Sfoglia per SSD
Qualità dei frutti : studio molecolare e biochimico del softening e dello sviluppo di componenti nutraceutici
2007 A. Ghiani, C. Fedeli, N. Negrini, S. Morgutti, A. Battezzati, S. Citterio, D. Bassi, M. Cocucci
RAPD analysis and flavonoid composition of aconitum as an aid for taxonomic discrimination
2003 G. Fico, A. Spada, A. Braca, E. Agradi, I. Morelli, F. Tomè
Recupero di biodiversità in ambiente urbano: il progetto di riqualificazione del Parco delle Cave (Comune di Milano)
2010 C. Andreis, M. Beretta, M.S. Caccianiga, E. Caporali, P. Digiovinazzo, A. Spada
A reference genome for Nicotiana tabacum enables map-based cloning of homeologous loci implicated in nitrogen utilization efficiency
2017 K. Edwards, N. Fernandez-Pozo, K. Drake-Stowe, M. Humphry, A. Evans, A. Bombarely, F. Allen, R. Hurst, B. White, S. Kernodle, J. Bromley, J. Sanchez-Tamburrino, R. Lewis, L. Mueller
Regulation and identity of florigen: FLOWERING LOCUS T moves center stage
2008 F. Turck, F. Fornara, G. Coupland
Regulation of carotenoid and chlorophyll pools in hesperidia, anatomically unique fruits found only in Citrus
2021 K. Zhu, X. Zheng, J. Ye, Y. Huang, H. Chen, X. Mei, Z. Xie, L. Cao, Y. Zeng, R.M. Larkin, Q. Xu, E. Perez-Roman, M. Talón, C. Zumajo-Cardona, E.T. Wurtzel, X. Deng
2013 F. Galbiati
A reliable protocol for direct detection of lectin binding sites on the plasma membrane of a single living sperm cell in maize
2002 M.-X. Sun, E. Kranz, A. Moscatelli, H.-Y. Yang, H. Lorz, M. Cresti
REM34 and REM35 control female and male gametophyte development in Arabidopsis thaliana
2019 F. Caselli, V. Beretta, O. Mantegazza, R. Petrella, G. Leo, A. Guazzotti, H. Herrera-Ubaldo, S. de Folter, M. Mendes, M. Kater, V. Gregis
Responses to cadmium in early-diverging streptophytes (Charophytes and bryophytes) : Current views and potential applications
2021 E. Bellini, C. Betti, L.S. Di Toppi
Retarded germination of Nicotiana tabacum seeds following insertion of exogenous DNA mimics the seed persistent behavior
2017 E. Onelli, A. Moscatelli, G. Assunta, M. Zaninelli, B. Luca, A. Baldi, M. Caccianiga, R. Serena, L. Rossi
Rethinking Urban and Food Policies to Improve Citizens Safety After COVID-19 Pandemic
2020 A. Galimberti, H. Cena, L. Campone, E. Ferri, M. Dell'Agli, E. Sangiovanni, M. Belingheri, M.A. Riva, M. Casiraghi, M. Labra
Revisiting the female germline and its expanding toolbox
2019 S.C. Pinto, M.A. Mendes, S. Coimbra, M.R. Tucker
2020 M. Cerise
Rice florigens control a common set of genes at the shoot apical meristem including the F-BOX BROADER TILLER ANGLE 1 that regulates tiller angle and spikelet development
2023 L. Mineri, M. Cerise, F. Giaume, G. Vicentini, D. Martignago, M. Chiara, F. Galbiati, A. Spada, D. Horner, F. Fornara, V. Brambilla
The rice StMADS11-like genes OsMADS22 and OsMADS47 cause floral reversions in Arabidopsis without complementing the svp and agl24 mutants
2008 F. Fornara, V. Gregis, N.A.M. Pelucchi, L. Colombo, M. Kater
Ricerca di geni MADS in Asparagus officinalis : isolamento e caratterizzazione di quattro geni MADS coinvolti nello sviluppo dell'infiorescenza e del fiore di asparago
2002 A. Losa
2008 G. Abbate, A. Acosta, B. Baldan, A. Basile, E. Caporali, G. Casadoro, S. Cozzolino, G.P. Felicini, C. Forni, E. Giovi, O. Maggi, S. Mazzuca, L. Navazio, G. Pasqua, C. Perrone, F. Selvi, M.A. Signorini, A. Spada, L. Trainotti
The rise and rise of nicotiana benthamiana : a plant for all reasons
2018 J. Bally, H. Jung, C. Mortimer, F. Naim, J.G. Philips, R. Hellens, A. Bombarely, M.M. Goodin, P.M. Waterhouse
The RNA dependent DNA methylation pathway is required to restrict SPOROCYTELESS/NOZZLE expression to specify a single female germ cell precursor in Arabidopsis
2020 M.A. Mendes, R. Petrella, M. Cucinotta, E. Vignati, S. Gatti, S.C. Pinto, D.C. Bird, V. Gregis, H. Dickinson, M.R. Tucker, L. Colombo
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