Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari
N-(phenyl)-2-[[3-(phenyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazol-5-yl]thio]-acetamide derivatives and related compounds as G protein coupled receptor 17 (GPCR17) modulators for use in the treatment of neuro-degenerative diseases
2019 M. Abbracchio, M. Battaglia, I. Eberini, M. Fumagalli, C. Parravicini, C. Sensi, P. Zaratin
Action observation therapy in pediatric patients with neuromotor deficits of the upper limbs secondary to central nervous system tumors
2019 M. Chisari, R. Sensi, C.A. Clerici, F.A. Gariboldi, F. Spreafico, V. Biassoni, E. Schiavello, P. Gasparini, A.T. Caraceni, A. Ferrari, M. Massimino
GPR17 Receptor Modulators
2018 M. Abbracchio, M. Battaglia, I. Eberini, M. Fumagalli, C. Parravicini, C. Sensi, P. Zaratin
GPR17 Receptor Modulators
2018 M. Abbracchio, M. Battaglia, I. Eberini, M. Fumagalli, C. Parravicini, C. Sensi, P. Zaratin
GPR17 Receptor Modulators
2018 M. Abbracchio, M. Battaglia, I. Eberini, M. Fumagalli, C. Parravicini, C. Sensi, P. Zaratin
GPR17 Receptor Modulators
2017 M. Abbracchio, M. Battaglia, I. Eberini, M. Fumagalli, C. Parravicini, C. Sensi, P. Zaratin
Identification of small molecules uncoupling the Notch : Jagged interaction through an integrated high-throughput screening
2017 N. Platonova, C. Parravicini, C. Sensi, A. Paoli, M. Colombo, A. Neri, I. Eberini, R. Chiaramonte
A novel therapeutic approach targeted notch in multiple myeloma based on small molecules uncoupling receptor-ligand interaction
2016 N. Platonova, I. Eberini, C. Sensi, C. Parravicini, A.S.F. De Paoli, M. Colombo, S. Garavelli, M. Palano, A. Neri, R. Chiaramonte
GPR17 Receptor Modulators
2015 M. Abbracchio, M. Battaglia, I. Eberini, M. Fumagalli, C. Parravicini, C. Sensi, P. Zaratin
A novel Notch-targeted therapeutic approach in multiple myeloma based on small molecules disrupting Notch-Jagged interaction
2015 N. Platonova, A. Paoli, I. Eberini, C. Sensi, C. Parravicini, M. Colombo, A. Neri, R. Chiaramonte
Un approccio computazionale per valutare l'affinità androgenica di iprodione, procimidone, vinclozolin e i loro metaboliti
2015 I. Eberini, C. Sensi, A. Fumagalli, C. Parravicini, M. Marinovich, C.L. Galli
Targeting the Notch pathway in multiple myeloma through small molecules uncoupling Notch-Jag interaction
2015 N. Platonova, A. Paoli, I. Eberini, C. Sensi, M. Colombo, A. Neri, R. Chiaramonte
All-purpose containers? Lipid-binding protein : drug interactions
2015 T. Beringhelli, E. Gianazza, D. Maggioni, S. Scanu, C. Parravicini, C. Sensi, H.L. Monaco, I. Eberini
In between : Proteomics of dog biological fluids
2014 I. Miller, A. Preßlmayer Hartler, R. Wait, K. Hummel, C. Sensi, I. Eberini, E. Razzazi Fazeli, E. Gianazza
Nimesulide binding site in the B0AT1 (SLC6A19) amino acid transporter. Mechanism of inhibition revealed by proteoliposome transport assay and molecular modelling
2014 L. Pochini, A. Seidita, C. Sensi, M. Scalise, I. Eberini, C. Indiveri
Distant Homology Modeling of LCAT and Its Validation through In Silico Targeting and In Vitro and In Vivo Assays
2014 C. Sensi, S. Simonelli, I. Zanotti, G. Tedeschi, G. Lusardi, G. Franceschini, L. Calabresi, I. Eberini
Recombinant S. cerevisiae expressing old yellow enzymes from non-conventional yeasts : an easy system for selective reduction of activated alkenes
2014 D. Romano, M.L. Contente, F. Molinari, I. Eberini, E. Ruvutuso, C. Sensi, A. Amaretti, M. Rossi, S. Raimondi
A computational approach to evaluate the androgenic affinity of iprodione, procymidone, vinclozolin and their metabolites
2014 C.L. Galli, C. Sensi, A. Fumagalli, C. Parravicini, M. Marinovich, I. Eberini
2014 M. Miriani, C. Sensi, M. Marengo, A. Barbiroli, S. Iametti, I. Eberini, F. Bonomi
Oxysterols act as promiscuous ligands of class-A GPCRs : in silico molecular modeling and in vitro validation
2014 C. Sensi, S. Daniele, C. Parravicini, E. Zappelli, V. Russo, M.L. Trincavelli, C. Martini, M.P. Abbracchio, I. Eberini