Gaviraghi, M. Occhionorelli, S. Bianchessi, L. Bongiovanni, A. Spinelli, M. Marcatti, D. Belloni, E. Ferrero, S. Karki, P. Brambilla, F. Martinelli-Boneschi, S. Colla, M. Ponzoni, R.A. Depinho, G. Tonon
A systems biology approach uncovers cell-specific gene regulatory effects of genetic associations in multiple sclerosis
2019 M. Lohith, N.A. Patsopoulos, C. Chris, S.D. Bos, B. Ashley, M. Jacob, K. Kicheol, J. Xiaoming, S. Adam, S.J. Caillier, T.F.M. Andlauer, L.F. Barcellos, B. Tone, B. Luisa, F. MARTINELLI BONESCHI, D.R. Booth, B. Farren, E.G. Celius, C. Manuel, C. Giancarlo, B.A.C. Cree, D. Sandra, D. Katrina, D. Pierre, D. Efthimios, E. Federica, F. Bertrand, G. Christiane, A. Goris, D. Bénédicte, G. Pierre-Antoine, H. Georgios, H. Jonathan, H. Clive, H. Bernhard, H. Rogier, H. Dana, I. Noriko, K. Seema, K. Jun-ichi, K. Michael, K. Ingrid, C.M. Lill, M.R. Lincoln, L. Felix, M. Roland, O. Annette, P. Aarno, M.A. Pericak-Vance, H. Roland, S. Janna, I. Adrian, O. Tomas, B.V. Taylor, G.J. Stewart, H.F. Harbo, C. Alastair, S.L. Hauser, D.A. Hafler, Z. Frauke, Philip De Jage, S. Stephen, J.R. Oksenberg &, S.E. Baranzini
Laser capture microdissection for transcriptomic profiles in human skin biopsies
2018 S. Santoro, I.D. Lopez, R. Lombardi, A. Zauli, A.M. Osiceanu, M. Sorosina, F. Clarelli, S. Peroni, D. Cazzato, M. Marchi, A. Quattrini, G. Comi, R.A. Calogero, G. Lauria, F. Martinelli Boneschi
Low-Frequency and Rare-Coding Variation Contributes to Multiple Sclerosis Risk
2018 M. Mitrovič, N.A. Patsopoulos, A.H. Beecham, T. Dankowski, A. Goris, B. Dubois, M.B. D'Hooghe, R. Lemmens, P. Van Damme, H.B. Søndergaard, F. Sellebjerg, P.S. Sorensen, H. Ullum, L.W. Thørner, T. Werge, J. Saarela, I. Cournu-Rebeix, V. Damotte, B. Fontaine, L. Guillot-Noel, M. Lathrop, S. Vukusik, P. Gourraud, T.F.M. Andlauer, V. Pongratz, D. Buck, C. Gasperi, A. Bayas, C. Heesen, T. Kümpfel, R. Linker, F. Paul, M. Stangel, B. Tackenberg, F.T. Bergh, C. Warnke, H. Wiendl, B. Wildemann, U. Zettl, U. Ziemann, H. Tumani, R. Gold, V. Grummel, B. Hemmer, B. Knier, C.M. Lill, F. Luessi, E. Dardiotis, C. Agliardi, N. Barizzone, E. Mascia, L. Bernardinelli, G. Comi, D. Cusi, F. Esposito, L. Ferrè, C. Comi, D. Galimberti, M.A. Leone, M. Sorosina, J. Mescheriakova, R. Hintzen, C. van Duijn, C.E. Theunissen, S.D. Bos, K. Myhr, E.G. Celius, B.A. Lie, A. Spurkland, M. Comabella, X. Montalban, L. Alfredsson, P. Stridh, J. Hillert, M. Jagodic, F. Piehl, I. Jelčić, R. Martin, M. Sospedra, M. Ban, C. Hawkins, P. Hysi, S. Kalra, F. Karpe, J. Khadake, G. Lachance, M. Neville, A. Santaniello, S.J. Caillier, P.A. Calabresi, B.A.C. Cree, A. Cross, M.F. Davis, J.L. Haines, P.I.W. de Bakker, S. Delgado, M. Dembele, K. Edwards, K.C. Fitzgerald, H. Hakonarson, I. Konidari, E. Lathi, C.P. Manrique, M.A. Pericak-Vance, L. Piccio, C. Schaefer, C. Mccabe, H. Weiner, J. Goldstein, T. Olsson, G. Hadjigeorgiou, B. Taylor, L. Tajouri, J. Charlesworth, D.R. Booth, H.F. Harbo, A.J. Ivinson, S.L. Hauser, A. Compston, G. Stewart, F. Zipp, L.F. Barcellos, S.E. Baranzini, F. Martinelli-Boneschi, S. D'Alfonso, A. Ziegler, A. Oturai, J.L. Mccauley, S.J. Sawcer, J.R. Oksenberg, P.L. De Jager, I. Kockum, D.A. Hafler, C. Cotsapas
NLRP3 polymorphisms and response to interferon-beta in multiple sclerosis patients
2018 S. Malhotra, M. Sorosina, J. Río, S. Peroni, L. Midaglia, L.M. Villar, J.C. Álvarez-Cermeño, I. Schroeder, F. Esposito, F. Clarelli, U.K. Zettl, J. Lechner-Scott, N. Spataro, A. Navarro, G. Comi, X. Montalban, F. Martinelli-Boneschi, M. Comabella
No C9orf72 repeat expansion in patients with primary progressive multiple sclerosis
2018 C. Tiloca, M. Sorosina, F. Esposito, S. Peroni, C. Colombrita, N. Ticozzi, A. Ratti, F. Martinelli Boneschi, V. Silani
Functional network connectivity abnormalities in multiple sclerosis : correlations with disability and cognitive impairment
2018 M. Rocca, P. Valsasina, V. Leavitt, M. Rodegher, M. Radaelli, G. Riccitelli, V. Martinelli, F. Martinelli-Boneschi, A. Falini, G. Comi, M. Filippi
Role of Anti-Osteopontin Antibodies in Multiple Sclerosis and Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis
2017 N. Clemente, C. Comi, D. Raineri, G. Cappellano, D. Vecchio, E. Orilieri, C. Gigliotti, E. Boggio, C. Chiara Dianzani, M. Sorosina, F. Martinelli-Boneschi, M. Caldano, A. Bertolotto, L. Ambrogio, D. Sblattero, T. Cena, M. Leone, U. Dianzani, A. Chiocchetti
COL6A5 variants in familial neuropathic chronic itch
2017 F. Martinelli Boneschi, M. Colombi, M. Castori, G. Devigili, R. Eleopra, R.A. Malik, M. Ritelli, N. Zoppi, C. Dordoni, M. Sorosina, P. Grammatico, H. Fadavi, M.M. Gerrits, R. Almomani, C.G. Faber, I.S.J. Merkies, D. Toniolo, M. Cocca, C. Doglioni, S.G. Waxman, S.D. Dib-hajj, M..M. Taiana, J. Sassone, R. Lombardi, D. Cazzato, A. Zauli, S. Santoro, M. Marchi, G. Lauria
Pharmacogenetic study of long-term response to interferon-β treatment in multiple sclerosis
2017 F. Clarelli, G. Liberatore, M. Sorosina, A.M. Osiceanu, F. Esposito, E. Mascia, S. Santoro, G. Pavan, B. Colombo, L. Moiola, V. Martinelli, G. Comi, F. Martinelli-Boneschi
Early involvement of cellular stress and inflammatory signals in the pathogenesis of tubulointerstitial kidney disease due to UMOD mutations
2017 M. Trudu, C. Schaeffer, M. Riba, M. Ikehata, P. Brambilla, P. Messa, F. Martinelli-Boneschi, M..P. Rastaldi, L. Rampoldi
Extracellular proteasome-osteopontin circuit regulates cell migration with implications in multiple sclerosis
2017 C. Dianzani, E. Bellavista, J. Liepe, C. Verderio, M. Martucci, A. Santoro, A. Chiocchetti, C.L. Gigliotti, E. Boggio, B. Ferrara, L. Riganti, C. Keller, K. Janek, A. Niewienda, C. Fenoglio, M. Sorosina, R. Cantello, P.M. Kloetzel, M.P. Stumpf, F. Paul, K. Ruprecht, D. Galimberti, F. Martinelli Boneschi, C. Comi, U. Dianzani, M. Mishto
Unraveling gene expression profiles in peripheral motor nerve from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis patients : insights into pathogenesis
2016 N. Riva, F. Clarelli, T. Domi, F. Cerri, A. Trimarco, P. Brambilla, C. Lunetta, A. Lazzerini, C. Taveggia, S. Iannaccone, E. NOBILE-ORAZIO, G. Comi, M. D'Antonio, F. MARTINELLI BONESCHI, A. Quattrini, F. Gallia, G. LAURIA PINTER
Functional Characterization of the Left Ventrolateral Premotor Cortex in Humans: A Direct Electrophysiological Approach
2018 L. Fornia, V. Ferpozzi, M. Montagna, M. Rossi, M. Riva, F. Pessina, F. Martinelli Boneschi, P. Borroni, R.N. Lemon, L. Bello, G. Cerri
Next generation sequencing of pooled samples : guideline for variants' filtering
2016 S. Anand, E. Mangano, N. Barizzone, R. Bordoni, M. Sorosina, F. Clarelli, L. Corrado, F. Martinelli Boneschi, S. D'Alfonso, G. De Bellis