Dipartimento di Scienze per gli Alimenti, la Nutrizione e l'Ambiente
Liking for saltiness is associated with preference for fattier and more caloric foods
2025 C. Proserpio, S. Spinelli, C. Cattaneo, C. Dinnella, M. Laureati, E. Monteleone, E. Pagliarini
Plant-based fish analogues vs. fish: Assessment of consumer perception, acceptance, and attitudes
2025 M. Appiani, C. Cattaneo, M. Laureati
Patterns of sensory and hedonic responses for salty and umami tastes and their impact on food familiarity, consumption, and nutritional status: A gender-based analysis from a large population sample
2025 C. Cattaneo, S. Spinelli, C. Dinnella, C. Proserpio, E. Monteleone, E. Pagliarini, M. Laureati
Understanding the perceptual and behavioural barriers influencing the acceptance of plant-based tuna analogues
2024 M. Appiani, C. Cattaneo, C. Proserpio, E. Pagliarini, M. Laureati
Studio delle determinanti sensoriali e comportamentali del gradimento di prodotti vegetali analoghi del pesce
2024 M. Appiani, C. Cattaneo, C. Proserpio, E. Pagliarini, M. Laureati
Taste perception profiles: unveiling their impact on dietary habits in a large population cohort
2024 C. Cattaneo, C. Proserpio, S. Spinelli, C. Dinnella, E. Monteleone, E. Pagliarini, M. Laureati
Taste phenotypes, endogenous factors and their role in health and disease
2024 C. Cattaneo, C. Proserpio, E. Pagliarini, M. Laureati
The power of senses: savoury taste phenotypes influence food acceptance, consumption and body mass index in a large population cohort
2024 C. Cattaneo, S. Spinelli, C. Dinnella, C. Proserpio, E. Monteleone, E. Pagliarini, M. Laureati
Verso un’alimentazione sostenibile: profilazione degli atteggiamenti dei consumatori e loro attitudini verso prodotti vegetali analoghi del pesce
2024 M. Appiani, C. Cattaneo, C. Proserpio, E. Pagliarini, M. Laureati
The taste palette: unraveling the effect of gender and savoury taste phenotypes on food acceptance, consumption and body mass index
2024 C. Cattaneo, S. Spinelli, C. Dinnella, C. Proserpio, E. Monteleone, E. Pagliarini, M. Laureati
Fenotipi gustativi e abitudini alimentari: un'analisi clusterizzata per genere
2024 C. Cattaneo, S. Spinelli, C. Dinnella, C. Proserpio, E. Monteleone, E. Pagliarini, M. Laureati
Comparison of qPCR protocols for quantification of “Candidatus Saccharibacteria”, belonging to the Candidate Phyla Radiation, suggests that 23S rRNA is a better target than 16S rRNA
2024 S. Papaleo, R. Nodari, L. Sterzi, E. D'Auria, C. Cattaneo, G. Bettoni, C. Bonaiti, E. Pagliarini, G. Zuccotti, S. Panelli, F. Comandatore
Exploring perceptive drivers and barriers to the consumption of plant-based alternatives
2023 M. Appiani, C. Cattaneo, C. Proserpio, E. Pagliarini, M. Laureati
Does a high preference for salty stimuli reflect into less healthy eating food choices?
2023 C. Proserpio, S. Spinelli, C. Cattaneo, M. Laureati, C. Dinnella, E. Monteleone, E. Pagliarini
Alteration of taste perception, food neophobia and oral microbiota composition in children with food allergy
2023 E. D'Auria, C. Cattaneo, S. Panelli, C. Pozzi, M. Acunzo, S. Papaleo, F. Comandatore, C. Mameli, C. Bandi, G. Zuccotti, E. Pagliarini
Sensory identity of wine from the ancient and almost forgotten grape variety Timorasso
2023 M. Laureati, M. Appiani, C. Cattaneo, N.S. Rabitti, Z. Verveur, S. Bergaglio, D. Valentin
How does the phytochemical composition of sprouts and microgreens from Brassica vegetables affect the sensory profile and consumer acceptability?
2023 M. Cano-Lamadrid, L. Martinez-Zamora, N. Castillejo, C. Cattaneo, E. Pagliarini, F. Artes-Hernandez
The phenomenon of abnormal eating and taste perception: What’s the link in subjects with obesity and eating disorders?
2023 C. Cattaneo, S.P. Mambrini, L. Gilardini, M. Scacchi, G. Castelnuovo, E. Pagliarini, S. Bertoli
Impact of 4-week of a restricted Mediterranean diet on taste perception, anthropometric, and blood parameters in subjects with severe obesity
2023 C. Cattaneo, S.P. Mambrini, L. Gilardini, M. Scacchi, E. Pagliarini, S. Bertoli
Sensory properties and consumer acceptance of plant-based meat, dairy, fish and eggs analogs: a systematic review
2023 M. Appiani, C. Cattaneo, M. Laureati