Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute
Does microrna perturbation control the mechanisms linking obesity and diabetes? Implications for cardiovascular risk
2021 L.L. Sala, M. Crestani, S. Garavelli, P. de Candia, A.E. Pontiroli
Multiple myeloma exploits Jagged1 and Jagged2 to promote intrinsic and bone marrow-dependent drug resistance
2020 M. Colombo, S. Garavelli, M. Mazzola, N. Platonova, D. Giannandrea, R. Colella, L. Apicella, M. Lancellotti, E. Lesma, S. Ancona, M.T. Palano, M. Barbieri, E. Taiana, E. Lazzari, A. Basile, M. Turrini, A. Pistocchi, A. Neri, R. Chiaramonte
Jagged1/2 inhibition promotes tumor cells response to Bortezomib in a zebrafish model of multiple myeloma
2018 M. Colombo, M. Mazzola, C. Raffaella, S. Garavelli, M.T. Palano, G. Domenica, N. Platonova, A. Neri, A.S. Pistocchi, R. Chiaramonte
Targeting Notch to induce anakoinosis in multiple myeloma niche
2018 M. Colombo, S. Garavelli, N. Platonova, R. Colella, M. Mazzola, T. Palano, V. Vallelonga, D. Giannandrea, A. Neri, A. Pistocchi, R. Chiaramonte
Jagged1/2 inhibition promotes multiple myeloma cell sensitivity to Bortezomib in vitro, ex-vivo and in vivo in a novel zebrafish model
2018 M. Colombo, M. Mazzola, R. Colella, S. Garavelli, M. Palano, M. Barbieri, E. Lazzari, D. Giannandrea, N. Platonova, A. Neri, A. Pistocchi, R. Chiaramonte
Notch signaling promotes drug resistance in multiple myeloma through the regulation of the CXCR4/SDF1α axis
2018 M. Colombo, N. Platonova, M. Mazzola, S. Garavelli, M. Barbieri, D. Giannandrea, M.T. Palano, E. Lazzari, A. Basile, A.S. Pistocchi, A. Neri, R. Chiaramonte
Notch signaling promotes bone marrow-induced drug resistance in multiple myeloma through the regulation of the CXCR4/CXCL12 system
2018 M. Colombo, M. Mazzola, M. Barbieri, N. Platonova, M.T. Palano, S. Garavelli, D. Giannandrea, E. Lazzari, A. Basile, A.S. Pistocchi, A. Neri, R. Chiaramonte
2018 S. Garavelli
Rational for molecular targeting the communication of multiple myeloma and bone marrow niche : why Notch?
2017 M. Colombo, F. Baccianti, L. Cantone, A. Moschini, N. Platonova, S. Garavelli, S. Galletti, V. Bollati, C. Goodyear, A. Neri, R. Chiaramonte
Jagged-directed therapy in multiple myeloma: a new approach to interrupt the crosstalk between the tumor cell and the bone marrow microenvironment
2017 M. Colombo, S. Galletti, S. Garavelli, R. Colella, F. Baccianti, N. Platonova, M. Palano, E. Lazzari, K. Thümmler, K. Todoerti, L.A. Crews, C.H.M. Jamieson, C. Goodyear, A. Neri, R. Chiaramonte
Understanding the interaction between myeloma and the bone marrow niche: role of the Notch pathway in extracellular vesicles-mediated communication
2017 M. Colombo, F. Baccianti, A. Moschini, L. Cantone, N. Platonova, S. Garavelli, M. Palano, A. Neri, V. Bollati, R. Chiaramonte
Targeting notch as a therapeutic approach for human malignancies
2017 N. Platonova, E. Lesma, A. Basile, M. Bignotto, S. Garavelli, M. Palano, A. Moschini, A. Neri, M. Colombo, R. Chiaramonte
Role of extrac ellular vesicles-mediated communication in the crosstalk between myeloma cells and the bone marrow niche
2017 M. Colombo, F. Baccianti, R. Colella, L. Cantone, A. Moschini, N. Platonova, S. Garavelli, M.T. Palano, R. Adami, A. Neri, V. Bollati, R. Chiaramonte
Notch-Jag axis in the interplay between multiple myeloma and endothelium
2017 M.T. Palano, I. Saltarella, S. Garavelli, M. Colombo, R. Ria, R. Chiaramonte
Multiple myeloma associated angiogenesis: the notch pathway in the interplay between myeloma and endothelium
2017 M.T. Palano, I. Saltarella, S. Garavelli, M. Colombo, F. Baccianti, A. Neri, R. Ria, R. Chiaramonte
The role of notch pathway in multiple myeloma associated drug resistance
2017 S. Garavelli, E. Lazzari, M. Colombo, N. Platonova, M.T. Palano, F. Baccianti, S. Galletti, A. Neri, L..A. Crews, C.H. Jamieson, R. Chiaramonte
The notch pathway in the interplay between myeloma cells and endothelium in the bone marrow niche
2017 M. Palano, N. Platonova, I. Saltarella, S. Garavelli, M. Colombo, F. Baccianti, A. Neri, R. Ria, R. Chiaramonte
Understanding the contribute of the notch pathway in multiple myeloma bone marrowniche : a focus on extracellular vesicles-mediated communicatio
2017 M. Colombo, F. Baccianti, L. Cantone, A. Moschini, N. Platonova, S. Garavelli, M.T. Palano, R. Adami, A. Neri, V. Bollati, R. Chiaramonte
Hypoxia increases multiple myeloma stem cells by modulating notch signalling
2016 S. Garavelli, M. Colombo, N. Platonova, M.T. Palano, F. Baccianti, A. Neri, R. Chiaramonte
Role of notch pathway in EV-mediated crosstalk between multiple myeloma and tumor microenvironment
2016 F. Baccianti, M. Colombo, N. Platonova, S. Garavelli, M. Palano, F. Farris, L. Cantone, V. Bollati, R. Chiaramonte