Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia
Roles of the MYB94/FUSED LEAVES1 (ZmFDL1) and GLOSSY2 (ZmGL2) genes in cuticle biosynthesis and potential impacts on Fusarium verticillioides growth on maize silks
2023 G. Castorina, M. Bigelow, T. Hattery, M. Zilio, S. Sangiorgio, E. Caporali, G. Venturini, M. Iriti, M.D. Yandeau-Nelson, G. Consonni
Nitrogen dynamics in soils fertilized with digestate and mineral fertilizers: A full field approach
2023 M. Zilio, A. Pigoli, B. Rizzi, A. Goglio, F. Tambone, A. Giordano, L. Maretto, A. Squartini, P. Stevanato, E. Meers, O. Schoumans, F. Adani
Dynamics of soil nitrogen and N-cycling-related genes following the application of biobased fertilizers
2023 H. Luo, M. Zilio, I. Sigurnjak, A.A. Robles-Aguilar, E. Michels, F. Adani, S. De Neve, E. Meers
Contribution of Tamarix aphylla to soil organic matter evolution in a natural semi-desert area in Tunisia
2022 F. Tambone, L. Trombino, A. Masseroli, M. Zilio, T. Pepe Sciarria, D. Daffonchio, S. Borin, R. Marasco, A. Cherif, F. Adani
Using highly stabilized digestate and digestate-derived ammonium sulphate to replace synthetic fertilizers: The effects on soil, environment, and crop production
2022 M. Zilio, A. Pigoli, B. Rizzi, A. Herrera, F. Tambone, G. Geromel, E. Meers, O. Schoumans, A. Giordano, F. Adani
Environmental performance in the production and use of recovered fertilizers from organic wastes treated by anaerobic digestion vs. synthetic mineral fertilizers
2022 H. Axel, G. D'Imporzano, M. Zilio, A. Pigoli, B. Rizzi, E. Meers, O. Schouman, M. Schepis, F. Barone, A. Giordano, F. Adani
Measuring ammonia and odours emissions during full field digestate use in agriculture
2021 M. Zilio, A. Pigoli, B. Rizzi, G. Geromel, E. Meers, O. Schoumans, A. Giordano, F. Adani
Thermophilic anaerobic digestion as suitable bioprocess producing organic and chemical renewable fertilizers : A full-scale approach
2021 A. Pigoli, M. Zilio, F. Tambone, S. Mazzini, M. Schepis, E. Meers, O. Schoumans, A. Giordano, F. Adani
The distribution of functional N-cycle related genes and ammonia and nitrate nitrogen in soil profiles fertilized with mineral and organic N fertilizer
2020 M. Zilio, S. Motta, F. Tambone, B. Scaglia, G. Boccasile, A. Squartini, F. Adani
Anaerobic digestion of food waste for bio-energy production in China and Southeast Asia: A review
2020 C. Negri, M. Ricci, M. Zilio, G. D'Imporzano, W. Qiao, R. Dong, F. Adani
Evaluation of ammonia and odour emissions from animal slurry and digestate storage in the Po Valley (Italy)
2020 M. Zilio, V. Orzi, M.E. Chiodini, C. Riva, M. Acutis, G. Boccasile, F. Adani
Drought-responsive ZmFDL1/MYB94 regulates cuticle biosynthesis and cuticle-dependent leaf permeability
2020 G. Castorina, F. Domergue, M. Chiara, M. Zilio, M. Persico, V. Ricciardi, D.S. Horner, G. Consonni
Measuring the organic amendment properties of the liquid fraction of digestate
2019 F. Tambone, V. Orzi, M. Zilio, F. Adani
The maize lilliputian1 (lil1) gene, encoding a brassinosteroid cytochrome P450 C-6 oxidase, is involved in plant growth and drought response
2018 G. Castorina, M. Persico, M. Zilio, S. Sangiorgio, L. Carabelli, G. Consonni
2018 M. Zilio