Dipartimento di Scienze per gli Alimenti, la Nutrizione e l'Ambiente
Natural and nature-inspired catechol siderophores: A promising strategy for rice blast management
2024 M.S. Christodoulou, C. Pinna, S. Ghosh, S. Princiotto, F. Sacchi, B. Brunetti, C. Pizzatti, L. Musso, P. Cortesi, A. Pinto, A. Kunova, S. Dallavalle
Electrochemical sensors and biosensors for the determination of food nutritional and bioactive compounds: recent advances
2024 B. Brunetti
Antioxidant-mediated suppression of ferroptosis in Pyricularia oryzae: a novel approach to rice blast management for sustainable rice production
2024 M. Santoni, J. Bernardo Molina-Hernandez, A. Kunova, P. Cortesi, B. Brunetti, P. Rocculi, M.S. Christodoulou, F. Danesi
Nuts and Bolts of Modern Biosensing Technology: Smart Health Diagnostic Devices
2023 I. Jeerapan, G. Valdés‐ramírez, B. Brunetti
Wearable Wireless Tyrosinase Bandage and Microneedle Sensors: Toward Melanoma Screening
2018 C. Bianca, M. Aida, M. Rupesh K, B. Brunetti, N. Tatsuo, D. Thomas J, L. Mengjia, C. Cecilia, S. Robert, W. Joseph
A simple hydroxylated multi-walled carbon nanotubes modified glassy carbon electrode for rapid amperometric detection of bisphenol A
2017 M.S. Cosio, A. Pellicanò, B. Brunetti, C.A. Fuenmayor
Recent Advances in Electroanalysis of Vitamins
2016 B. Brunetti
About estimating the limit of detection by the signal to noise approach
2015 E. Desimoni, B. Brunetti
X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopic characterization of chemically modified electrodes used as chemical sensors and biosensors : a review
2015 E. Desimoni, B. Brunetti
Wearable temporary tattoo sensor for real-time trace metal monitoring in human sweat
2015 J. Kim, W.R. De Araujo, I.A. Samek, A.J. Bandodkar, W. Jia, B. Brunetti, T.R.L.C. Paixão, J. Wang
Electrochemical signatures of multivitamin mixtures
2015 A..M..V. Mohan, B. Brunetti, A. Bulbarello, J. Wang
Data Treatment of Electrochemical Sensors and Biosensors
2015 E. Desimoni, B. Brunetti
Permselectivity and preconcentration properties of taurine/graphite oxide electrode coatings: Analytical perspectives
2014 B. Brunetti, E. Desimoni
A disposable electrochemical biosensor for l-DOPA determination in undiluted human serum
2014 B. Brunetti, G. Valdés Ramírez, I. Litvan, J. Wang
Voltammetric determination of Vitamin B6 in food samples and dietary supplements
2014 B. Brunetti, E. Desimoni
Reporting analytical performances of electrochemical sensors. Some suggestions
2013 B. Brunetti, E. Desimoni
Comparing regression relationships: application to chemically modified electrodes
2013 S. Benedetti, B. Brunetti, M.S. Cosio, E. Desimoni
Presenting analytical performances of electrochemical sensors. Some Suggestions
2013 E. Desimoni, B. Brunetti
Rapid determination of xanthine metabolites by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical and UV detection
2013 S. Benedetti, B. Brunetti, M.S. Cosio, E. Desimoni
Analytical perspectives of taurine/graphite oxide electrode coatings
2013 B. Brunetti, E. Desimoni