DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE FARMACOLOGICHE (attivo dal 01/01/2001 al 27/04/2012)
Molecular characterization of allergens in raw and processed kiwifruit
2015 F. Uberti, E. Peñas, Y. Manzoni, C. di Lorenzo, C. Ballabio, A. Fiocchi, L. Terracciano, P. Restani
Biochemical and Immunochemical Evidences Supporting the Inclusion of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) as a Gluten-free Ingredient
2014 E. Peñas Pozo, F. Uberti, C. di Lorenzo, C. Ballabio, A. Brandolini, P. Restani
Collaborative Interlaboratory Studies for the Validation of ELISA Methods for the Detection of Allergenic Fining Agents Used in Wine According to the Criteria of OIV Resolution 427–2010 Modified by OIV–Comex 502–2012
2014 P. Restani, F. Uberti, C. Tarantino, C. Ballabio, F. Gombac, E. Bastiani, L. Bolognini, F. Pavanello, R. Danzi
Immunochemical investigation of allergenic residues in experimental and commercially-available wines fined with egg white proteins
2014 F. Uberti, R. Danzi, C. Stockley, E. Peñas, C. Ballabio, C. Di Lorenzo, C. Tarantino, P. Restani
Characterization of the sensitization profile to lupin in peanut-allergic children and assessment of cross-reactivity risk
2013 C. Ballabio, E. Peñas, F. Uberti, A. Fiocchi, M. Duranti, C. Magni, P. Restani
Severe anaphylaxis to sheep's milk cheese in a child desensitized to cow's milk through specific oral tolerance induction
2013 S. Tripodi, P. Comberiati, A. Di Rienzo Businco, A. Bianchi, F. Bondanini, V. Sargentini, G. Pingitore, C. Ballabio, P. Restani, S. Miceli Sopo
Allergy to all mammalian Bovidae proteins but cow's milk in a child
2013 F. Mori, P. Restani, N. Pucci, C. Ballabio, F. Uberti, E. Penas, E. Novembre
Validation by a Collaborative Interlaboratory Study of an ELISA Method for the Detection of Caseinate Used as a Fining Agent in Wine
2012 P. Restani, F. Uberti, C. Tarantino, C. Ballabio, F. Gombac, E. Bastiani, L. Bolognini, F. Pavanello, R. Danzi
Coeliac disease and oats : molecular assessment of their suitability for coeliac's diet
2012 F. Uberti, E. Peñas, C. Ballabio, C. Di Lorenzo, C. Catassi, S. Manferdelli, P. Restani
Absence of allergenic residues in experimental and commercial wines fined with caseinates
2012 P. Restani, F. Uberti, R. Danzi, C. Ballabio, F. Pavanello, C. Tarantino
Lipids in functional foods, nutraceuticals and supplements
2012 C. Ballabio, P. Restani
Children monosensitized to pine nuts have similar patterns of sensitization
2012 E. Novembre, F. Mori, S. Barni, G. Ferrante, N. Pucci, C. Ballabio, F. Uberti, E. Penas, P. Restani
Polyphenol content and antioxidant activity of grape, grape juices, and musts
2011 C. Di Lorenzo, A. Dos Santos, E. Penas, C. Ballabio, F. Uberti, P. Restani
Are wines fined with milk or egg proteins safe for patients suffering from food allergy?
2011 F. Uberti, C. Ballabio, C. Di Lorenzo, C. Tarantino, R. Danzi, P. Restani
Molecular characterisation of 36 oat varieties and in vitro assessment of their suitability for coeliacs’ diet
2011 C. Ballabio, F. Uberti, S. Manferdelli, E. Vacca, G. Boggini, R. Redaelli, C. Catassi, E. Lionetti, E. Peñas, P. Restani
Assessment of the presence of allergenic residues in commercial wines fined with caseinates or egg white proteins
2011 P. Restani, F. Uberti, C. Ballabio, E. Penas, C. Di Lorenzo, R. Danzi, C. Tarantino
Développement de méthodes Elisa pour détecter la présence de protéines de lait et d’œuf dans le vin soumis à la clarification
2011 P. Restani, S.A. Lamorte, C. Ballabio, M. Mottini, C. Tarantino
Biochemical and Immunochemical Characterization of Different Varieties of Amaranth (Amaranthus L. ssp.) as a Safe Ingredient for Gluten-free Products
2011 C. Ballabio, F. Uberti, C. Di Lorenzo, A. Brandolini, E. Penas, P. Restani
Goat milk allergenicity as a function of alpha s1-casein genetic polymmorphism
2011 C. Ballabio, S. Chessa, D. Rignanese, C. Gigliotti, G. Pagnacco, L. Terracciano, A. Fiocchi, P. Restani, A.M. Caroli
Development of analytical methods to detect egg allergens in wines according to the EU Directive on labelling
2010 P. Restani, F. Uberti, C. Ballabio, C. Di Lorenzo, A. Persico, C. Tarantino