Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia
Whole-genome resequencing-based characterization of a durum wheat landrace showing similarity to 'Senatore Cappelli'
2023 F. Tateo, M. Bononi, G. Castorina, S.A. Colecchia, S. De Benedetti, G. Consonni, F. Geuna
Zeolite reduces losses and minimizes fractionation of various flavor compounds during EA-IRMS analysis
2022 M. Bononi, F.F. Nocito, F. Tateo
The potential of Low Phytic Acid1-1 mutant in maize (Zea mays L.): a sustainable solution to non-renewable phosphorus
2022 F. Colombo, S. Sangiorgio, A.M.A. Abruzzese, M. Bononi, F. Tateo, S. Kumar Singh, F.F. Nocito, S.R. Pilu
Fondamenti di Chimica Analitica degli Alimenti
2022 F. Tateo, M. Bononi
Hovenia dulcis Thumberg: Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Regulatory Framework for Its Use in the European Union
2021 G. Sferrazza, G. Brusotti, M. Zonfrillo, C. Temporini, S. Tengattini, M. Bononi, F. Tateo, E. Calleri, P. Pierimarchi
δ13C data of the total water-soluble fraction and triacylglycerols as related indexes for differentiating the geographical origin of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) [delta C-13 data of the total water-soluble fraction and triacylglycerols as related indexes for differentiating the geographical origin of saffron (Crocus sativus L.)]
2020 M. Bononi, F. Tateo, B. Scaglia, G. Quaglia
Meteorological-Based Modeling of δ18O Values for Wines with the “Prosecco” Controlled Designation of Origin
2020 M. Bononi, F. Tateo, O. Failla, L. Mariani, G. Quaglia
Characterization of the biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) and analysis of the PR1 molecular marker in Vitis vinifera L. inoculated with the nematode Xiphinema index
2020 G. Castorina, F. Grassi, G. Consonni, S. Vitalini, R. Oberti, A. Calcante, E. Ferrari, M. Bononi, M. Iriti
Identification of the Volatile Compounds and Sensory Attributes of Long-Term Aging Vin Santo Wine from Malvasia di Candia Aromatic Grapes
2020 M. Laureati, C. Cattaneo, F. Tateo, M. Bononi
Comparative analysis of vermicompost quality produced from brewers’ spent grain and cow manure by the red earthworm Eisenia fetida
2019 S. Saba, G. Zara, A. Bianco, M. Garau, M. Bononi, M. Deroma, A. Pais, M. Budroni
Overview sulla ricerca analitica in tema di acrilammide negli alimenti : campionamento e strategie analitiche adeguate ai livelli di riferimento
2018 M. Bononi
GC-C-IRMS characterization of synthetic bis(methyl-thio)methane in truffle flavorings
2018 M. Bononi, F. Tateo, F. Benevelli, A. Pennetta, G. De Benedetto
Lo stato dell’arte sul dibattito scientifico
2018 M. Bononi
GC-C-IRMS and 1H-NMR characterization of synthetic bis(methylthio)methane in truffle flavorings
2018 M. Bononi
Studi di compatibilità ed accettabilità nella produzione di cocktails e bevande derivate da distillati alcolici
2017 M. Bononi
Caratterizzazione dei distillati e dei derivati attraverso metodi analitici non convenzionali per la garanzia di autenticità, valorizzazione e incremento delle aree di utilizzo nel food & beverage
2017 F. Tateo, M. Bononi
Criteri analitici differenziati per lo studio della shelf-life in matrici alimentari
2017 M. Bononi, F. Tateo
On the endogenous content of formaldehyde in typical Italian cheeses
2017 M. Bononi, F. Tateo, M. Mozzarelli, A. Vicari
Identification of polysaccharides DP12-19 in honey by liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry
2017 M. Bononi, F. Tateo, G. Quaglia
Preliminary data on volatile composition of olive fruits of cv. "Simona" and possible relationship to resistance to fly oviposition
2017 M. Bononi, F. Tateo