Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Extra food provisioning reduces extra‐pair paternity in the lesser kestrel Falco naumanni
2020 A. Costanzo, N. Tommasi, A. Galimberti, G.C. Scesa, R. Ambrosini, M. Griggio, J.G. Cecere, D. Rubolini
Effect of Intraoperative High Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) with Recruitment Maneuvers vs Low PEEP on Postoperative Pulmonary Complications in Obese Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial
2019 T. Bluth, A. Serpa Neto, M.J. Schultz, P. Pelosi, M. Gama de Abreu, I. Bobek, J.C. Canet, G. Cinella, L. de Baerdemaeker, C. Gregoretti, G. Hedenstierna, S.N.T. Hemmes, M. Hiesmayr, M.W. Hollmann, S. Jaber, J. Laffey, M.-. Licker, K. Markstaller, I. Matot, G.H. Mills, J.P. Mulier, C. Putensen, R. Rossaint, J. Schmitt, M. Senturk, P. Severgnini, J. Sprung, M.F. Vidal Melo, H. Wrigge, F. Abelha, S. Abitagaoglu, M. Achilles, A. Adebesin, I. Adriaensens, C. Ahene, F. Akbar, M.A. Harbi, R.A.K. Al Kallab, X. Albanel, F. Aldenkortt, R.A.S. Alfouzan, R. Alruqaie, F. Altermatt, B.L. de Castro Araujo, G. Arbesu, H. Artsi, C. Aurilio, O.H. Ayanoglu, A. Bacuzzi, H. Baig, Y. Baird, K. Balonov, J. Balust, S. Banks, X. Bao, M. Baumgartner, I.B. Tortosa, A. Bergamaschi, L. Bergmann, L. Bigatello, E.B. Perez, K. Birr, E. Bojaxhi, C. Bonenti, I. Bonney, E.M.E. Bos, S. Bowman, L.G. Braz, E. Brugnoni, S.J. Brull, I. Brunetti, A. Bruni, S.L. Buenvenida, C.J. Busch, G. Camerini, B. Capatti, J. Carmona, J. Carungcong, M. Carvalho, A. Cattan, C. Cavaleiro, D. Chiumello, S. Ciardo, M. Coburn, U. Colella, V. Contreras, P.C. Dincer, E. Cotter, M. Crovetto, W. Darrah, S. Davies, S. De Hert, E.D.C. Peces, E. Delphin, J. Diaper, P. Do Nascimento Junior, V. Donatiello, J. Dong, M.D.S. Dourado, A. Dullenkopf, F. Ebner, H. Elgendy, C. Ellenberger, D. Erdogan Ari, T. Ermert, F. Farah, A. Fernandez-Bustamante, C. Ferreira, M. Fiore, A. Fonte, C.F. Palahi, A. Galimberti, N. Garofano, L.G. Giaccari, F. Gilsanz, F. Girrbach, L. Gobbi, M.B. Godfried, N. Goettel, P.A. Goldstein, O. Goren, A. Gorlin, M.G. Gil, A. Gratarola, J. Graterol, P. Guyon, K. Haire, P. Harou, A. Helf, G. Hempel, M.J.H. Cadiz, B. Heyse, I. Huercio, J. Ilievska, L. Jakus, V. Jeganath, Y. Jelting, M. Jung, B. Kabon, A. Kacha, M.K. Ilic, A. Karuppiah, A.D. Kavas, G.K. Barcelos, T.A. Kellogg, J. Kemper, R. Kerbrat, S. Khodr, P. Kienbaum, B. Kir, T. Kiss, S. Kivrak, V. Klaric, T. Koch, C. Koksal, A. Kowark, P. Kranke, B. Kuvaki, B. Kuzmanovska, M. Lange, M.F. de Lemos, M. Lopez-Baamonde, A. Lopez-Hernandez, M. Lopez-Martinez, S. Luise, M. Macgregor, D. Magalhaes, J. Maillard, P. Malerbi, N. Manimekalai, M. Margarson, A.K. Martin, D.P. Martin, Y.N. Martin, J. Martinez-Ocon, I. Martin-Loeches, E. Maseda, N. McAuliffe, T.J. McKenzie, P. Medina, M. Meersch, A. Menzen, E. Mertens, B. Meurer, T. Meyer-Treschan, C. Miao, C. Micalizzi, M. Milic, N.S.P. Modolo, P. Moine, P. Molders, A. Montero-Feijoo, E. Moret, M.K. Muller, Z. Murphy, P. Nalwaya, F. Naumovski, P. Navalesi, L.H. Navarro E Lima, V.N. Adam, C. Neumann, C. Newell, Z. Nisnevitch, J. Nizamuddin, C. Novazzi, M. O'connor, G. Oprea, M.O. Sungur, S. Ozbilgin, M.C. Pace, M. Pacheco, B. Packianathaswamy, E.P. Gonzalez, F. Papaspyros, S. Paredes, M.B. Passavanti, J.C. Pedemonte, S. Peremin, C. Philipsenburg, D. Pinho, S. Pinho, L.M. Posthuma, V. Pota, B. Preckel, P. Priani, M.A. Rached, A. Radoeshki, R. Ragazzi, T. Rajamanickam, A. Rajamohan, H. Ramakrishna, D. Rangarajan, C. Reiterer, J. Ross Renew, T. Reynaud, R. Rhys, E. Rivas, L. Robitzky, F. Rubulotta, H.S. Machado, C.S. Nunes, G. Sabbatini, J.D. Samuels, J.M. Sanahuja, P. Sansone, A. Santos, M. Sayedalahl, M.S. Schaefer, M. Scharffenberg, E. Schiffer, N. Schliewe, R. Schorer, R. Schumann, G. Selmo, M. Sendra, K. Shaw, M. Shosholcheva, A. Sibai, P. Simon, F. Simonassi, C. Sinno, N. Sivrikoz, V. Skandalou, N. Smith, M. Soares, T.S. Artiles, D.S. Castro, M. Sousa, S. Spadaro, E. Stamatakis, L.A. Steiner, A. Stevenazzi, A. Suarez-De-la-rica, M. Suppan, R. Teichmann, J.M.T. Guerrero, B. Thiel, R. Tolos, G.T. Altun, M. Tucci, Z.A. Turnbull, Z. Turudic, M. Unterberg, J. Van Limmen, Y. Van Nieuwenhove, J. Van Waesberghe, B. Vitkovic, L. Vivona, M. Vizcaychipi, C.A. Volta, A. Weber, T.N. Weingarten, J. Wittenstein, P. Wyffels, J. Yague, D. Yates, A. Yavru, L. Zac, J. Zhong
Drainage of pleural effusion improves diaphragmatic function in mechanically ventilated patients
2017 M. Umbrello, G. Mistraletti, A. Galimberti, I.R. Piva, O. Cozzi, P. Formenti
Identifying population thresholds for flowering plant reproductive success: the marsh gentian (Gentiana pneumonanthe) as a flagship species of humid meadows and heathland
2017 S. Pierce, A. Spada, E. Caporali, F. Puglisi, A. Panzeri, A. Luzzaro, S. Cislaghi, L. Mantegazza, E. Cardarelli, M. Labra, A. Galimberti, R.M. Ceriani
Diaphragm ultrasound as indicator of respiratory effort in critically ill patients undergoing assisted mechanical ventilation : a pilot clinical study
2015 M. Umbrello, P. Formenti, D. Longhi, A. Galimberti, I. Piva, A. Pezzi, G. Mistraletti, J.J. Marini, G. Iapichino
Blood melatonin and total antioxidant capacity in critically ill patients
2014 L.A. D’Amato, G. Mistraletti, S. Miori, M. Taverna, B. Moro Salihovic, A. Galimberti, S. Santini, M. Cattaneo, M. Umbrello, G. Iapichino
Trend of endogenous blood melatonin in critically ill patients
2014 I. Galluccio, G. Mistraletti, L.A. D’Amato, D. Longhi, A. Galimberti, D. Ottolina, I. Cuevas Cairo, G. Sabbatini, P. Formenti, G. Iapichino
Drainage of pleural effusion improves tidal mechanics and gas exchange in patients with reduced chest wall compliance
2014 P. Formenti, I.R. Piva, M. Umbrello, I. Galluccio, A. Galimberti, F. Marrazzo, M. Zaniboni, G. Mistraletti, G. Iapichino
DNA barcoding as an effective tool in improving a digital plant identification system : a case study for the area of Mt. Valerio, Trieste (NE Italy)
2012 I. Bruni, F. DE MATTIA, S. Martellos, A. Galimberti, P. Savadori, M. Casiraghi, P.L. Nimis, M. Labra
Non-invasive CPAP with face mask : comparison between different devices
2010 A. Galimberti, G. Mistraletti, F. Rapido, M. Gomarasca, B. Salihovic, L. D’Amato, T. Crespi, C. Reali Forster, P. Spanu, G. Iapichino
Daily monitoring of sepsis biomarkers in long term ICU-patients: can it support treatment decision?
2010 M. Umbrello, M. Albicini, B. Cerri, T. Crespi, A. Galimberti, G. Sabbatini, M. Amini, M. Tozzi, G. Iapichino
On-line measurement of systolic pressure variation and pulse pressure variation on a multiparametric monitor
2008 M. Umbrello, P. Formenti, A. Galimberti, M. Curti, M. Zaniboni, G. Iapichino