Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Il sistema di supporto alle decisioni per la concimazione azotata
2023 A. Vignati, L. Bechini, G. Cabassi, V. Fassa, M. Corti
Site‑specific recommendations of cattle manure nitrogen and urea for silage maize
2023 M. Corti, D. Cavalli, N. Pricca, C. Ferrè, R. Comolli, P. MARINO GALLINA, D. Abu El Khair, G. Cabassi
Improved estimation of herbaceous crop aboveground biomass using UAV-derived crop height combined with vegetation indices
2022 M. Corti, D. Cavalli, G. Cabassi, L. Bechini, N. Pricca, D. Paolo, L. Marinoni, A. Vigoni, L. Degano, P. MARINO GALLINA
Data fusion of soil and vegetation maps for site-specific nitrogen recommendations in cereal crops
2022 V. Fassa, M. Corti, L. Bechini, N. Pricca, A. Gasperini, G. Cabassi
Evaluation of in-season management zones from high-resolution soil and plant sensors
2020 M. Corti, P. Marino Gallina, D. Cavalli, B. Ortuani, G. Cabassi, G. Cola, A. Vigoni, L. Degano, S. Bregaglio
Impiego delle cover crop nella coltivazione del mais
2019 D. Cavalli, M. Corti, M. Ben Hassine, L. Bechini, P. Marino Gallina, D. Ditto, G. Cabassi, N. Pricca, D. Paolo, L. Borrelli, L. Degano, F. Introzzi, R. Fuccella, M. Motti, L. Michelon, D. Della Torre, S. Toninelli, A. Merli, A. Vigoni, D. Sacco
Does remote and proximal optical sensing successfully estimate maize variables? A review
2018 M. Corti, D. Cavalli, G. Cabassi, P. Marino Gallina, L. Bechini
Microfiltration and ultra-high-pressure homogenization for extending the shelf-storage stability of UHT milk
2018 P. D'Incecco, V. Rosi, G. Cabassi, J.A. Hogenboom, L. Pellegrino
Hyperspectral imaging of spinach canopy under combined water and nitrogen stress to estimate biomass, water, and nitrogen content
2017 M. Corti, P. Marino Gallina, D. Cavalli, G. Cabassi
Thermal imaging and EMI data fusion to delineate homogeneous management zones based on the variability of soil hydraulic properties
2017 B. Ortuani, M. Mezzanzanica, G. Sona, M. Corti, G. Cabassi, A. Facchi
Use of spectral and thermal imaging sensors to monitor crop water and nitrogen status
2015 M. Corti, D. Masseroni, P. Marino Gallina, L. Bechini, A. Bianchi, G. Cabassi, D. Cavalli, E.A. Chiaradia, G. Cocetta, A. Ferrante, A. Ferri, S. Morgutti, F.F. Nocito, A. Facchi
A greenhouse experiment for the identification of spectral indices for crop water and nitrogen status assessment
2015 P. Marino Gallina, L. Bechini, G. Cabassi, D. Cavalli, E.A. Chiaradia, M. Corti, A. Ferrante, L. Martinetti, D. Masseroni, S. Morgutti, F.F. Nocito, A. Facchi
Effects of measurement technique and sample preparation on NIR spectroscopy analysis of livestock slurry and digestates
2015 A. Finzi, R. Oberti, A.S. Negri, F. Perazzolo, G. Cocolo, F. Tambone, G. Cabassi, G. Provolo
Evaluation of four NIR spectrometers in the analysis of cattle slurry
2015 G. Cabassi, D. Cavalli, R. Fuccella, P. Marino Gallina
Wounding tomato fruit elicits ripening-stage specific changes in gene expression and production of volatile compounds
2015 V. Baldassarre, G. Cabassi, N.D. Spadafora, A. Aprile, C.T. Müller, H.J. Rogers, A. Ferrante
Nitrogen fertiliser value of digested dairy cow slurry, its liquid and solid fractions, and of dairy cow slurry
2014 D. Cavalli, G. Cabassi, L. Borrelli, R. Fuccella, L. Degano, L. Bechini, P. Marino
Effects of measurement technique and sample preparation on NIR spectroscopy analysis of livestock effluents and digestates
2013 A. Finzi, R. Oberti, S. Negri, F. Perazzolo, G. Cocolo, F. Tambone, G. Cabassi, G. Provolo
Effect of pretreatment on estimation of slurry composition by NIR spectroscopy with different probes
2012 A. Finzi, R. Oberti, A.S. Negri, F. Perazzolo, G. Cocolo, F. Tambone, G. Cabassi, G. Provolo
Changes in the pyruvic acid content correlates with phenotype traits in onion clones
2012 P. Marino, G. Cabassi, A. Maggioni, A. Natalini, A. Ferrante
Use of chlorophyll a fluorescence for evaluating senescence in leafy vegetables
2011 V. Baldassarre, G. Cabassi, A. Ferrante