Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari
Prevention of motor relapses and associated trigeminal pain in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by reducing neuroinflammation with a purple corn extract enriched in anthocyanins
2025 G. Magni, B. Riboldi, A. Marinelli, P. Uboldi, F. Bonacina, C.M. DI LORENZO, K. Petroni, S. Ceruti
Neuroinflammation in osteoarthritis: From pain to mood disorders
2024 G. Amodeo, G. Magni, G. Galimberti, B. Riboldi, S. Franchi, P. Sacerdote, S. Ceruti
Human Glial Cells as Innovative Targets for the Therapy of Central Nervous System Pathologies
2024 G. Magni, B. Riboldi, S. Ceruti
Modulation of Glial Cell Functions by the Gut–Brain Axis: A Role in Neurodegenerative Disorders and Pain Transmission
2023 G. Magni, B. Riboldi, S. Ceruti
Prokineticin System Is a Pharmacological Target to Counteract Pain and Its Comorbid Mood Alterations in an Osteoarthritis Murine Model
2023 G. Galimberti, G. Amodeo, G. Magni, B. Riboldi, G. Balboni, V. Onnis, S. Ceruti, P. Sacerdote, S. Franchi
Il mais pigmentato quale potenziale approccio nella modulazione della sintomatologia associata alla sclerosi multipla : caratterizzazione e dati preliminari in vivo
2022 C. Di Lorenzo, G. Magni, B. Riboldi, S. Biella, F. Colombo, C. Bani, K. Petroni, S. Ceruti
Flavonoids bridging the gut and the brain: intestinal metabolic fate, and direct or indirect effects of natural supporters against neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration
2022 G. Magni, B. Riboldi, K. Petroni, S. Ceruti
Modulation of Glia Activation by TRPA1 Antagonism in Preclinical Models of Migraine
2022 C. Demartini, R. Greco, G. Magni, A. Maria Zanaboni, B. Riboldi, M. Francavilla, C. Nativi, S.M. Ceruti, C. Tassorelli
Purines in Pain as a Gliopathy
2021 G. Magni, S. Ceruti
Adenosine Signaling in Autoimmune Disorders
2020 G. Magni, S. Ceruti
Glial cell activation and altered metabolic profile in the spinal-trigeminal axis in a rat model of multiple sclerosis associated with the development of trigeminal sensitization
2020 G. Magni, S. Pedretti, M. Audano, D. Caruso, N. Mitro, S. Ceruti
Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors and sulfonylureas prevent the progressive impairment of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system induced by diabetes during aging
2020 G. Lietzau, G. Magni, J. Kehr, T. Yoshitake, E. Candeias, A.I. Duarte, H. Pettersson, J. Skogsberg, M.P. Abbracchio, T. Klein, T. Nystrom, S. Ceruti, V. Darsalia, C. Patrone
Corn (ZEA MAYS L). extracts as source of active compounds with promising effects in reducing trigeminal pain through microbiota modulation
2019 G. Magni, C.M. DI LORENZO, F. Colombo, S. Biella, A. Marinelli, D. Lecca, C. Milani, M. Ventura, M.P. Abbracchio, C. Tonelli, P.A. Restani, K. Petroni, S.M. Ceruti
Basal astrocyte and microglia activation in the central nervous system of Familial Hemiplegic Migraine Type I mice
2019 G. Magni, M. Boccazzi, A. Bodini, M.P. Abbracchio, A.M. van den Maagdenberg, S. Ceruti
The role of adenosine and P2Y receptors expressed by multiple cell types in pain transmission
2019 G. Magni, S. Ceruti
Purple Corn Extract as Anti-allodynic Treatment for Trigeminal Pain : Role of Microglia
2018 G. Magni, A. Marinelli, D. Riccio, D. Lecca, C. Tonelli, M.P. Abbracchio, K. Petroni, S. Ceruti
Tackling chronic pain and inflammation through the purinergic system
2018 G. Magni, D. Riccio, S. Ceruti
Lipoic-Based TRPA1/TRPV1 antagonist to treat orofacial pain
2015 R. Gualdani, S. Ceruti, G. Magni, D. Merli, L. Di Cesare Mannelli, O. Francesconi, B. Richichi, G. la Marca, C. Ghelardini, M.R. Moncelli, C. Nativi
Purinergic P2Y(2) receptors on satellite glial cells as new potential targets for the pharmacological control of trigeminal sensitization
2015 G. Magni, D. Merli, C. Verderio, M.P. Abbracchio, S. Ceruti
P2Y2 receptor antagonists as anti-allodynic agents in acute and sub-chronic trigeminal sensitization: role of satellite glial cells
2015 G. Magni, D. Merli, C. Verderio, M.P. Abbracchio, S. Ceruti