Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari
Lipid peroxidation derived reactive carbonyl species in free and conjugated forms as an index of lipid peroxidation: limits and perspectives
2021 A. Altomare, G. Baron, E. Gianazza, C. Banfi, M. Carini, G. Aldini
Hemolymph proteins: An overview across marine arthropods and molluscs
2021 E. Gianazza, I. Eberini, L. Palazzolo, I. Miller
Development of the first in vivo GPR17 ligand through an iterative drug discovery pipeline: A novel disease-modifying strategy for multiple sclerosis
2020 C. Parravicini, D. Lecca, D. Marangon, G.T. Coppolino, S. Daniele, E. Bonfanti, M. Fumagalli, L. Raveglia, C. Martini, E. Gianazza, M.L. Trincavelli, M.P. Abbracchio, I. Eberini
From Protein Toxins to Applied Toxicological Testing
2020 L. Palazzolo, E. Gianazza, I. Eberini
Some more about dogs: Proteomics of neglected biological fluids
2020 I. Miller, S. Schlosserb, L. Palazzolo, M. Veronesi, I. Eberini, E. Gianazza
Encore – Sex dependency of the proteome
2020 I. Miller, E. Gianazza, I. Eberini
Insights into the EFSA protein risk assessment: in silico tools : Protein toxicity: an integrated in silico pipeline
2020 L. Palazzolo, E. Gianazza, I. Eberini
rHDL modelling and the anchoring mechanism of LCAT activation
2020 T. Laurenzi, C. Parravicini, L. Palazzolo, U. Guerrini, E. Gianazza, L. Calabresi, I. Eberini
Literature search – Exploring in silico protein toxicity prediction methods to support the food and feed risk assessment
2020 L. Palazzolo, E. Gianazza, I. Eberini
SLC6A14, a Pivotal Actor on Cancer Stage: When Function Meets Structure
2019 L. Palazzolo, C. Parravicini, T. Laurenzi, S. Adobati, S. Saporiti, U. Guerrini, E. Gianazza, C. Indiveri, C.M.H. Anderson, D.T. Thwaites, I. Eberini
Mechanism of LAT1 amino acid antiport: a molecular dynamics simulation of the behaviour of a solute and of an inhibitor
2019 D. Polla, L. Palazzolo, C. Parravicini, T. Laurenzi, U. Guerrini, C. Indiveri, E. Gianazza, I. Eberini
Mechanism of LAT1 amino acid antiport: a molecular dynamics simulation of the behaviour of a solute and of an inhibitor
2019 C. Parravicini, L. Palazzolo, T. Laurenzi, U. Guerrini, E. Gianazza, C. Indiveri, I. Eberini
Mechanism of LAT1 amino acid antiporter: a molecular dynamics simulation of the behaviour of a solute and of an inhibitor
2019 L. Palazzolo, C. Parravicini, T. Laurenzi, D. Polla, B. Guastella, U. Guerrini, C. Indiveri, E. Gianazza, I. Eberini
What if? Mouse proteomics after gene inactivation
2019 E. Gianazza, I. Miller, U. Guerrini, L. Palazzolo, T. Laurenzi, C. Parravicini, I. Eberini
Pro-oxidant and pro-inflammatory effects of glycated albumin on cardiomyocytes
2019 A. Martinez Fernandez, L. Regazzoni, M. Brioschi, E. Gianazza, P. Agostoni, G. Aldini, C. Banfi
A proteomic approach to identify novel disease biomarkers in LCAT deficiency
2018 S. Simonelli, A. Ossoli, C. Banfi, C. Pavanello, L. Calabresi, E. Gianazza
Bacterial production, characterization and protein modeling of a novel monofuctional isoform of FAD synthase in humans: an emergency protein?
2018 P. Leone, M. Galluccio, A. Barbiroli, I. Eberini, M. Tolomeo, F. Vrenna, E. Gianazza, S. Iametti, F. Bonomi, C. Indiveri, M. Barile
In vitro assessment of silver nanoparticles immunotoxicity
2018 V. Galbiati, L. Cornaghi, E. Gianazza, M.A. Potenza, E. Donetti, M. Marinovich, E. Corsini
Gender proteomics. II. Which proteins in sexual organs
2018 E. Gianazza, I. Miller, U. Guerrini, L. Palazzolo, C. Parravicini, I. Eberini
In silico description of LAT1 transport mechanism at an atomistic level
2018 L. Palazzolo, C. Parravicini, T. Laurenzi, U. Guerrini, C. Indiveri, E. Gianazza, I. Eberini