Dipartimento di Bioscienze
The ALOG domain defines a family of plant-specific transcription factors acting during Arabidopsis flower development
2024 P. Rieu, V.M. Beretta, F. Caselli, E. Thévénon, J. Lucas, M. Rizk, E. Franchini, E. Caporali, C. Paleni, M.H. Nanao, M.M. Kater, R. Dumas, C. Zubieta, F. Parcy, V. Gregis
Roles of the MYB94/FUSED LEAVES1 (ZmFDL1) and GLOSSY2 (ZmGL2) genes in cuticle biosynthesis and potential impacts on Fusarium verticillioides growth on maize silks
2023 G. Castorina, M. Bigelow, T. Hattery, M. Zilio, S. Sangiorgio, E. Caporali, G. Venturini, M. Iriti, M.D. Yandeau-Nelson, G. Consonni
The ALOG family members OsG1L1 and OsG1L2 regulate inflorescence branching in rice
2023 V.M. Beretta, E. Franchini, I. Ud Din, E. Lacchini, L. Van den Broeck, R. Sozzani, G. Orozco-Arroyo, E. Caporali, H. Adam, S. Jouannic, V. Gregis, M.M. Kater
Achillea moschata Wulfen: From Ethnobotany to Phytochemistry, Morphology, and Biological Activity
2022 M. Bottoni, G. Baron, F. Gado, F. Milani, L. Santagostini, L. Colombo, P. Sira Colombo, E. Caporali, A. Spada, M. Biagi, C. Giuliani, P. Bruschi, G. Aldini, G. Fico
The Genetic Control of SEEDSTICK and LEUNIG-HOMOLOG in Seed and Fruit Development: New Insights into Cell Wall Control
2022 M. Di Marzo, N. Babolin, V.E. Viana, A.C. de Oliveira, B. Gugi, E. Caporali, H. Herrera-Ubaldo, E. Martínez-Estrada, A. Driouich, S. de Folter, L. Colombo, I. Ezquer
Genetic Interaction of SEEDSTICK, GORDITA and AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 2 during seed development
2021 D. Paolo, G. Orozco Arroyo, L. Rotasperti, S. Masiero, L. Colombo, S. de Folter, B. Ambrose, E. Caporali, E. Ignacio, C. Mizzotti
Herbarium of the University of Milan: The Sordelli Collection
2021 A. Barate, M. Caccianiga, E. Caporali, L.A. Ludovico, S. Pinto, G. Presti, E. Sala, A. Testa
Preserving and Promoting the Herbarium of the University of Milan through Digital Technologies
2020 A. Barate', M.S. Caccianiga, E. Caporali, L.A. Ludovico, S. Pinto, G. Presti, E. Sala, A. Testa
SEEDSTICK Controls Arabidopsis Fruit Size by Regulating Cytokinin Levels and FRUITFULL
2020 M. Di Marzo, H. Herrera-Ubaldo, E. Caporali, O. Novák, M. Strnad, V. Balanzà, I. Ezquer, M.A. Mendes, S. de Folter, L. Colombo
MADS-Box and bHLH Transcription Factors Coordinate Transmitting Tract Development in Arabidopsis thaliana
2020 M. Di Marzo, I. Roig-Villanova, E. Zanchetti, F. Caselli, V. Gregis, P. Bardetti, M. Chiara, A. Guazzotti, E. Caporali, M.A. Mendes, L. Colombo, M.M. Kater
NoPv1: a synthetic antimicrobial peptide aptamer targeting the causal agents of grapevine downy mildew and potato late blight
2020 M. Colombo, S. Masiero, S. Rosa, E. Caporali, S.L. Toffolatti, C. Mizzotti, L. Tadini, F. Rossi, S. Pellegrino, R. Musetti, R. Velasco, M. Perazzolli, S. Vezzulli, P. Pesaresi
Humulus lupulus L. cv. Cascade grown in Northern Italy: morphological and phytochemical characterization
2019 L. Santagostini, E. Caporali, C. Giuliani, M. Bottoni, R. Ascrizzi, S. Araneo, A. Papini, G. Flamini, G. Fico
A transcription factor coordinating internode elongation and photoperiodic signals in rice
2019 J. Gómez-Ariza, V. Brambilla, G. Vicentini, M. Landini, M. Cerise, E. Carrera, R. Shrestha, R. Chiozzotto, F. Galbiati, E. Caporali, I. López Díaz, F. Fornara
Sex change in kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch.) : a developmental framework for the bisexual to unisexual floral transition
2019 E. Caporali, R. Testolin, S. Pierce, A. Spada
Enzymatic scarification of Anacamptis morio (Orchidaceae) seed facilitates lignin degradation, water uptake and germination
2018 S. Pierce, A. Spada, E. Caporali, R.M. Ceriani, G. Buffa
Plastidial phosphoglucose isomerase is an important determinant of seed yield through involvement in gibberellin-mediated reproductive development and biosynthesis of storage reserves in Arabidopsis
2018 A. Bahaji, G. Almagro, I. Ezquer, S. Gámez-Arcas, Á.M. Sánchez-López, F.J. Muñoz, R.J. Barrio, M.C. Sampedro, N. De Diego, L. Spíchal, K. Dolezal, D. Tarkowská, E. Caporali, M.A. Mendes, E. Baroja-Fernández, J. Pozueta-Romero
Enzymatic scarification facilitates seed coat lignin degradation, water uptake and germination
2017 S. Pierce, A. Spada, E. Caporali, R.M. Ceriani, G. Buffa
Identifying population thresholds for flowering plant reproductive success: the marsh gentian (Gentiana pneumonanthe) as a flagship species of humid meadows and heathland
2017 S. Pierce, A. Spada, E. Caporali, F. Puglisi, A. Panzeri, A. Luzzaro, S. Cislaghi, L. Mantegazza, E. Cardarelli, M. Labra, A. Galimberti, R.M. Ceriani
The developmental regulator SEEDSTICK controls structural and mechanical properties of the arabidopsis seed coat
2016 I. Ezquer, C. Mizzotti, E. Nguema Ona, M. Gotté, L. Beauzamy, V.E. Viana, N. Dubrulle, A.C. de Oliveira, E. Caporali, A. Koroney, A. Boudaoud, A. Driouich, L. Colombo
Il seme
2015 A. Spada, E. Caporali