Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Chirurgiche ed Odontoiatriche
From Fruit to Beverage: Investigating Actinidia Species for Characteristics and Potential in Alcoholic Drink Production
2024 A. DI CANITO, A. Altomare, N. Giuggioli, R. Foschino, D. Fracassetti, I. Vigentini
“Smart” fermentations to improve sustainability of food supply chains by blending side streams
2023 R. Foschino, A. Di Canito, I. Vigentini
Georgian Viticulture and Winemaking: From Modernity to Past Biodiversity survey and selection of Georgian wine yeasts
2023 R. Foschino, A. Di Canito, T. Maghradze, S. Mendo, I. Vigentini
Yeasts against grape pathogenic fungi: a sustainable alternative to agrochemicals
2023 T. Maghradze, A. Di Canito, D. Fracassetti, R. Foschino, I. Vigentini
The Riboflavin Metabolism in Four Saccharomyces cerevisiae Wine Strains: Assessment in Oenological Condition and Potential Implications with the Light-Struck Taste
2023 A. DI CANITO, A. Altomare, D. Fracassetti, N. Messina, A.G. Tirelli, R.C. Foschino, I. Vigentini
Il cubo di Rubik dell’enologia: Brettanomyces bruxellensis
2023 I. Vigentini, A. DI CANITO
Approcci innovativi e sostenibili per la prevenzione dei difetti fotoindotti nei vini bianchi e spumanti
2023 D. Fracassetti, I. Vigentini, A. Di Canito, A. Altomare, R. Foschino, A. Tirelli
Identification of a Novel Biosurfactant with Antimicrobial Activity Produced by Rhodococcus opacus R7
2022 J. Zampolli, A. De Giani, A. DI CANITO, G.G. Sello, P. Di Gennaro
The role of yeasts as biocontrol agents for pathogenic fungi on postharvest grapes : A review
2021 A. Di Canito, M.A. Mateo-Vargas, M. Mazzieri, J. Cantoral, R. Foschino, G. Cordero-Bueso, I. Vigentini
Is the consumer ready for innovative fruit wines?
2021 S. Massaglia, V. Maria MERLINO, D. Fracassetti, S. Pizzi, A. DI CANITO, I. Vigentini
Optimization of the recombinant production of Hermetia illucens antimicrobial peptides in yeasts
2021 A. Di Canito, C. Scieuzo, R. Salvia, A. Capece, P. Falabella, I. Vigentini
Identification of endogenous genetic elements in Oenococcus oeni for the development of novel molecular tools
2021 A. Di Canito, R. Foschino, G. Felis, I. Vigentini
Identification of riboflavin low producer yeasts to prevent the light-struck taste in white wines
2021 A. DI CANITO, I. Vigentini, D. Fracassetti, A. Tirelli, R. Foschino
Molecular tools to exploit the biotechnological potential of brettanomyces bruxellensis : A review
2021 A. Di Canito, R. Foschino, M. Mazzieri, I. Vigentini
Is the consumer ready for innovative fruit wines? Perception and acceptability of young consumers
2021 V. Maria Merlino, D. Fracassetti, A. Di Canito, S. Pizzi, D. Borra, N. Roberta Giuggioli, I. Vigentini
Light-struck taste in white wine: Reaction mechanisms, preventive strategies and future perspectives to preserve wine quality
2021 D. Fracassetti, A. DI CANITO, R. Bodon, N. Messina, I. Vigentini, R.C. Foschino, A.G. Tirelli
2020 A. DI CANITO, I. Vigentini, R.C. Foschino
Correction to: Biodegradation of naphthenic acids: identification of Rhodococcus opacus R7 genes as molecular markers for environmental monitoring and their application in slurry microcosms
2020 J. Zampolli, A. Di Canito, M. Cappelletti, E. Collina, M. Lasagni, P. Di Gennaro
Transcriptomic Analysis of Rhodococcus opacus R7 Grown on o-Xylene by RNA-Seq
2020 J. Zampolli, A. Di Canito, A. Manconi, L. Milanesi, P. Di Gennaro, A. Orro
Biodegradation of naphthenic acids: identification of Rhodococcus opacus R7 genes as molecular markers for environmental monitoring and their application in slurry microcosms
2020 J. Zampolli, A. Di Canito, M. Cappelletti, E. Collina, M. Lasagni, P. Di Gennaro