Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche
Evaluation of Inflammatory Cellular Model by Advanced Bioanalytic and Artificial Intelligence Analyses of Lipids: Lipidomic Landscape of Inflammaging
2024 G. Aiello, D. Tosi, G. Aldini, M. Carini, A. D'Amato
The Effect of Carnosine on UVA-Induced Changes in Intracellular Signaling of Human Skin Fibroblast Spheroids
2023 G. Aiello, F. Rescigno, M. Meloni, B. Zoanni, G. Aldini, M. Carini, A. D'Amato
Proteomic Analysis of the Seeds of Four Wild Mexican Lupinus Species: Focus on Storage Proteins
2022 R. Xu, E. Sirtori, G. Boschin, K. Bermudez Torres, A. Arnoldi, G. Aiello
Protein Profiling of a Cellular Model of NAFLD by Advanced Bioanalytical Approaches
2022 A. Altomare, G. Aiello, J.L. Garcia, G. Garrone, B. Zoanni, M. Carini, G. Aldini, A. D'Amato
Integratomics of Human Dermal Fibroblasts Treated with Low Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid
2021 S. Radrezza, G. Aiello, G. Baron, G. Aldini, M. Carini, A. D'Amato
Composition of the protein ingredients from insoluble oat byproducts treated with food-grade enzymes, such as amylase, cellulose/xylanase, and protease
2021 G. Aiello, Y. Li, R. Xu, G. Boschin, G. Juodeikiene, A. Arnoldi
Phycobiliproteins from Arthrospira Platensis (Spirulina): A New Source of Peptides with Dipeptidyl Peptidase-IV Inhibitory Activity
2020 Y. Li, G. Aiello, C. Bollati, M. Bartolomei, A. Arnoldi, C. Lammi
Assessment of multifunctional behavior of lupin P7 and its metabolite using an integrate strategy
2020 C. Lammi, G. Aiello, L. Dellafiora, C. Bollati, G. Boschin, G. Ranaldi, S. Ferruzza, Y. Sambuy, G. Galaverna, A. Arnoldi
Analysis of Narrow-Leaf Lupin Proteins in Lupin-Enriched Pasta by Untargeted and Targeted Mass Spectrometry
2020 G. Aiello, Y. Li, G. Boschin, M. Stanziale, C. Lammi, A. Arnoldi
Soybean Peptides Exert Multifunctional Bioactivity Modulating 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl-CoA Reductase and Dipeptidyl Peptidase-IV Targets in Vitro
2019 C. Lammi, A. Arnoldi, G. Aiello
Chemical and biological characterization of spirulina protein hydrolysates: Focus on ACE and DPP-IV activities modulation
2019 G. Aiello, Y. Li, G. Boschin, C. Bollati, A. Arnoldi, C. Lammi
Recent Advances in Microalgae Peptides: Cardiovascular Health Benefits and Analysis
2019 Y. Li, C. Lammi, G. Boschin, A. Arnoldi, G. Aiello
Multifunctional peptides for the prevention of cardiovascular disease: a new concept in the area of bioactive food-derived peptides
2019 C. Lammi, G. Aiello, G. Boschin, A. Arnoldi
Effect of soy on metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk factors : a randomized controlled trial
2018 M. Ruscica, C. Pavanello, S. Gandini, M. Gomaraschi, C. Vitali, C. Macchi, B. Morlotti, G. Aiello, R. Bosisio, L. Calabresi, A. Arnoldi, C.R. Sirtori, P. Magni
Microalgae as source of bioactive peptides
2018 Y. Li, C. Lammi, A. Arnoldi, G. Aiello
Soy peptides with hypocholesterolemic activity: absorption and metabolism study across Caco-2 cell monolayers
2018 G. Aiello, C. Lammi, G. Vistoli, A. Arnoldi
YDFYPSSTKDQQS (P3), a peptide from lupin protein, absorbed by Caco-2 cells, modulates cholesterol metabolism in HepG2 cells via SREBP-1 activation
2018 C. Lammi, C. Zanoni, A. Arnoldi, G. Aiello
Behavior of three hypocholesterolemic peptides from soy protein in an intestinal model based on differentiated Caco-2 cell
2018 G. Aiello, S. Ferruzza, G. Ranaldi, Y. Sambuy, A. Arnoldi, G. Vistoli, C. Lammi
Lupin LILPKHSDAD (P5) peptide is a novel bi-functional inhibitor of PCSK9, a new target for the hypercholesterolemia treatment
2018 C. Lammi, G. Grazioso, C. Bollati, G. Aiello, G. Vistoli, A. Arnoldi
Multidisciplinary strategy to investigate new lupin peptide inhibitors of PCSK9 activity as useful approach for cardiovascular disease risk reduction
2018 C. Lammi, G. Grazioso, G. Vistoli, G. Aiello, A. Arnoldi