Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Radiologic and Genomic Evolution of Individual Metastases during HER2 Blockade in Colorectal Cancer
2018 G. Siravegna, L. Lazzari, G. Crisafulli, A. Sartore-Bianchi, B. Mussolin, A. Cassingena, C. Martino, R.B. Lanman, R.J. Nagy, S. Fairclough, G. Rospo, G. Corti, A. Bartolini, P. Arcella, M. Montone, F. Lodi, A. Lorenzato, A. Vanzati, E. Valtorta, G. Cappello, A. Bertotti, S. Lonardi, V. Zagonel, F. Leone, M. Russo, A. Balsamo, M. Truini, F. Di Nicolantonio, A. Amatu, E. Bonazzina, S. Ghezzi, D. Regge, A. Vanzulli, L. Trusolino, S. Siena, S. Marsoni, A. Bardelli
Spontaneous control of HIV-1 viremia in a subject with protective HLA-B plus HLA-C alleles and HLA-C associated single nucleotide polymorphisms
2014 M. Moroni, S. Ghezzi, P. Baroli, S. Heltai, D. De Battista, S. Pensieroso, M. Cavarelli, S. Dispinseri, I. Vanni, C. Pastori, P. Zerbi, A. Tosoni, E. Vicenzi, M. Nebuloni, K. Wong, H. Zhao, S. Mchugh, G. Poli, L. Lopalco, G. Scarlatti, R. Biassoni, J.I. Mullins, M.S. Malnati, M. Alfano
2012 S. Ghezzi
Blood N-3 fatty acids increase after consumption of an enriched yoghurt
2011 P. Risé, C.G. Colombo, S. Ghezzi, N. Mauro, G. Orlandini, C. Galli
Whole blood fatty acid analysis with micromethod in cystic fibrosis and pulmonary disease
2010 P. Risé, S. Volpi, C. Colombo, R.F. Padoan, C. D'Orazio, S. Ghezzi, P. Melotti, V. Bennato, C. Agostoni, B.M. Assael, C. Galli
Effects of cigarette smoking on the relationship between fatty acids and subclinical atherosclerosis
2010 P.T. Risè, C. Galli, M. Amato, S. Ghezzi, B. Frigerio, S. Castelnuovo, E. Tremoli, C. Sirtori, D. Baldassarre
Fast determination of fatty acids in whole blood collected from fingertips: application to the assessment of fatty acid patterns (and various indexes) in population studies
2009 C. Galli, P. Risé, S. Ghezzi, F. Marangoni
The in vitro effects of cigarette smoke on fatty acid metabolism are partially counteracted by simvastatin
2009 P. Risé, S. Ghezzi, C. Manzoni, C. Colombo, C. Galli
Delta5 desaturase mRNA levels are increased by simvastatin via SREBP-1 at early stages, not via PPARalpha, in THP-1 cells
2007 P. Risé, S. Ghezzi, R. Carissimi, F. Mastromauro, A. Petroni, C. Galli
Effects of cigarette smoke on cell viability, linoleic acid metabolism and cholesterol synthesis, in THP-1 cells
2007 S. Ghezzi, P. Risé, S. Ceruti, C. Galli
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) coinfection in a cohort of HIV positive long-term non-progressors : possible protective effect of infecting HCV genotype on HIV disease progression
2007 G. Morsica, S. Bagaglio, S. Ghezzi, C. Lodrini, E. Vicenzi, E. Santagostino, A. Gringeri, M. Cusini, G. Carminati, G. Bianchi, L. Galli, A. Lazzarin, G. Poli
Fatty acid composition of plasma, blood cells and whole blood : relevance for the assessment of the fatty acid status in humans
2007 P. Risé, S. Eligini, S. Ghezzi, S. Colli, C. Galli
Il profilo in acidi grassi plasmatici è differente in soggetti iperlipemici fumatori rispetto a non fumatori
2006 S. Ghezzi, P. Risé, D. Baldassarre, C. Galli
Differential modulation by simvastatin of the metabolic pathways in the n-9, n-6 and n-3 fatty acid series, in human monocytic and hepatocytic cell lines
2005 P. Risè, S. Ghezzi, I. Priori, C. Galli
Synthesis of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids is inhibited in vivo in hypercholesterolemic rabbits and in vitro by oxysterols
2004 P. Risé, M. Camera, D. Caruso, S. Ghezzi, F. Visioli, C. Galli
Shorter survival of SDF1-3'A/3'A homozygotes linked to CD4+ T cell decrease in advanced human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection
2000 A. Brambilla, C. Villa, G. Rizzardi, F. Veglia, S. Ghezzi, A. Lazzarin, M. Cusini, S. Muratori, E. Santagostino, A. Gringeri, L.G. Louie, H.W. Sheppard, G. Poli, N.L. Michael, G. Pantaleo, E. Vicenzi
Hemophilia and nonprogressing human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection
1997 E. Vicenzi, P. Bagnarelli, E. Santagostino, S. Ghezzi, M. Alfano, M. S. Sinnone, G. Fabio, L. Turchetto, G. Moretti, A. Lazzarin, A. Mantovani, P. M. Mannucci, M. Clementi, A. Gringeri, G. Poli