Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia
Barcoding chrysomelidae: a resource for taxonomy and biodiversity conservation in the Mediterranean Region
2016 G. Magoga, D. Sassi, M. Daccordi, C. Leonardi, M. Mirzaei, R. Regalin, G. Lozzia, M. Montagna
Evidence of a bacterial core in the stored products pest Plodia interpunctella: the influence of different diets
2016 M. Montagna, V. Mereghetti, G. Gargari, S. Guglielmetti, F. Faoro, G. Lozzia, D. Locatelli, L. Limonta
Metamicrobiomics in herbivore beetles of the genus Cryptocephalus (Chrysomelidae) : toward the understanding of ecological determinants in insect symbiosis
2015 M. Montagna, J. Gómez Zurita, A. Giorgi, S. Epis, G. Lozzia, C. Bandi
First record of a mermithid nematode in the leaf beetles Galeruca laticollis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
2015 A. Pernin, S. Zanzani, V. Mereghetti, M.T. Manfredi, G. Lozzia, M. Montagna
Effects of the Diet on the Microbiota of the Red Palm Weevil (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae)
2015 M. Montagna, B. Chouaia, G. Mazza, E.M. Prosdocimi, E. Crotti, V. Mereghetti, V. Vacchini, A. Giorgi, A.D. Biase, S. Longo, R. Cervo, G.C. Lozzia, A. Alma, C. Bandi, D. Daffonchio
A New Strain of Wolbachia in an Alpine Population of the Viviparous Oreina cacaliae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
2014 M. Montagna, B. Chouaia, L. Sacchi, D. Porretta, E. Martin, A. Giorgi, G. Lozzia, S. Epis
The bacterial community associated to an Italian population of Psacothea hilaris: a preliminary study
2014 G. Mazza, B. Chouaia, G.C. Lozzia, M. Montagna
Comments on the dynamics of insect population assemblages and sampling plans for aphids in commercial alpine yarrow fields
Insect community structure and insect biodiversity conservation in an Alpine wetland subjected to an intermediate diversified management regime
2012 M. Montagna, G.C. Lozzia, A. Giorgi, J. Baumgartner
Comparative evaluation of VOCs emitted by Achillea collina infested by aphids and mechanically damaged
2012 A. Giorgi, S. Panseri, C.N. Nanayakkarawasam Masachchige, M. Mattara, G.C. Lozzia
Influence of aphids infestation on yarrow growth, biomass and total volatile emissions
2011 C. NANAYAKKARAWASAM MASACHCHIGE, A. Giorgi, S. Panseri, L.M. Chiesa, P.A. Biondi, G.C. Lozzia, M. Cocucci
Achillea collina response to biotic and abiotic stresses: a comparative evaluation of volatile emissions pathways
2011 C.N. NANAYAKKARAWASAM MASACHCHIGE, A. Giorgi, S. Panseri, G.C. Lozzia, L.M. Chiesa, P. Biondi, M. Cocucci
The performance of Macrosiphoniella millefolii and Myzus persicae on Achillea collina
The beetle (Coleoptera) and True bug (Heteroptera) species pool of the alpine "Pian di Gembro" wetland (Villa di Tirano, Italy) and its conservation
2011 M. Montagna, G.C. Lozzia, C. Andreis, A. Giorgi, J. Baumgartner
The Relationships between Phenolic Content, Pollen Diversity,Physicochemical Information and Radical Scavenging Activity in Honey
2011 A. Giorgi, M. Madeo, J. Baumgartner, G.C. Lozzia
Chemometric analysis of the secondary metabolite profile of Yarrow (Achillea collina Becker ex Rchb.) affected by phloem feeding Myzus persicae Sulzer aphids
2010 A. Giorgi, M. Madeo, J. Baumgärtner, G.C. Lozzia
HS-SPME method to monitoring "in vivo" volatile compounds emitted from Achillea collina infested by aphids
2010 A. Giorgi, S. Panseri, C. Nanayakkarawasam Masachchige, G.C. Lozzia, L. Chiesa, S. Soncin, P. Biondi, M. Cocucci
Towards a better understanding of the dynamics of Aphis spiraecola Patch (Homoptera: Aphididae) populations in commercial alpine yarrow fields
2010 Z.P. Gama, P. Morlacchi, A. Giorgi, G.C. Lozzia, J. Baumgartner
Le piante storiche in Lombardia : Manuale delle avversità, come riconoscerle, prevenirle e curarle
2010 G.C. Lozzia, S. Sandrini, M. Saracchi, M. Vaghi
Il miele di montagna, un alimento ricco di sostanze polifenoliche e di proprietà antiossidanti
2009 A. Giorgi, M. Madeo, G. Speranza, G.C. Lozzia