Chestnut cultivation development in Lombardy: leveraging native genetic resources in two pilot areas
2023 E. Cominelli, I. Beritognolo, S. Cardoni, C. Forti, M. Cherubini, L. Leonardi, P. Leone, F. Sparvoli, S. Biffani, A. Stella, I. Toschi, V. Cesari, R. Chiozzotto, M. Cirilli, C.M. Pozzi, C. Mattioni
Involvement of the vacuolar processing enzyme γVPE in response of Arabidopsis thaliana to water stress
2014 A. Albertini, F. Simeoni, M. Galbiati, H. Bauer, C. Tonelli, E. Cominelli
2011 E. Cominelli
DOF-binding sites additively contribute to guard cell-specificity of AtMYB60 promoter
2011 E. Cominelli, M. Galbiati, A. Albertini, F. Fornara, L. Conti, G. Coupland, C. Tonelli
The grapevine guard cell-related VvMYB60 transcription factor is involved in the regulation of stomatal activity and is differentially expressed in response to ABA and osmotic stress
2011 M. Galbiati, J.T. Matus, P. Francia, F. Rusconi, P. Cañon, C. Medina, L. Conti, E. Cominelli, C. Tonelli, P. Arce Johnson
Transcription factors controlling stomatal movements and drought tolerance
2010 E. Cominelli, M. Galbiati, C. Tonelli
Transgenic crops coping with water scarcity
2010 E. Cominelli, C. Tonelli
Dissection of AtMYB60 promoter, specific for guard cell expression
2009 E. Cominelli, A. Albertini, M. Galbiati, C. Tonelli
Nucleotide sequences modulating the expression of genes in plants
2009 C. Tonelli, E. Cominelli
From complex tissues to single cells: genomic approaches for the identification of guard cell-specific genes
2009 M. Galbiati, P. Francia, E. Cominelli, L. Simoni, C. Tonelli
Characterization of putative targets of AtMYB60, an Arabidopsis guard cell specific transcription factor
2009 A. Albertini, M. Galbiati, E. Cominelli, C. Tonelli
Engineering stomatal activity for drought tolerance in plants: from model plants to crops
2009 E. Cominelli, M. Galbiati, C. Tonelli
A new role for plant R2R3-MYB transcription factors in cell cycle regulation
2009 E. Cominelli, C. Tonelli
Analysis of the Arabidopsis AtMYB60 promoter, specific for guard cell expression
2009 E. Cominelli, A. Albertini, P. Francia, M. Galbiati, C. Tonelli
Water: the invisible problem. Access to fresh water is considered to be a universal and free human right, but dwindling resources and a burgeoning population are increasing its economic value
2009 E. Cominelli, M. Galbiati, C. Tonelli, C. Bowler
The Future of Science: Food and Water for Life
2009 N.A. Eckardt, E. Cominelli, M. Galbiati, C. Tonelli
From complex tissues to single cell: genomic approaches for the identification of cell-specific genes
2008 M. Galbiati, E. Cominelli, P. Francia, L. Simoni, G. Pavesi, C. Tonelli
Expression analysis of anthocyanin regulatory genes in response to different light qualities in Arabidopsis thaliana
2008 E. Cominelli, G. Gusmaroli, D. Allegra, M. Galbiati, H.K. Wade, G.I. Jenkins, C. Tonelli
Over-expression of the Arabidopsis AtMYB41 gene alters cell expansion and leaf surface permeability
2008 E. Cominelli, T. Sala, D. Calvi, G. Gusmaroli, C. Tonelli
Flavonoids and anthocyanins. Their role in plants and in human health
2008 K. Petroni, R. Pilu, E. Cominelli, V. Calvenzani, C. Tonelli