Dipartimento di Scienze e Politiche Ambientali
Food waste-derived biomaterials enriched by biostimulant agents for sustainable horticultural practices : a possible circular solution
2022 F. Mapelli, D. Carullo, S. Farris, A. Ferrante, J. Bacenetti, V. Ventura, D. Frisio, S. Borin
#Socialfood : Virtuous or vicious? A systematic review
2021 V. Ventura, A. Cavaliere, B. Ianno
Improving the overall sustainability of the school meal chain: the role of portion sizes
2020 C.M. Balzaretti, V. Ventura, S. Ratti, G. Ferrazzi, A. Spallina, M.O. Carruba, M. Castrica
The sustainability of urban food systems : the case of mozzarella production in the city of Milan
2020 M. Castrica, V. Ventura, S. Panseri, G. Ferrazzi, D. Tedesco, C.M. Balzaretti
Exploring the landscape of Innovative “from food to feed” strategies : a review
2019 G. Ferrazzi, V. Ventura, C.M. Balzaretti, M. Castrica
Mismatch between food sustainability and consumer acceptance toward innovation technologies among Millennial students: The case of Shelf Life Extension
2018 A. Cavaliere, V. Ventura
Pet food as the most concrete strategy for using food waste as feedstuffwithin the European context : a feasibility study
2018 M. Castrica, D.E.A. Tedesco, S. Panseri, G. Ferrazzi, V. Ventura, D.G. Frisio, C.M. Balzaretti
Recent Contributions of Agricultural Economics Research in the Field of Sustainable Development
2018 E.C. Ricci, D. Bertoni, D. Cavicchioli, F. Donzelli, G. Ferrazzi, D.G. Frisio, R. Pretolani, V. Ventura
Aspetti economici delle biotecnologie
2017 D. Frisio, V. Ventura
L'impatto ambientale e i mezzi per l'agricoltura biologica
2017 V. Ventura
How scary! An analysis of visual communication concerning genetically modified organisms in Italy
2017 V. Ventura, D.G. Frisio, G. Ferrazzi, E. Siletti
Leguminose da granella nel mondo e in Italia: aspetti economici = Pulses in the world and in Italy: economical aspects
2017 D. Frisio, V. Ventura
Consumers’ preferences for a local food product : the case of a new Carnaroli rice product in Lombardy
2017 G. Ferrazzi, V. Ventura, S. Ratti, C. Balzaretti
When Innovation meets Tradition : the case of " Riso &Rane" Rural District in Lombardy Region
2016 G. Ferrazzi, V. Ventura, S. Ratti, C. Balzaretti
Expo 2015 : Legacies in Tweets
2016 V. Ventura, S.M. Iacus, A. Ceron, L. Curini, D.G. Frisio
The sustainability of biodynamic horticultural production : The case of Po valley
2016 G. Ferrazzi, S. Bormolini, G. Agnelli, V. Ventura
How scary! An analysis of visual communication concerning genetically modified organisms in Italy
2015 V. Ventura, D.G. Frisio
Patterns and Strategies in the Agbiotech Innovation : Some Evidences from Patent Data Analysis
2014 V. Ventura, D.G. Frisio, G. Ferrazzi, E. Siletti
L’analisi brevettuale come strumento per l’individuazione dei percorsi di innovazione : il caso degli alimenti funzionali a base di cacao
2014 V. Ventura, G. Ferrazzi, D.G. Frisio
Patent analysis and M&A operations in the Agbiotech : a possible key to understand different strategies of bioeconomy firms?
2013 G. Ferrazzi, D.G. Frisio, E. Siletti, V. Ventura