Dipartimento di Chimica
From μ3- to μ- agostic methyl coordination: NMR and solid state study of donor ligands uptake by the triangular cluster anion [Re3(μ-H)3(μ3-CH3)(CO)9]- [From mu(3)- to mu- agostic methyl coordination: NMR and solid state study of donor ligands uptake by the triangular cluster anion [Re-3(mu-H)(3)(mu(3)-CH3) (CO)(9)](-)]
2022 D. Maggioni, D. Tunzi, P. Illiano, P. Mercandelli, A. Sironi, T. Beringhelli, L. Carlucci, G. D'Alfonso, M. Panigati
All-purpose containers? Lipid-binding protein : drug interactions
2015 T. Beringhelli, E. Gianazza, D. Maggioni, S. Scanu, C. Parravicini, C. Sensi, H.L. Monaco, I. Eberini
Rhenium-Silver Bicyclic “Spiro” Hydrido-Carbonyl Clusters : NMR Investigation of Their Formation and Reversible Fragmentation
2014 D. Donghi, D. Maggioni, G. D’Alfonso, T. Beringhelli
Competition between Hydrogen Bonds and Lewis Acid-Base Interactions in the Equilibria between Bis(pentafluorophenyl)borinic Acid and Pyridine : Insights from NMR, Diffractometric and Computational Studies
2013 D. Maggioni, T. Beringhelli, G. D'Alfonso, M.C. Malatesta, P. Mercandelli, D. Donghi
Dynamic processes in hydrido-carbonyl trirhenium clusters containing bridging nitrogen heterocyclic ligands: an NMR investigation
2011 D. Maggioni, M. Panigati, T. Beringhelli, G. D'Alfonso
Bovine beta-lactoglobulin acts as an acid-resistant drug carrier by exploiting its diverse binding regions
2010 A. Barbiroli, T. Beringhelli, F. Bonomi, D. Donghi, P. Ferranti, M. Galliano, S. Iametti, D. Maggioni, P. Rasmussen, S. Scanu, M.C. Vilardo
New Chain Clusters of Rhenium connected by Re-H-Re interactions: A low-temperature NMR investigation
2010 D. Maggioni, T. Beringhelli, G. D'Alfonso, D. Donghi, M. Panigati
1H NMR Characterization of Organic and Inorganic Nanoparticles
2009 D. Maggioni, D. Donghi, M. Panigati, G. D'Alfonso, T. Beringhelli
2009 D. Maggioni, D. Donghi, G. D’Alfonso, T. Beringhelli
19F NMR investigation of the reaction of bis(pentafluorophenyl)borinic acid with a "proton sponge" : deprotonation, trimerization and stepwise dearylation
2008 D. Donghi, D. Maggioni, T. Beringhelli, G. D’Alfonso
Hydrogen Bonding and Lewis Acid-Base Interactions in the System Bis(pentafluorophenyl)borinic Acid-Methanol
2008 D. Donghi, D. Maggioni, T. Beringhelli, G. D’Alfonso, P. Mercandelli, A. Sironi
Computational and experimental approaches assess the interactions between bovine β-lactoglobulin and synthetic compounds of pharmacological interest
2008 I. Eberini, A. Guerini Rocco, M. Mantegazza, E. Gianazza, A. Baroni, M.C. Vilardo, D. Donghi, M. Galliano, T. Beringhelli
Investigating the drug-stabilizing ability of beta-lactoglobulin
2008 A. Barbiroli, P. Rasmussen, T. Beringhelli, S. Scanu, P. Ferranti, F. Bonomi, S. Iametti
Solution structure, dynamics and speciation of perfluoroarylboranes through 1H, 11B and 19F NMR spectroscopy
2008 T. Beringhelli, D. Donghi, D. Maggioni, G. D’Alfonso
Structural and dynamic roles of permanent water molecules in ligand molecular recognition by chicken liver bile acid binding protein
2008 P. Ricchiuto, A. Guerini Rocco, E. Gianazza, D. Corrada, T. Beringhelli, I. Eberini
1H, 19F, and 15N NMR study of the interaction between bis(pentafluorophenyl)borinic acid and nitrogen bases
2007 D. Donghi, D. Maggioni, T. Beringhelli, G. D'Alfonso
Aggregation and ionization equilibria of bis(pentafluorophenyl)borinic acid driven by hydrogen-bonding with tetrahydrofuran
2007 T. Beringhelli, G. D'Alfonso, D. Donghi, D. Maggioni, P. Mercandelli, A. Sironi
Synthesis and reactivity of N-heterocycle-B(C6F5)(3) complexes. 4. Competition between pyridine- and pyrrole-type substrates toward B(C6F5)(3): Structure and dynamics of 7-B(C6F5)(3)-7-azaindole and [7-azaindolium](+)[HOB(C6F5)(3)](-)
2006 F. Focante, I. Camurati, L. Resconi, S. Guidotti, T. Beringhelli, G. D'Alfonso, D. Donghi, D. Maggioni, P. Mercandelli, A. Sironi
NMR Investigation of the Dihydrogen Bonding and Proton Transfer Equilibria Between the Hydrido Carbonyl Anion [HRe2(CO)9]- and Fluorinated Alcohols.
2006 D. Donghi, T. Beringhelli, G. D'Alfonso, M. Mondini
Computational and experimental approaches for assessing the interactions between the model calycin beta-lactoglobulin and two antibacterial fluoroquinolones
2006 I. Eberini, P. Fantucci, A. Guerini Rocco, E. Gianazza, L. Galluccio, D. Maggioni, I. Dal Ben, M. Galliano, R. Mazzitello, N. Gaiji, T. Beringhelli