Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche
The Mediterranean Diet and Cancers in Italy: Stochastic and Non-Stochastic Analysis
2023 U. Cornelli, E. Grossi, M. Recchia, B.A. Cestaro, M. Rondanelli, R. Cazzola, E. Pistolesi
Dissecting the susceptibility/resistance mechanism of Vitis vinifera for the future control of downy mildew
2022 V. Ricciardi, D. Marcianò, M. Sargolzaei, E. Marrone Fassolo, D. Fracassetti, M. Brilli, M. Moser, S.J. Vahid, E. Tavakole, G. Maddalena, A. Passera, P. Casati, M. Pindo, A. Cestaro, A. Costa, M.C. Bonza, D. Maghradze, A. Tirelli, O. Failla, P.A. Bianco, F. Quaglino, S.L. Toffolatti, G. De Lorenzis
Effect of Polyglucosamine on Weight Loss and Metabolic Parameters in Overweight and Obesity : A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis
2020 S. Perna, S.N.M. Basharat, K.F. Ali, A. Eid, C. Gasparri, V. Infantino, M.A. Faliva, M. Naso, R. Cazzola, B.A. Cestaro, M. Rondanelli
Weight Loss Improves Cardio-Metabolic and Inflammatory State in Subjects with Metabolic Syndrome
2020 M. Della Porta, G. Piuri, M. Garziano, M. Barichella, F. Muzio, A.J. Seelam, E. Assi, F. D'Addio, P. Fiorina, B. Cestaro, R. Cazzola
Weight loss improves cardio-metabolic and inflammatory state in subjects with metabolic syndrome
2019 M. DELLA PORTA, G. Piuri, M. Garziano, B. Michela, F. Muzio, A.J. Seelam, E. Assi, F. D'Addio, P. Fiorina, B.A. Cestaro, R. Cazzola
Nutrizione umana
2019 G.V. Zuccotti, V. Fabiano, I. Cocchi, B.A. Cestaro
Concentration-Dependent Effects of N-3 Long-Chain Fatty Acids on Na,K-ATPase Activity in Human Endothelial Cells
2019 R. Cazzola, M. Della Porta, S. Castiglioni, L. Pinotti, J.A.M. Maier, B. Cestaro
L’importanza della nutrizione nella salute del capello = The importance of nutrition in hair healthcare
2018 M. DELLA PORTA, L. Loreggian, E. Pistolesi, B.A. Cestaro
Studio dei meccanismi di resistenza a Plasmopara viticola in vite: il caso della cultivar di Vitis vinifera Mgaloblishvili
2018 S.L. Toffolatti, G. DE LORENZIS, A. Costa, G. Maddalena, M.C. Bonza, M. Pindo, E. Stefani, A. Cestaro, A. Passera, P. Casati, O. Failla, P.A. Bianco, D. Maghradze, F. Quaglino
The Role of Triacylglycerol in the Oxidizability of Low Density Lipoproteins and High Density Lipoproteins: Possible Contributions to Atherosclerosis in Metabolic Syndrome
2018 R. Cazzola, G. Piuri, M. Garziano, E. Cassani, A. Boggio, M. Barichella, F. Muzio, B. Cestaro
Cellulite and nutrition = Nutrizione e cellulite
2018 L. Loreggian, M. DELLA PORTA, R. Cazzola, B.A. Cestaro
First insights of macadamia nut oil as dietary fat : Potential health benefits
2018 R. Cazzola, M. Garziano, M. DELLA PORTA, L. Loreggian, B.A. Cestaro
Nutrigenomica: le nuove tendenze = Nutrigenomics: the new evidences
2018 E. Pistolesi, R. Cazzola, M. Garziano, B. Cestaro
Palm oil : health risks and benefits
2017 B. Cestaro, M. Della Porta, R. Cazzola
Effects of weight loss on lipoproteins oxidizability in adult male with metabolic syndrome
2015 G. Piuri, E. Cassani, A. Boggio, B. Cestaro, R. Cazzola
Endothelial progenitor cells: cardiovascular protection in Parkinson's disease?
2015 G. Pezzoli, F. Cavanna, E. Cassani, M. Barichella, G. Pinelli, L. Iorio, C. Pusani, M. Canesi, F. Natuzzi, R. Cazzola, B. Cestaro, E. Cereda
The role of Vitamin K2 in osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease prevention
2015 B. Raspini, B. Cestaro, R. Cazzola
Increased urinary indoxyl sulfate (indican): new insights into gut dysbiosis in Parkinson's disease
2015 E. Cassani, M. Barichella, R. Cancello, F. Cavanna, L. Iorio, E. Cereda, C. Bolliri, P. Zampella Maria, F. Bianchi, B. Cestaro, G. Pezzoli
Associazione tra insulino-resistenza e stress ossidativo valutato mediante Reactive Oxygen Species : studio osservazionale trasversale condotto in soggetti sovrappeso e obesi
2014 S. Perna, M. Faliva, V. Infantino, E. Mazzocchi, M. Naso, F. Moncaglieri, B. Cestaro, R. Cazzola, M. Rondanelli
Vitamin D in health and disease
2014 R. Cazzola, B. Cestaro